How to extract SPICE netlist from GDS file

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Aug 24, 2001
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Is there any tools is able to extract the netlist (in SPICE format) from the existing GDS file? Thanks in advance.

gds comparation calibre

Take a look at:
Verplex Conformal™ LVR (Layout vs. RTL)

It extracts the SPICE netlist from GDS...

dracular lpe

after reading its brochure, i wonder it is able to extract the netlist from gds? it seems to be able to compare the netlist from gds w/ rtl code. i'm not sure if i'm right. besides, i prefer the one which is free, or shareware.

que es gds en pspice

I think...
Maybe you can try to search the RC-extraction tools

Since they should be able to do the lpe (layout parasitic extraction),
and export the SPICE netlist.

can you get gds from spice

Calibre LVS for simple devices and xCalibre for parasitics, Dracula LPE, etc, can do the job.


gds2 extraction tool

Is it possible to obtain netlist from GDS without the original technology file?

extract rc info from gds

You should at least know the layer information and primary cell of the gdsII file.

how to writeout cdl by reading gds in calibre

1. get the layer information
2.make out the command file for extraction
3. do extraction
4. you will get CDL netlist (SPICE)

you can choose dracula, diva, herculas, Calibre or Ledit tools you like.

利用calibre gds2得到 hspice

I dont think it useful, because you can not understand the netlist extracted from the layout.

extract spice from gdsii

if you have a complete gds netlist, you stream in your gds into astro, define your layer numbers, and VDD/VSS. Then, you can write out a complete netlist. All this works if your gds was extracted completely to begin with.

spice gds

Use an old fashion tool: Cade*ce Dracula LPE

It can extract not only MOS but also R/C as long as you have the right command file.

extract spice netlist from gds

I recommend to use the C@dence tools however it can extract R/C but not
the resistances of the routing wires. Does anybody has eperiences with
post extracting this resistances? Is it possible with the c@dence tools?

S. 8)

c in gdsii

mlxsae said:
I recommend to use the C@dence tools however it can extract R/C but not
the resistances of the routing wires. Does anybody has eperiences with
post extracting this resistances? Is it possible with the c@dence tools?

S. 8)

As I known, the metal resistance is about 0.075 ohm/sq.
Compare to those equivalent resistance of MOS devices, it may omit.
However, the parasitic capacitance does not; loading will affect your transition time. This always happens on a submicron design...
In deep submicron, you may take care more parameters...

Currently, on 0.25um or above (>0.25um), C@dence Dracula seems has no extra options to done with a parasitic resistance. However, you may put an extra dummy metal layer to form a metal resistance if you want...


lpe from gds

so many tools can do this, Hercules, Dracula,Apollo, Astro, this is a basic function for most backend EDA tools.



If u have gds netlist, then do the “v2lvs” in CALIBRE. I think this is the simplest way to write the spice netlist.

does pspice accept gds files ?

You can run LPE(in fact it is LVS) while you think from GDS netlist to SPICE netlist. But you should add some parameter in you .lpe file. i.e. cap, res etc.



In fact you are in a reverse flow .The RC extract tools can not work without an original netlist.
And from now on there haven't any tools can build a readable netlist from GDS file as I know.But if the GDS is not too huge ,you can try to use them ,and try to handle it.




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Added after 6 minutes:

I know two way.
1, Use LVS tools(like calibre), before check lvs, netlist from layout is extracted.
2, Use extract-rc tools(like xcalibre, diva), can extract-rc without RC, when use xcalibre, hspice and spectre netlist can be generated.

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