How to find Affected DRC checks if we change some definitions in DRC deck ?

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Newbie level 5
Apr 5, 2013
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I want find out which DRC checks are affected if I change some thing in DRC deck.
For example:

Metal1 = M1 OR M1_dummy

Now I want to change it to
Metal1 = M1

If I make a single change like this in DRC deck, how do I know which DRC checks will be affected by this change ?


You will just have to search your DRC deck to see where Metal1 is used.

Yes that will show me if DRC change affected any violation count on my layout. What I am looking for is a list of DRC check names which are affected to the change I made. For example:

Metal1 = M1 OR M1_DUMMY
A = Metal1 AND Metal2
B = A OR Metal4

Check.1 { @ Metal space : this check will be affected if I change Metal1 definition
EXT B Metal1

Now if I change Metal1 = COPY M1
then Check.1 will be affected because somehow down the hierarchy of definitions, it is related to Metal1 definition.
So what I am looking for is to get list of checks like Check.1 which are somehow connected to Metal1 definition.

Really Appreciate your help.


this might be an exercise with zero purpose, but you could make a parser that would build a tree of dependencies. you search the tree then, every node under M1 would be affected by a change in M1.

I do have purpose. I want to go through each DRC checks which are affected and determine if the change I am making still applies to that DRC check. If not, then I will have separate definition of M1 for that particular check. I have also encountered similar need previously in my work flow. I will build my own tool I guess. Anyways thanks for suggestion.

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