How to mark layer comments in CAP of spef file using StarRC

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Newbie level 4
May 19, 2022
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hello. I got the spef file as in the example below.

The tool used is StarRC, and I found out the layers of RES through the command below. NETLIST_TAIL_COMMENTS: YES

However, I also need information from the CAP layers. Is there a way to mark the CAP layer like RES in StarRC?

NETLIST_TAIL_COMMENT writes geometric information about parasitic resistors.
CAPACITOR_TAIL_COMMENTS writes info about parasitic capacitors.
It is not clear to me what you want to do. What is the meaning or "mark" in StarRC? Why can't you read/parse the spef file directly?

It is not clear to me what you want to do. What is the meaning or "mark" in StarRC? Why can't you read/parse the spef file directly?
Hello, ThisIsNotSam.

My purpose is to comment out the CAP's layer like "$lvl=3" in the RES.

In the case of RES, when extracting the .spef file from the Star RC tool, it was possible to comment out the command. But I couldn't find a command for the CAP case.

Currently, I use tcl to directly analyze and comment, but it takes too long. If you know of a related command in the Star RC tool, please let me know.


haven't used starRC in almost 7 years now, so I can't remember much. I would like for any settings that allow you to filter out caps. say you only care about any cap that is higher than 1F, which is such an absurd value that will filter out everything and leave only R, no Cs.

NETLIST_TAIL_COMMENT writes geometric information about parasitic resistors.
CAPACITOR_TAIL_COMMENTS writes info about parasitic capacitors.

NETLIST_TAIL_COMMENT writes geometric information about parasitic resistors.
CAPACITOR_TAIL_COMMENTS writes info about parasitic capacitors.
Hello, I'm Orati.

I also found CAPACITOR_TAIL_COMMENTS but I am getting this error.

The CAPACITOR_TAIL_COMMENTS:YES command is only available in Caliber-StarRC or ICV-StarRC flows (SX-3587).

I am trying to extract the layer information of the CAP using only Star-RC without using Caliber. Is it possible?

Thank you.

Thanks for the reply, ThisIsNotSam.

I don't know what you mean. I need to create an SPEF file through Star-RC, and write the layer information in the comments corresponding to the RES and CAP of this file. But RES was possible with the above command, but CAP failed.

thank you.

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