Newbie level 2
Currently I am working on my MS graduation project . its subject is "Wimax Qos Seeker for mobile and static users" . I am trying to measure the latency and the jitter using matlab but so far I couldn't. I am using a Wimax USB dongle to connect to internet and I want to measure these qos parameters when i am using Skype as VOIP application. I hope you can help me to measure them using matlab . your help is very appreciated . Concerning Latency and Jitter, I think that I can solve them simultaneously since Latency is 1st order statistics (mean) of delay and Jitter is second order statistics of delay (variance). So all I need a measurement vector taken at discrete interval of times that contains in it delay variate samples but I don't Know how. If you can please give some ideas or a function that I can use it .
Many thanks in advance,
Many thanks in advance,