[SOLVED] How to configure pic 16f72 in micro c compiler

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The correct one is "unit ++"
Unit = unit ++ If the operation is done correctly, fetch the processor overhead. The program size is longer.

Unit = unit ++;
A similar problem is discussed in Kernighan/Richie The C Programming Language in the chapter 2.12 Precedence and Order of Evaluation.
a[i] = i++;

The authors state:
hi there,
some day ago my project be completed beccause your helped and sporrted ,
my new project is same as previous but diffrent things is only in which use BT136 and MOC3021.
i dont know how to voltage read , regulate and display on lcd . i am searching about this term almosl 1 months read all things but i dont know how to regulate 5 v voltage on lcd,
please helped me all of you,
thanks in advance........

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