How to find a Module that support an LCD

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Newbie level 4
Feb 9, 2010
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There I am a student of MBA and i have to make a Automatic Attendance Machine,it the project of Production and management course

So in that i need help because i have no idea what kind of hardware will be used in it.
I have discussed with some of the persons
so What I have learned up till now its that
it requires
electronic modules.and
CPU or memory that can be supported to record the attendance of 1500 employees a Voice identifier system of each employee

please help only 10 days left
links from where i can learn it about
any electronic engineer who can help me out in this assignment

Are you designing the complete system or you are just interested to know the componet list? this is a problem for an Engineer and am not sure an MBA person can handle it . talk to your supervisor.

I think the key point is not hardware problem.
Such system should be paid more time on algorithm to identify a person from your database.

hay there !
thanks for your consideration
actully i need both of them

1 the list of the component
2 the software we will design because we have a database designer

we have to made this machine as final project
please help me as soon as possible

Actually,you gave no useful information to let us help you.
You should give a gross idea of your system.Such as what kind of processor you will use, DSP or MPU or FPGA?If you use MPU,it will support LCD display.If not,you should find LCD modules with built-in controller.……There are many questions in a system.What we know from your information is you need a voiceprint identification system and you have no idea about such a system.I suggest you give more information,so others will give some useful advice.

Added after 2 minutes:

By the way,if you just need an LCD module,you could find datasheet in the website of maufacturers.Such as TRULY,TOPWAY etc.You could find one that you need.

You no what. i have no idea about all these things what i all know is that i have to make the machine
i can tell you that what type of output i need then i think it will be easy for all of us to understand what i mean to say

I want that there is a machine which is used at the entrance of any company
which take the input in the form of voice and the attendence of the person will make in the software
and the LCD shows that you are allowed to come in the premises
and the LCD must be in colorful not green or white

i think that it may help out that which LCD type will be used in this device
thanks alot for you help
please do something
time is running out

I am not understanding that why this kind of project is given to you guys.Its pure electronics based project and you are the student of MBA.Have you any idea about programming? If yes then it will be a little bit easy for you otherwise you have to work hard.
what kind of voice identifier system you are going to use?
what about lcd? Is it small like mobiles lcd or big like lcd tv.
I think you have to use DSP kits for voice recognizing.


because they do not give us much information and because there are thousands of solutions.
If you do not master much electronics, the best for you would be moving in the PC area, where there are solutions already packaged and ready for use

The simplest system is a computer with
a program for voice recognition


and then a small program to move an I / O serial or Ethernet interface with a hardware

and already have your access control system

best regards.

There Guys, I hope that you will be all right and enjoying life as well.
First of all I want to say SORRY to all of you that I have not tell you all about what kind of thing I want to make.Actually I was afraid that If I tell you the whole concept may be you not respond thats why I had told you the information in the parts Please forgive me for that
Now Im telling you the core concept of my device

I Want to make a hand held device in which for example
I want to make a Chocalte cake I just say a CHOCOLATE CAKE
The machine get my voice signal
And first display INGREDIENTS and then show me the whole process how to make a cake step by step

I want that It saves approximately 500 different dishes and there related videos

I know some the things that will be needed to make this devices as you all have told me as well

1 database
2 lcd
3 Motherboard and storage memory
4 body
5 spare battery in it that can be used without electricity
6 and other things that will be include I don’t know much about it
7 Voice bar code reader

As a student of MBA I have no idea that how and in which software this kind of database will be made
How the videos will be amalgamated with the name of the dishes

Which LCD type will be used

I have no idea about this

GUYS please please help me out in this other wise I will be out of the semester

you all has helped me alot and you guys are my last option i have tried so hard to make this happen but I can t

plasssssssssssssssssllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help

you are all nice you have helped me much please this time again

i will wait for you

hay there i hope you will all right
and how is going life

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