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How to setup a server on Linux?

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Linux-Server: How to?


I`m really new with Linux OS :( . I have to choose and set up a server on Linux OS. I need a "user frendly" handbook or link where is explained how to install, setup, configure and administrate servers on Linux OS. Thnak you in advance.

By Borut

Well first you have to choose what system (linux)
If you need the best(secure) server is't openBSD check w*
you can install openbsd via network or buy there cd.
then download ports tree and start install what progs. you could use webmin (
There is alot of web with info on openBSD
do look on google etc.

good luck

Well... currently, apart from the BSD derivatives mentionned above, you can also choose one of the GNU/Linux distros that are available: RedHat,Suse,Debian,Slackware, etc... they are all easy to install (except maybe the Slackware) and contain all the server you could need...
after that you can read the howto/faq/doc on the Linux Documentation Project homepage (h**p://

Have fun!


Hi .. i am using mandrake distribution without any problem ..
the instalation of nowdays linux is quite user friendly - windows and click based.. of course you need to do fine tuning after installation .. anyway you have to update your problematic components (e.g. ftp, ssh, ..) constantly not to risk intrusion. there are a lot of how to on the net ..


or search google with e.g. linux network how to ...



Re: Linux-Server: How to?


I`m really new with Linux OS :( . I have to choose and set up a server on Linux OS. I need a "user frendly" handbook or link where is explained how to install, setup, configure and administrate servers on Linux OS. Thnak you in advance.

By Borut

Dear borut

Debian linux is One of the best in the best open source os for Server
i had installed it on my server from 2005 and still running is great distro...comes with 5 DVD S/W

and a very good support from various Communities.... here is the home page and the installation guide


Debian -- The Universal Operating System


Debian -- Getting Debian


**broken link removed**
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Re: Linux-Server: How to?

Get any flavour of linux e.g Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, Gentoo etc...
Get a machine with A multi core/ Multi Processor, sufficient RAM for server 2GB or more, Lots of hard disk space.
Install Any of the above distribution you like. follow the following steps after installation

1) download a latest stable copy of Linux Kernel Sourcecode
2) Compile it on your system by configuring what exactly you want
3) keep in mind to select the scheduling policy properly and Virtualization stuff.
4) install the kernel on your machine

Why this ? Well don't rely on third party Kernel and avoid unnecessary drivers on your system.

Next configure the services you want to provide from your system, why? Coz unnecessary services take up memory.
Configure Firewall: why? It will limit the access and help you protect your server from hacker attack.
Configure/install support for Virtual Machine. Why? Well you might not need this now but as time passes it will save you from
buying new server hardware.

For Documentation see this thread, some one has referred, that is best. Get Sysadmin's guide and Netadmin's guide in long PDF format. Please don't print them as they are huge.

Learn few scripting language like Bash,Perl,Python, to manage your system too.
hope this helps.

I use ubuntu on all my servers. It depends on your preferences.

I suggest getting all the versions you can get and install them one by one and learn how to use it. Nothing beats trying it out by yourself.

I want to install SSH server on ubuntu V10, I tried "sudo apt-get install" but did not work gave some error ,.
Can any one tell me where to download and install the SSH server on ubunutu?


SSH Install Error: What was the error.

In general....when you say you want to build a Linux server that does not tell me much...EXACTLY what functions do you need AND what sort of load to you expect?

Try using the ubuntu software center present on your ubuntu server. Type SSH ans see what results u get. i think you might find the ssh server and install it on just a click of a button. ( also make sure you have access to internet, and proxy is properly set up). Please post the error if possible.

OpenSSH should already be installed by default. Are you using the desktop Ubuntu (with GUI) or the command-line/server version?

anyway, try this: sudo apt-get install openssh-server openssh-client

Here is the Ubuntu 10.10 Server guide:
**broken link removed** I mentioned really need to define what you need.

---------- Post added at 17:06 ---------- Previous post was at 15:42 ----------

This may be worth playing with:
Zentyal - The Linux Small Business Server

---------- Post added at 17:07 ---------- Previous post was at 17:06 ----------

If you want to quickly look at many candidate distributions explore here: Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD.

I need to login to the ubuntu server from windows machine . I want to work on some tool which is installed on linux .


Hi, Using putty I can login in to the only terminal , But I cant use the graphical GUI , example like matlab ..

Is there any software to login and use the software like matlab ..?


Plenty of methods. So you have matlab on the linux machine, and want to display that on the windows machine? Since that's what you said... :p

One way is running vncserver on the linux machine, run matlab on the vncserver display (which serves as an X11 display), and then view the vnc display on the windows machine.

Yes. You can use GUI using Putty.
See there must be an option for exporting graphics. select that checkbox and you are done.
remember your server should boot into Init-5 that is graphical system(X).

Yes. You can use GUI using Putty.
See there must be an option for exporting graphics. select that checkbox and you are done.
remember your server should boot into Init-5 that is graphical system(X).

And how does that work? We are still talking about sitting behind a windows desktop machine, and then running software on the linux machine and displaying that on the windows desktop, right?

Because you say use the gui using putty... Well, how does that work then? The option to do X11 forwarding over ssh is nice and useful and all that, but maybe you know of some option I don't? I would be pleasantly surprised if that 444 kB putty binary not only does ssh, but also happens to contain some way to display X11 stuff on my windows 7 display without additional software.

So how do you do that? X11 forward, and then what?

Because you say use the gui using putty... Well, how does that work then? The option to do X11 forwarding over ssh is nice and useful and all that, but maybe you know of some option I don't? I would be pleasantly surprised if that 444 kB putty binary not only does ssh, but also happens to contain some way to display X11 stuff on my windows 7 display without additional software.

So how do you do that? X11 forward, and then what?

Frankly speaking I don't use Windows. I used putty sometime back and I saw that option too. and some guy in my previous organization used that and successfully used GUI on Windows. I can do some RnD over this topic. but Regarding Windows I am a dimb fellow. I am attaching the Screenshot for X11.


  • image.jpeg
    39.3 KB · Views: 127

**broken link removed** explains what is needed I guess. Please let me know if you want something else.

Hope it helps.

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