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How to gain more experience of ADC, PLL, etc.

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Full Member level 3
Full Member level 3
May 17, 2006
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Hi all,
I have five years' analog design experience, and mainly focused on the audio, consumer electronics, etc. and I have learned some basic knowledge about ADC/PLL/Filters, but has no oppotunity to pratice, how should i do ? Any advice from you is highly appreciated.

read more papers and books can gain more experience of ADC,PLL,etc.

Yes, reading papers and books is one of the way, however maybe the practise is the best way.
Now in many company's recruiment they need experience of AD/DA,PLL,Filter, etc., and i am afraid only paper reading can not convince them to give you an interview chance. So that's why i want to find some opportunity to practise it. How do you all think about it?

Reading paper and more important, try to simulate the circuit. Just do it. :D

most of the people think i know about total device,but they have knoledge just like it ADC:analog to digital conversion..go some indepth they gain knowledge how to do the convesion then only most of u think i know practically the circuit consists of the conversion circuit along with what device it is further conneceted to depending on that the ADC circuit we should that advanced futures includes as double data rate convesion. how to do that convesion possible think first..then only use differentiated i/p connect on two adc's with single clock on both positive and negative clock that depending on application we can choose proper adc...i will give one ADC

Try using free tools like LTspice to simulate your circuits.

Do not learn useless skills.

If your job required ADC/PLL knowledge, you will have plenty of chances to practice and learn. If it does not, do not waste your time. Or go find a new job.

See Murmann's Sileds on data comverters here:

They are useful slides. I will upload the other parts as soon as possible.

Hi, naalald, thanks for the good material, it's very detail and introduced step by step.

from pratice, you can find the area you need to take care.

otherwise, if there are some good material which can tell you the experiences from others, it should also be ok.

if you have 5 years experience on analog design, you should have good knowledge on the component design, you just need some system level learning for ADC/DAC or PLL, why not build some model by yourself, which can help you get more knowledge on system level.

Hi Piao, would like to know how to build and simulate models of ADC, DAC, is it with MatLab? Thanks.

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