How to handle a big input data block in simulation???

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Newbie level 4
Oct 5, 2004
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I am doing real-time image processing with VHDL. But I am not quite sure how I simulate the system with an input image.
Basically, an image processing system takes input data from an image source, then does some work, finally output the result.

Once I have the vhdl project compiled, for the waveform timing simulation, how could I input data of a 512x512 image as a real-time environment. I don't think I should save the whole image data matrix in some embedded memory blocks.

Someone told me that I can try test bench. But I have no idea about that. Can someone give a quick guide or suggestions?
Thx in advance.

The tool I am using is Altera Quartus, also I have ModelSim.

use testbench. also library textio or sth similar, then read files from disc. currently i don't know how to read binary file, but only file with test vectors (for a byte wide, file looks like eight zeroes and ones in a line...)
search for this on i-net, if you can't find something, i can send example to you

Mazi3, thx you for the help!
I will search the info about testbench or library textio on i-net.

Also, maybe I can use matlab to read such an image file, and output a file with vector formated 0's and 1's?

How will I create a testbench? Could you give me more info on testBench?
Will modleSim help on that? I never used ModelSim before

I want to have your example. Appreciate a lot.
Send to my email:

i give you a better solution.
now you can use matlab and modelsim to do co-simulation.
since Dec 4 last year, matlab supply one module which is link for modelsim. so you can use it.
now i think you can get matlab R14 and modelsim 5.8,
they can do co-simulation.
you can use all source in matlab as tester or you can create your source to test your hdl design.
BTW: in matlab R14, you can read the tutorial about link for modelsim.
the usage is so easy.

if you can use modelsim, i think this is the best solution.

That sounds a good idea.
But I haven't get ModelSim5.8 yet. What I have is 5.7.
Thx for the info, I will try MatlabR14+modelSim5.7 soon, see if they work or not. :roll:

modelsim5.7 is ok. i have tried it.
modelsim5.6 is ok.but 5.5 is not.
you can try it. it is so easy to use.
good luck.

ljkong said:
modelsim5.7 is ok. i have tried it.
modelsim5.6 is ok.but 5.5 is not.
you can try it. it is so easy to use.
good luck.

Unfortunately, my group didn't purchase that Link for Modelsim toolbox. Need to talk with the director about it.

thx again for the info.

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