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How to obtain a controlled 5 volts supply from a 6v 4.5ah Rechargeable Battery

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Advanced Member level 3
Advanced Member level 3
Jun 17, 2012
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Sir please help me to obtain a controlled 5 volts supply from a 6v 4.5ah Rechargeable Battery

kk then any ckt daigram regarding that please ? i was using 7805 but its consuming too much energy resulting in loss of battery charge

Yes 7805 have high quiescent current, but you cant use 7805 in any way because he need 3V of difference Vin-Vou to make 5V on output.

You must use lowdrop voltage regulator linear or switcher.

What current you need?

Like example: You can see MAX603/MAX604 for up to 500mA.


Or you can use LM2575T-5.0LF03


okk sir thanks for the info its more than enough but let me go through all the way explained by you cause i ve a doubt of unavailability of some components but not sure i am right now , let see :) thanks once again

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i need as much as possible the maximum of current available actually

tpetar sir please mention the above one in tha list given below in tha link of distributer's site

**broken link removed**

ohh woww , thanks sir , so you this circuit is suitable for 6v battery ?

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and sir what about the value of transistor here in the given circuit diagram above ?

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the resistors are mentioned 330 & 50 . . so it means these are in ohms ? or not ?

ohh woww , thanks sir , so you this circuit is suitable for 6v battery ?

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and sir what about the value of transistor here in the given circuit diagram above ?

The transistor needs to be rated to handle the load current and power.

Typically it will drop 1 or 2 V. So if you draw 1 A, then the transistor needs to dissipate 1 or 2 W. This requires at least a TO-220 size.

If you draw much more current than that, then you'll need to move up to a TO-3.

You will need to size the bias resistor so as to get 5V at your load.

50 ohms is just the example I chose as the load resistance.

What you plan to supply with 5V, maybe you can use standard rectifier diode to lower voltage for 0,7V its simplest way, or two Schottky diodes with 0,5V each this will give 5V on output. Rectifier diode can handle several amps and much much more. I think for you 6A diode is ok, taking in mind that you use 6V 4,5Ah battery.

The transistor needs to be rated to handle the load current and power.

Typically it will drop 1 or 2 V. So if you draw 1 A, then the transistor needs to dissipate 1 or 2 W. This requires at least a TO-220 size.

If you draw much more current than that, then you'll need to move up to a TO-3.

You will need to size the bias resistor so as to get 5V at your load.

50 ohms is just the example I chose as the load resistance.

kk sir what about the other resistor's unit (330) ?????

any example of TO-220 which is common as per you ? please mention . . cause you did practically so its better to go with that :) thanks

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What you plan to supply with 5V, maybe you can use standard rectifier diode to lower voltage for 0,7V its simplest way, or two Schottky diodes with 0,5V each this will give 5V on output. Rectifier diode can handle several amps and much much more. I think for you 6A diode is ok, taking in mind that you use 6V 4,5Ah battery.

i ve so many cicuit designings & many of them have ICs running on 5 volts for a better operation , not less & not much than that as i found there operation successfull by doing so , thats why i need all these cause i am replacing the power source with battery

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tpetar sir would you please let me have a simple diagram about what you are explaning ?

i ve so many cicuit designings & many of them have ICs running on 5 volts for a better operation , not less & not much than that as i found there operation successfull by doing so , thats why i need all these cause i am replacing the power source with battery

You want to say you need something like lab power supply, to get 5V for your devices-circuits ? Take in mind that battery voltage fall down with discharging and on load.

tpetar sir would you please let me have a simple diagram about what you are explaning ?

Just put one rectifier diode, lets say for example 1N4007 on plus, then try to put two diodes.

kk sir i ll do that , now is it possible to drive this IR sensing device directly with 6 volts ? or again we need to low down it to 5 or 3.3 volts ? please explain . . the figure is here


For each part what you plant to use in your projects, you should get manufacturer datasheet - specification. There you will find minimal and maximal supplying voltage.

okk got it , but if it says it has a minimum of 3 volts & maximum of 5 volts so is that ok to drive it with 3 volts ?
or have to make 5 volts with extra load on mind ?

Keep it in that specified voltage range 3-5V. Usually voltage regulation is done with voltage regulator or zener 5,1V diode keep this under control.

hmm kk , so all these things are supportable with a battery power ?????? so may i start my work over it fully ?

hmm kk , so all these things are supportable with a battery power ?????? so may i start my work over it fully ?

Lots of my boards works on single cell Li-Ion/Li-Po. I use StepUp circuit to boost voltage from 3,3-3,7V to 5V from small batteries around 700mA (mobile phones battery), and often I use 18650 Li-Ion batteries for higher demands projects, also with StepUp circuit to 5V 12V....

Batteries can support lots of things, but you should know what are you doing, and check things if you are not sure. :smile:

ohh ya ya kk , so i guess step up process is just the same way you told me in a post on china made lighting devices , am i right ? or you are including some other circuitrys ? :lol:

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