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[SOLVED] How to quickly create arbitrary input for Analog Artist?

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Newbie level 1
pwl vcd spice

Does anyone know of a faster way to create arbitrary input for Analog Artist?

To be more specific, does anyone know of a better way to use the PWL? Something faster, preferably.

OK, to be really specific, how do you simulate a digital circuit for analog characteristics? I use Verilog XL to test the behavior, but I want a full SPICE simulation. Any way to use Verilog or VHDL input?

mhhh, dont know how this works with Cadence Tools.

But for MS-Simulation, you could use the Avanti-Tools ( dont know the exact name ).

There you can make a complete digital Simulation according with analog Part.

Hope this is what you meant

in my memory,Analog Artist contain many source include FM Am sin ,pulse and so on,you can directely use it for simulating,in fact if you can devolp the .cdf file,you can input anything for entring for any tools can be integreting in cadence.
read the help of cadence carefully,you can find the results


check your docu and do a mixed-signal-simulation - you have to do some setups before simulation depending on your description of the digital part/sources (as far as i remeber change simulator from spectre to something different)- i think this will help.
It might also be of some help to use analog HDL.


check your docu and do a mixed-signal-simulation - you have to do _some_ setups and preparation before simulation depending on your description of the digital part/sources (as far as i remember change for instance the simulator from spectre to something different depending on your digital circuit description) - this will help.
It might also be of some help to use analog HDL.

a little diffcult to say, maybe ask the cadence guy is better?
any cadence guy here?

If you asked for digital waveform vector input into analog artist you should uses the

VPWL source

you can define the attribute to be a file. The format I think should be a TAB based columm format. You have to write a script which convert some digital output format (VCD) to these PWL format and then you could use them as input to any spice simulator. More easier is to use a AMS enviroment, but that is a bigger story than this task.

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