How to solder BGA parts (for FPGA) to a PCB?

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Junior Member level 2
Feb 18, 2004
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BGA part soldering

Hi all,
I'm very new to PCB design and i wonder if there is any tutorial that descrube how to solder BGA parts (for FPGA) to the PCB. I seached aroud the web and i find some documents, but i wonder if some body have a more explicit document.

Re: BGA part soldering

Hello jacklalo020
Printed Circuits Handbook is uploaded in the MCU Fileman......u can download it from there......the link is given below

**broken link removed**


Re: BGA part soldering

I use a company that does my bga stuffufing . They have a machine that uses XRAYs to see the aligment of the part with the board and .. They need to feed a minimun of 5 sets to the machine .I assume that because of the impossibility of seing the if pads are touching or well align .. it can't be done by hand !

Is the x-ray way the only way?
I read somwhere about a tool to inspect them from side in optical way. But maybe this is a more artisan way, for small productions.

Re: BGA part soldering


have a look here **broken link removed**
Seems funny on the first look but in principle it's the same like the professional tools e.g. **broken link removed**
Another crazy idea I read about is using a toaster but I did not find a description yet

BGA part soldering

EDA E-books Upload/Download have a lot of good books for PCB designer, you can download from there!!! FYR!

Re: BGA part soldering

eltonjohn said:
I use a company that does my bga stuffufing . They have a machine that uses XRAYs to see the aligment of the part with the board
- Could you give me an idea about the price for soldering and checking a typical BGA device?
- Do they use two different machine for soldering and testing connectivities?
- Doese anyone know how much such a machine cost? (is that resonable for a small business to buy those equipment?)

Re: BGA part soldering

Hi ..
I used this compnay 5 years ago.They bought a machine as i recall that cost them $100,000 i more or less recall that the machine was used. But that was that long ago i assume that with today's slow economy there must a lot of those machines going for way less money !

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