how to correct drc offgrid error?

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what exactly is ur situation?
chech also ur working grid...


mimor space 0.2
X snap grid 0.025
Y snap grid 0.025

There is no easy way to fix these offgrid errors. Maybe you can round the coordinates to the nearest grid by streaming out and in GDS.
Good layout practice can avoid offgrid errors.

I have also experience these errors when i use "path" to create 45deg-angles signal lines. Now to avoid this error, i just use "rectangle" and "polygon" to create the shapes. My minor grids are set to 0.01, so when i check the properties of the shape created and when the co-ordinates show 3 decimal places, there will be drc offgrid errors. However, if there are only 2 decimal places co-ordinates, then there will be no drc offgrid errors. Hope that this helps u to solve the problem.

if u use 45-degree path, points covered by the edges of the path ( so with other polygons) are not multiples of your working gird... that makes the DRC error...

you can do one thing..just set the grid size you want and streamout...and in the stream out options click snap XY grid then you can stream out the GDS with the grid size you want...then stream in the GDS with the default size ......then later stream out with default settings in the cadence....if you run DRC you never get the off grid error......

One thing , that you should also check is If the Technology file GRID i.e Virtuso and DRC deck GRID are same or at least compatible.

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