How to compute the RMS of a signal using Matlab ?

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Nov 12, 2009
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Does anyone know how to compute the RMS of a signal using matlab ?

I've tried this but it doesn't seem to work...

y=rms(ecgf, 30, 10, 1)

It comes up with the following error

??? Undefined function or method 'rms' for input arguments of type 'double'.

Re: RMS using matlab

y = sqrt(sum(u.*conj(u))/size(u,1))

Re: RMS using matlab

hobgoblin gives: sqrt(sum(Power Spectral Density))

In my (limited) understanding, this is of course only true if you already have the signal in the frequency domain (e.g. u = fft(x))

I believe that in the time domain (e.g. x = sin(2 * pi * 100 * (1:n) / Fs) the RMS would be found using: sqrt(mean(x.^2))

Parseval's theorem (??) suggests that these two values should be equal.

Anybody - do please correct me if any of that is incorrect! =)

RMS using matlab

Why not just:

Re: RMS using matlab

Try this one


RMS using matlab

likely a reference to

This is an addon for matlab -- that website offers free, user-generated code. You would need to have rms.m in your path (eg, the working directory).

overall, there are plenty of ways to calculate the single RMS value. the function listed is a bit more advanced -- it calculates the RMS value of short windows of the input. the idea is to get an (estimated) envelope of the signal over time.

Re: RMS using matlab

Why not just:

Good question. Because they aren't the same?(?) Standard deviation gives the RMS of a signal's variation about the mean, rather than about 0. (Though for some signals - such as an infinitely long sine wave - this will be the same thing).
RMS = Root-Mean-Square, square root of the mean or the square of the values.

Pete Jonze's has it right, sqrt(mean(x.^2));

I have an urgent query please do help me...I am only a beginner in MATLAB...I have a signal that has fs=1000. Its an ECG signal and has 80 leads. I have to calculate the RMS of it. When I used the code stated above MATLAB says that Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals..Eagerly waiting for any reply. The factors presented below will give an idea of the Signal. please do help

Sample Start Boundary : 0 ms
Sample End Boundary : 10000 ms
Sample Rate : 1000 samples/sec
Sample Units : millimeters
Sample Gain : 10mm/mV

QRS Onset : 0 ms
QRS Offset : 50 ms
T Offset : 200 ms

Number Of LQ Channels : 16
LQ Channels : 28 29 30 40 53 54 57 58 59 60 62 65 66 70 72 75

Number Of Channels : 80
Samples Per Channel : 10000
Samples Filtered ? : No

I think this has less to do with your data, and more to do with your code. Please post your matlab code, so we can look at it.

As an initial guess, I think the root of your problem may be that you are using "Start Boundary" at 0 ms. IIRC, Matlab vector/array index values start at 1, not 0. Just a thought for something to look at.

P.S. When all else fails, make a small test case to test out the function....
say foo = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1];
RMS = sqrt(mean(foo.^2))
RMS should be ~5.36
sqrt ( (1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 + 4^2 +........) / 17)... put in into your calculator to verify.

Thanks for the reply..I am using the code sqrt(mean(Signal.^2)) where Signal is my data..But I am getting the response Subscript values must be positive or real values..Please do help me out. From the total signal I am taking a region of interest with the code Y=Signal(1500:2000)..Is this right please...And could you please tell me if there is any way i could mail you the codes and my problem..Its the last days for completion of my project and I really hope you could help me..Awaiting your earliest reply...

It's called copy and paste. Open Matlab, highlight your code (then edit, copy). In the compose message box, paste the code and surround it with CODE tags... like this.

foo = [1 2 3 4 5];
foo = foo + 1;

(without the periods) will give you...
foo = [1 2 3 4 5];
foo = foo + 1;

---------- Post added at 17:51 ---------- Previous post was at 17:39 ----------

Just tried this little program, and it works just fine.
t = linspace(0, (2*pi)-(2*pi/101), 101);
y = sin(t);

ans =

RMS of a sinewave is 1/sqrt(2) = 0.7071.

Thanks for the reply. Please do check the codes below

For importing the data I used the following code
fid=fopen('C:\Documents and Settings\labview\My Documents\Alvin data\Normal_173\Arranged Normal\Good\P0006_011030_113747_890.txt','rt');
data{1}=textscan(fid, fmt_str,1000,'headerLines',29);
for i=2:80;

Now to take the section of interest from the ECG wave and also to only obtain points of R wave i used the code. The RMS also was tried to be calculated

But I am getting the error message ~Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals~
Even for the simple program that you had put I am getting the same error.

Please do suggest something. I am attaching a file also along. And could you please help me in finding the midpoints of the R wave in the signal.
Also could you suggest a simple Do Loop program that assumes a variable 'b' as maximum and checks points after the r wave of ECG and if the next points is greater then stores that point as b and returns that output. The maximum should be checked between two r peaks.
Thanks in advance and I know its a lot of work but the problem is I tried a lot and I am not very expert in MATLAB and this is my last week for completion of project. Any help would be appreciated. My mail id is Please do send suggestionsView attachment P0006_011204_084835_696.TXTView attachment P0006_011204_084835_696.TXT

The problem is the curl bracket. Matlab adresses the vector/array elements using parenthesis. Here is the code:
fmt_str='%f32%f32%f32%f32%f32%f32%f32%f32%f32%f32' ;
fid=fopen('C:\Documents and Settings\labview\My Documents\Alvin data\Normal_173\Arranged Normal\Good\P0006_011030_113747_890.txt','rt');
data(1)=textscan(fid, fmt_str,1000,'headerLines',29);
for i=2:80;
data(i)=textscan(fid,fmt_str,1000,'headerLines',3) ;
Channel_28=reshape(Channel(28)',size(Channel(28),1 )*size(Channel(28),2),1);

For the rest of the code, you should consider a "while" loop...

Thanks for the reply. Could you please suggest me the code for the while loop for getting the midpoint between two r peaks and also obtaining the maximum value between two waves.If i can put one of the points as c=trial(1500) please help me with the code for creating a while loop that can help me get the maximum points between the peaks. Please do help

Repeatedly execute statements while condition is true - MATLAB

Read up on the above article to figure out how to use the while function.

I'm not sure what your data looks like, and how you'd go about finding these two "waves". You have to explain the problem more thoroughly, since we on the forum have no idea what your project is about, what your datasets commonly look like, or what you are trying to extract from them.

Sorry..My data looks like two ECG waves..If we consider the waves as two sine waves and want to calculate the midpoint between the sine waves could you please tell me how I can do it. I have imported the signal in and can see them on my screen the code for obtaining the midpoint is what I am not aware of..The while loop I have to use to compute the maximum point next to the ECG wave and am using the formula
c=y(250) %considering c as the initial point
d=y(1250); % considering d as the end point
1)if out<c
3)go to 1
4)while out>d

Thsi returns me the maximum output of wave between the selected points wrt to y axis..Could you please suggest me a method to find the corresponding point in x-axis.
Also please do help me with the RMS value that I have to consider in between points c and d from the above. I know a do or while loop will do it for me but I have to find the midpoints between two r peaks first. The code and a set of data is presented below. Please do help.

Code- (For importing data)
fid=fopen('C:\Documents and Settings\labview\My Documents\Alvin data\Normal_173\Arranged Normal\Good\P0006_011030_113747_890.txt','rt');
data{1}=textscan(fid, fmt_str,1000,'headerLines',29);
for i=2:80;

Code for getting the R waves
b=[1+k2 2*k1*(1+k2) 1+k2];
a=[2 2*k1*(1+k2) 2*k2];

The data is in a text file and I am also adding a single channel please do check

Channel 31
-1.0681 -0.8057 -0.6348 -0.5615 -0.6897 -1.0315 -1.3611 -1.8372 -2.2401 -2.6002
-2.8444 -3.0214 -3.1618 -3.1923 -3.0946 -2.8383 -2.5758 -2.1424 -1.6846 -1.3245
-1.0010 -0.7141 -0.5310 -0.4577 -0.4516 -0.6225 -0.8301 -1.2085 -1.5198 -1.8616
-2.1424 -2.4659 -2.7589 -2.9970 -3.0336 -2.8261 -2.4964 -2.0020 -1.5442 -1.2512
-1.0925 -0.9216 -0.7141 -0.5615 -0.5859 -0.7263 -0.9705 -1.3611 -1.7335 -2.1546
-2.4537 -2.6673 -2.7284 -2.6857 -2.5209 -2.2950 -2.0753 -1.6968 -1.3184 -1.0010
-0.7141 -0.4394 -0.2868 -0.2502 -0.3845 -0.7019 -1.0742 -1.5931 -1.9593 -2.3072
-2.5392 -2.7406 -2.7711 -2.6673 -2.4171 -2.0814 -1.7762 -1.2940 -0.7690 -0.3418
-0.0549 0.14649 0.23194 0.18311 0.01831 -0.3174 -0.6775 -1.1597 -1.5625 -1.8983
-2.0631 -2.1424 -2.0997 -1.9959 -1.9105 -1.8616 -1.7396 -1.4344 -1.0681 -0.8484
-0.7080 -0.5554 -0.4211 -0.4028 -0.5127 -0.7324 -1.0254 -1.4832 -1.9044 -2.2767
-2.5025 -2.6307 -2.7101 -2.7223 -2.6002 -2.3133 -1.9715 -1.5259 -1.1109 -0.8057
-0.5859 -0.2990 -0.0915 0.00000 -0.0854 -0.3418 -0.6409 -1.1048 -1.5809 -2.0753
-2.3622 -2.5880 -2.7162 -2.8199 -2.7406 -2.4476 -2.1119 -1.6602 -1.1780 -0.8667
-0.6531 -0.3906 -0.2990 -0.3112 -0.4394 -0.7690 -1.1597 -1.7274 -2.2401 -2.7284
-3.0458 -3.2533 -3.3571 -3.3754 -3.2838 -3.0580 -2.7833 -2.3561 -1.9959 -1.7090
-1.4283 -1.1780 -1.0010 -0.9033 -0.8545 -1.1109 -1.4832 -2.0386 -2.4537 -2.9054
-3.2289 -3.5951 -3.8027 -3.7660 -3.6684 -3.4364 -3.1801 -2.7650 -2.2523 -1.8372
-1.5686 -1.3245 -1.1353 -1.0437 -1.0620 -1.2879 -1.5870 -2.0386 -2.5148 -2.9420
-3.2289 -3.5097 -3.6684 -3.7294 -3.6440 -3.4425 -3.2106 -2.7955 -2.3133 -1.8983
-1.5503 -1.2390 -1.0010 -0.9583 -1.1292 -1.4161 -1.7212 -2.1974 -2.6612 -3.1190
-3.4059 -3.6073 -3.6684 -3.6501 -3.4853 -3.2167 -2.9786 -2.6185 -2.2767 -1.9959
-1.7335 -1.4405 -1.1536 -0.9155 -0.9399 -1.1780 -1.5381 -2.0692 -2.5880 -3.1435
-3.5768 -3.8027 -3.8271 -3.7844 -3.6562 -3.3815 -3.0458 -2.6307 -2.1607 -1.7762
-1.4161 -1.1170 -1.0376 -1.1475 -1.4222 -1.7457 -2.0142 -2.4110 -2.7711 -3.1740
-3.4425 -3.6318 -3.6501 -3.6379 -3.6440 -3.4853 -3.2777 -2.8993 -2.5086 -2.1180
-1.8067 -1.5015 -1.2818 -1.1414 -1.1719 -1.3611 -1.6358 -2.2218 -2.7345 -3.0702
-3.2350 -3.3937 -3.4486 -3.4486 -3.2961 -3.0153 -2.9115 -2.8627 -2.6796 -2.4903
-2.3072 -2.1241 -1.9410 -1.8616 -1.8555 -1.9471 -2.0509 -2.3622 -2.8261 -3.2777
-3.6012 -3.8393 -3.9980 -4.0407 -3.9248 -3.6623 -3.3632 -2.8749 -2.3927 -2.0142
-1.7335 -1.4832 -1.2635 -1.2146 -1.3062 -1.5503 -1.8555 -2.3744 -2.8444 -3.2655
-3.5402 -3.8149 -4.0468 -4.1628 -4.1445 -3.9858 -3.7477 -3.3083 -2.8261 -2.3866
-2.0203 -1.6907 -1.4405 -1.2757 -1.2818 -1.5625 -1.9532 -2.5270 -3.0336 -3.5097
-3.8088 -3.9248 -3.9797 -3.9675 -3.9492 -3.7660 -3.3876 -2.8688 -2.2340 -1.6907
-1.3123 -1.0254 -0.8850 -0.9705 -1.2757 -1.8128 -2.3561 -3.0580 -3.6867 -4.1872
-4.4680 -4.6206 -4.7060 -4.7488 -4.7122 -4.5535 -4.3032 -3.8454 -3.3571 -3.0031
-2.6918 -2.3194 -2.0814 -1.9349 -1.9593 -2.0753 -2.2035 -2.6185 -3.0641 -3.4914
-3.8881 -4.3032 -4.5473 -4.5473 -4.3947 -4.0651 -3.7294 -3.2899 -2.7955 -2.3988
-2.0448 -1.7762 -1.8067 -2.0203 -2.2645 -2.5880 -2.8566 -3.2350 -3.6745 -4.1567
-4.5290 -4.8770 -5.1150 -5.2554 -5.2859 -5.1150 -4.8892 -4.4497 -3.9614 -3.5463
-3.2411 -3.0092 -2.8505 -2.8566 -3.0275 -3.2716 -3.5036 -3.9675 -4.4619 -4.9868
-5.2798 -5.4202 -5.4019 -5.3470 -5.2005 -4.9380 -4.6694 -4.2360 -3.7783 -3.4792
-3.2228 -2.9725 -2.7406 -2.6002 -2.5880 -2.7772 -3.0580 -3.5219 -3.9431 -4.2544
-4.4802 -4.6938 -4.8586 -4.9319 -4.8647 -4.6206 -4.4131 -4.0163 -3.5341 -3.1373
-2.8199 -2.5331 -2.3194 -2.2706 -2.3683 -2.6368 -2.9848 -3.4975 -3.9125 -4.2910
-4.5046 -4.7244 -4.8586 -4.9746 -4.9685 -4.8037 -4.4985 -4.0590 -3.6196 -3.2716
-2.9848 -2.7101 -2.6063 -2.6490 -2.8322 -3.1557 -3.4609 -3.9431 -4.4375 -4.8586
-5.1699 -5.4141 -5.6888 -5.9329 -5.9329 -5.7498 -5.5362 -5.1822 -4.7732 -4.4558
-4.2727 -4.1628 -4.1262 -4.1262 -4.3093 -4.6999 -5.0845 -5.5850 -5.9879 -6.4090
-6.7203 -6.9706 -7.0805 -7.0499 -6.8180 -6.4762 -6.1405 -5.7193 -5.3042 -4.9929
-4.7854 -4.5657 -4.3947 -4.3520 -4.4009 -4.5657 -4.8098 -5.2981 -5.7742 -6.1832
-6.4396 -6.6715 -6.7875 -6.7570 -6.6715 -6.4518 -6.2625 -5.9024 -5.4507 -5.0845
-4.6999 -4.3459 -4.1628 -4.0957 -4.1384 -4.3276 -4.4985 -4.9319 -5.4141 -5.8292
-6.0733 -6.2198 -6.3175 -6.3358 -6.2747 -6.0245 -5.7620 -5.3653 -5.0479 -4.8037
-4.5046 -4.1750 -3.9553 -3.8698 -3.9614 -4.2238 -4.4741 -4.8709 -5.2737 -5.6583
-5.9512 -6.1954 -6.2564 -6.2076 -6.0977 -5.8170 -5.4690 -5.0173 -4.5779 -4.2544
-3.9797 -3.6928 -3.4548 -3.4609 -3.7538 -4.2666 -4.8098 -5.5911 -6.3907 -7.0988
-7.6237 -8.1181 -8.5271 -8.7346 -8.9055 -9.0154 -9.0703 -8.8384 -8.5393 -8.2524
-7.9228 -7.5932 -7.3551 -7.2941 -7.4833 -7.8373 -8.1425 -8.5210 -8.8018 -8.9910
-9.0276 -8.8567 -8.5820 -8.2951 -8.0266 -7.7336 -7.4101 -6.8851 -6.2320 -5.7864
-5.5301 -5.3042 -5.1394 -5.0479 -5.1272 -5.3958 -5.6216 -5.9879 -6.4029 -6.8424
-7.0805 -7.1476 -7.0805 -6.8912 -6.6105 -6.2320 -5.8658 -5.3897 -4.8525 -4.3642
-3.9553 -3.5951 -3.3937 -3.3144 -3.3998 -3.6562 -3.8820 -4.2605 -4.6328 -4.9990
-5.2127 -5.3409 -5.3225 -5.2249 -4.9929 -4.6328 -4.4009 -4.0773 -3.6745 -3.2716
-2.9359 -2.6185 -2.4049 -2.2645 -2.2279 -2.3927 -2.6307 -3.1373 -3.6928 -4.1750
-4.4253 -4.6206 -4.7060 -4.7060 -4.6267 -4.3703 -4.1201 -3.6501 -3.0031 -2.5453
-2.2767 -2.0509 -1.9471 -2.0325 -2.1546 -2.4659 -2.8261 -3.3632 -3.7538 -4.1506
-4.4009 -4.6084 -4.6999 -4.6938 -4.6023 -4.4314 -4.1933 -3.7966 -3.3632 -3.0702
-2.8871 -2.6673 -2.4903 -2.3927 -2.4720 -2.7406 -3.0763 -3.5341 -3.9736 -4.3642
-4.6389 -4.8586 -4.9441 -4.9441 -4.8342 -4.5473 -4.2605 -3.8759 -3.3754 -2.9542
-2.6612 -2.4476 -2.3316 -2.3866 -2.5697 -2.8444 -3.0336 -3.3998 -3.6745 -3.8942
-4.0102 -4.1262 -4.1933 -4.1872 -4.0835 -3.8027 -3.4364 -2.9054 -2.4598 -2.1424
-1.9532 -1.7945 -1.7090 -1.6785 -1.7823 -1.9593 -2.0936 -2.3927 -2.7040 -3.0153
-3.2961 -3.5463 -3.6562 -3.6745 -3.5402 -3.3022 -3.0580 -2.6429 -2.1912 -1.8433
-1.5686 -1.3489 -1.2207 -1.2146 -1.3123 -1.5748 -1.8494 -2.3561 -2.8688 -3.3266
-3.6135 -3.8393 -3.9675 -4.0285 -3.9980 -3.8637 -3.8027 -3.5890 -3.2655 -2.9970
-2.8383 -2.6735 -2.5941 -2.6124 -2.7589 -3.0763 -3.4242 -3.8698 -4.2727 -4.6938
-4.9746 -5.1699 -5.3470 -5.3958 -5.2920 -5.0662 -4.8647 -4.5657 -4.1506 -3.8454
-3.5585 -3.2899 -3.0702 -2.9420 -2.9359 -3.1190 -3.2716 -3.5402 -3.7233 -3.8698
-3.9309 -4.0285 -4.0712 -4.0163 -3.8698 -3.5707 -3.2594 -2.7833 -2.2584 -1.8128
-1.4588 -1.0864 -0.7568 -0.5371 -0.4455 -0.5493 -0.7202 -1.1048 -1.5015 -1.8616
-2.0875 -2.2767 -2.4049 -2.4720 -2.4110 -2.1668 -1.9044 -1.4588 -0.9705 -0.5859
-0.2258 0.15259 0.44558 0.60428 0.59818 0.34181 0.05493 -0.3418 -0.7385 -1.1475
-1.4649 -1.7762 -1.9654 -2.0203 -1.9349 -1.7884 -1.7090 -1.4893 -1.2207 -1.0071
-0.8972 -0.7690 -0.6042 -0.5005 -0.5554 -0.7141 -0.8179 -1.1780 -1.5381 -1.9593
-2.2950 -2.6002 -2.7284 -2.7894 -2.8932 -2.9848 -2.9725 -2.6735 -2.2889 -1.9227
-1.6297 -1.3489 -1.2024 -1.1414 -1.2268 -1.4222 -1.6907 -2.1974 -2.7223 -3.1740
-3.5646 -4.0102 -4.3520 -4.4619 -4.4009 -4.2177 -3.9431 -3.4609 -2.9420 -2.5148
-2.2157 -1.9898 -1.8128 -1.7945 -1.8922 -2.1485 -2.4476 -2.9542 -3.4670 -3.9675
-4.3459 -4.5412 -4.5535 -4.4985 -4.3886 -4.1506 -3.9248 -3.5646 -3.1007 -2.6673
-2.3377 -2.0386 -1.8861 -1.8494 -1.9471 -2.2401 -2.4842 -2.8993 -3.2167 -3.4914
-3.6440 -3.8576 -4.0285 -4.1567 -4.1445 -3.9553 -3.7905 -3.4792 -3.0641 -2.6857
-2.3133 -1.9349 -1.6480 -1.5320 -1.6480 -1.9837 -2.3011 -2.7833 -3.2716 -3.7050
-3.9614 -4.1445 -4.2849 -4.3215 -4.2971 -4.1628 -4.0285 -3.6989 -3.3266 -2.9786
-2.6307 -2.2767 -2.1119 -2.0081 -2.0081 -2.2157 -2.4232 -2.8993 -3.3632 -3.7477
-3.9797 -4.2116 -4.3886 -4.5046 -4.4680 -4.3398 -4.2299 -3.9614 -3.5951 -3.2594
-2.9420 -2.6002 -2.3683 -2.2645 -2.3377 -2.6002 -2.9054 -3.3815 -3.8210 -4.2605
-4.5840 -4.8281 -5.0479 -5.1760 -5.2066 -5.0784 -4.9258 -4.5596 -4.1140 -3.6867
-3.3266 -3.0153 -2.7833 -2.6979 -2.7894 -3.0336 -3.2594 -3.6562 -3.9370 -4.1018
-4.1689 -4.2910 -4.3459 -4.3703 -4.4802 -4.6206 -4.6999 -4.4375 -4.0957 -3.8942
-3.6745 -3.2777 -2.9054 -2.6002 -2.4354 -2.4964 -2.6246 -2.9725 -3.3693 -3.7599
-4.0773 -4.3520 -4.4985 -4.4985 -4.3825 -4.1140 -3.8271 -3.3571 -2.9054 -2.5209
-2.2218 -2.0142 -1.9288 -1.8799 -1.9288 -2.1485 -2.3499 -2.8077 -3.2961 -3.7172
-4.0224 -4.3337 -4.5168 -4.6267 -4.6816 -4.5168 -4.3642 -4.0346 -3.6257 -3.3022
-3.0763 -2.8322 -2.6002 -2.4476 -2.4598 -2.7223 -2.9481 -3.3510 -3.7599 -4.1994
-4.4985 -4.7488 -4.9075 -4.9929 -5.0112 -4.9014 -4.7732 -4.4253 -3.9492 -3.5768
-3.2594 -3.0458 -2.8993 -2.8688 -2.9786 -3.2777 -3.5036 -3.9125 -4.3642 -4.8464
-5.1577 -5.4324 -5.5850 -5.6033 -5.4812 -5.2249 -4.9502 -4.5107 -4.0346 -3.6684
-3.3510 -3.0458 -2.8383 -2.7711 -2.8199 -2.9725 -3.1068 -3.5097 -3.9186 -4.2238
-4.4314 -4.6755 -4.8770 -4.8831 -4.8281 -4.7183 -4.5473 -4.0651 -3.4975 -3.1679
-3.0153 -2.8932 -2.7406 -2.6673 -2.7772 -3.1007 -3.3876 -3.8088 -4.2422 -4.6328
-4.9014 -5.0418 -5.1089 -5.0967 -5.0051 -4.7610 -4.5290 -4.0468 -3.5463 -3.1740
-2.9115 -2.6368 -2.4659 -2.3255 -2.3133 -2.5453 -2.8016 -3.2777 -3.7355 -4.1445
-4.3581 -4.4863 -4.5351 -4.4741 -4.3276 -4.0712 -3.8515 -3.4914 -3.1007 -2.8566
-2.6368 -2.3438 -2.0814 -1.9715 -2.0203 -2.2401 -2.4537 -2.8932 -3.4364 -3.8942
-4.1628 -4.3825 -4.5412 -4.5229 -4.3764 -4.0773 -3.7783 -3.2289 -2.6857 -2.3255
-1.9959 -1.6297 -1.3794 -1.2940 -1.3367 -1.5320 -1.7762 -2.1912 -2.5941 -3.0153
-3.3388 -3.6623 -3.8027 -3.7660 -3.5707 -3.2655 -2.9664 -2.5209 -2.0875 -1.7701
-1.4649 -1.1719 -1.0498 -1.1353 -1.2940 -1.5259 -1.7274 -2.1363 -2.6246 -3.0641
-3.3022 -3.4609 -3.5890 -3.6196 -3.5646 -3.3571 -3.2594 -3.0275 -2.6185 -2.2584
-1.8922 -1.5870 -1.3794 -1.2696 -1.3245 -1.6358 -1.8922 -2.3744 -2.8810 -3.3632
-3.6928 -3.9614 -4.1750 -4.2544 -4.2360 -4.0285 -3.8271 -3.4670 -2.9725 -2.6063
-2.3683 -2.1119 -1.8861 -1.7029 -1.6968 -1.9044 -2.2218 -2.8261 -3.4792 -4.0590
-4.4497 -4.7366 -4.9014 -4.9624 -4.9807 -4.8525 -4.7183 -4.4558 -4.1201 -3.8759
-3.5768 -3.2716 -3.0214 -2.8383 -2.6246 -2.5758 -2.6796 -3.2472 -4.0224 -4.7244
-5.1516 -5.4629 -5.6888 -5.8475 -5.8536 -5.6583 -5.4446 -4.9868 -4.4802 -4.0468
-3.6989 -3.3815 -3.1679 -3.1007 -3.1373 -3.3510 -3.5951 -4.0896 -4.5840 -4.9868
-5.2432 -5.4568 -5.5423 -5.5606 -5.4385 -5.1638 -4.9014 -4.4253 -3.8942 -3.4853
-3.1984 -2.9054 -2.6918 -2.6063 -2.6368 -2.8871 -3.0580 -3.3876 -3.7477 -4.0835
-4.3398 -4.5657 -4.6816 -4.6389 -4.5107 -4.2605 -3.9919 -3.4975 -2.9786 -2.6307
-2.3438 -2.0936 -2.0448 -2.1668 -2.4049 -2.7406 -2.9970 -3.3693 -3.6928 -3.9919
-4.2177 -4.4619 -4.5840 -4.6511 -4.5840 -4.3703 -4.2177 -3.9614 -3.6623 -3.3632
-3.0458 -2.6918 -2.3866 -2.2035 -2.1912 -2.3927 -2.6612 -3.1007 -3.5951 -4.0285
-4.3581 -4.6084 -4.7793 -4.7915 -4.6877 -4.4314 -4.2422 -3.9064 -3.5951 -3.4792
-3.3876 -3.2655 -3.2106 -3.2106 -3.2411 -3.4181 -3.5402 -3.8759 -4.2544 -4.6206
-4.8403 -5.0296 -5.1516 -5.2554 -5.2249 -4.9868 -4.7427 -4.3337 -3.9370 -3.6012
-3.2899 -3.0275 -2.8261 -2.6979 -2.6979 -2.9115 -3.1007 -3.5402 -3.9553 -4.3093
-4.5351 -4.7244 -4.8098 -4.7610 -4.6328 -4.4009 -4.1628 -3.6867 -3.2472 -2.9420
-2.6246 -2.2523 -1.9532 -1.8189 -1.7945 -1.9288 -2.0692 -2.4415 -2.8749 -3.2045
-3.3754 -3.5219 -3.6745 -3.7783 -3.8637 -3.7416 -3.5768 -3.1679 -2.7406 -2.3927
-2.0814 -1.7335 -1.4954 -1.4771 -1.5686 -1.7640 -1.8922 -2.2645 -2.6918 -3.0702
-3.3083 -3.5219 -3.6440 -3.6440 -3.5524 -3.3449 -3.1801 -2.8322 -2.3377 -1.9105
-1.4954 -1.1780 -0.9705 -0.9216 -1.0254 -1.3855 -1.7090 -2.1119 -2.5331 -2.9298
-3.2228 -3.4792 -3.6745 -3.6928 -3.6501 -3.4792 -3.3022 -2.9054 -2.4598 -2.0875
-1.7579 -1.5198 -1.4161 -1.4344 -1.5076 -1.7212 -1.9471 -2.3988 -2.8749 -3.3571
-3.6379 -3.8149 -3.8881 -3.9370 -3.9370 -3.8210 -3.6867 -3.3693 -2.9970 -2.7162
-2.4110 -2.0509 -1.8067 -1.6602 -1.6480 -1.8494 -2.0753 -2.4537 -2.8749 -3.3022
-3.6135 -3.8820 -4.0896 -4.2238 -4.2483 -4.0285 -3.7416 -3.2106 -2.5880 -2.0509
-1.6297 -1.2757 -1.1353 -1.1658 -1.2390 -1.5015 -1.8067 -2.2584 -2.7406 -3.1801
-3.4486 -3.6196 -3.6989 -3.7599 -3.6501 -3.3510 -3.0702 -2.5697 -2.0142 -1.6114
-1.3733 -1.1719 -0.9888 -0.9033 -0.9461 -1.1780 -1.3916 -1.7701 -2.1974 -2.5575
-2.7894 -3.0092 -3.1679 -3.2045 -3.1679 -2.9786 -2.8199 -2.4476 -2.0020 -1.6053
-1.2574 -0.9338 -0.6470 -0.4944 -0.4577 -0.5920 -0.7324 -1.0681 -1.3855 -1.6968
-1.9898 -2.2889 -2.4659 -2.5270 -2.4293 -2.1180 -1.8006 -1.2757 -0.6775 -0.1892
0.19532 0.56155 0.81792 0.95220 0.93999 0.77519 0.63480 0.20753 -0.2990 -0.8179
-1.1780 -1.3550 -1.4344 -1.4893 -1.5564 -1.4893 -1.4405 -1.2329 -0.8484 -0.5432
-0.2563 0.00610 0.23805 0.43337 0.46999 0.22584 -0.0671 -0.5798 -1.0071 -1.3245
-1.5320 -1.7701 -2.0203 -2.1302 -2.1058 -1.9837 -1.8799 -1.5320 -1.0437 -0.5920
-0.2685 0.07324 0.32961 0.36012 0.20142 -0.0610 -0.2868 -0.8179 -1.3794 -1.8738
-2.1912 -2.4476 -2.6185 -2.7589 -2.7711 -2.6368 -2.4659 -2.1119 -1.6663 -1.3062
-0.9766 -0.7019 -0.5127 -0.3906 -0.4272 -0.6714 -0.8423 -1.1353 -1.4283 -1.6968
-1.8799 -2.0386 -2.2096 -2.3072 -2.3622 -2.2279 -2.1363 -1.7701 -1.3489 -1.0376
-0.8057 -0.6531 -0.6348 -0.8057 -1.1353 -1.6663 -2.1119 -2.8505 -3.5951 -4.3520
-4.9441 -5.4568 -5.7803 -6.0306 -6.0794 -5.8170 -5.5423 -5.1272 -4.7854 -4.5107
-4.2360 -3.8637 -3.5219 -3.3205 -3.2594 -3.3022 -3.2228 -3.3205 -3.5463 -3.7477
-3.9064 -4.0102 -4.0651 -3.9431 -3.8088 -3.5402 -3.2533 -2.8138 -2.3133 -1.8922
-1.4893 -1.1231 -0.8118 -0.6531 -0.6225 -0.7080 -0.7446 -1.0193 -1.2940 -1.5564
-1.6724 -1.7823 -1.8433 -1.8677 -1.8067 -1.6175 -1.4344 -1.0010 -0.4577 -0.0244
0.32961 0.53714 0.61649 0.64701 0.59207 0.44558 0.38454 0.07935 -0.4150 -0.9216
-1.2818 -1.5686 -1.7762 -1.7518 -1.5748 -1.2451 -1.0010 -0.5615 -0.0183 0.31740
0.56766 0.78740 0.99493 1.13532 1.16584 0.94610 0.75688 0.29298 -0.1648 -0.5554
-0.7690 -0.9827 -1.1597 -1.2146 -1.1414 -0.9033 -0.7568 -0.3296 0.19532 0.64701
0.90947 1.18415 1.43441 1.60532 1.61753 1.47103 1.36116 1.01324 0.63480 0.29298
0.00000 -0.2990 -0.4699 -0.5127 -0.4944 -0.4577 -0.4150 -0.0976 0.32961 0.63480
0.97051 1.27571 1.43441 1.43441 1.30623 0.98883 0.78129 0.43948 0.11597 -0.2319
-0.4944 -0.8240 -1.1597 -1.3428 -1.3489 -1.1414 -0.9705 -0.6042 -0.1464 0.24415
0.51272 0.71415 0.90947 0.95831 0.85454 0.58597 0.42727 0.10376 -0.2563 -0.5493
-0.6958 -0.7385 -0.7996 -0.8606 -0.8057 -0.5554 -0.3418 0.05493 0.54324 0.98272
1.34895 1.62363 1.80064 1.80675 1.67856 1.48934 1.39779 1.03155 0.60428 0.23805
-0.0244 -0.2807 -0.5798 -0.7935 -0.9155 -0.7812 -0.6348 -0.3235 0.06714 0.34792
0.46999 0.57376 0.68973 0.70194 0.64701 0.47610 0.31740 -0.1281 -0.6103 -1.0071
-1.3367 -1.6785 -1.9837 -2.1790 -2.2889 -2.2218 -2.0753 -1.7151 -1.2512 -0.8118
-0.4577 -0.1098 0.09766 0.25636 0.30519 0.14649 -0.0671 -0.5371 -1.0071 -1.3672
-1.5320 -1.6358 -1.6846 -1.6358 -1.5015 -1.1353 -0.8179 -0.3540 0.16480 0.57986
0.87896 1.20857 1.49545 1.61142 1.61142 1.43441 1.33064 0.91558 0.41506 -0.0854
-0.5066 -0.8179 -1.0437 -1.2146 -1.3245 -1.2390 -1.1292 -0.7874 -0.3235 0.09766
0.36623 0.60428 0.78740 0.86064 0.84844 0.65922 0.50662 0.21974 -0.0549 -0.2807
-0.3906 -0.4822 -0.5310 -0.4699 -0.2746 0.04883 0.26246 0.56766 1.01324 1.35506
1.69688 2.02649 2.33168 2.47207 2.49649 2.26454 2.02649 1.54428 0.93389 0.36012
-0.0488 -0.2929 -0.3662 -0.3967 -0.3418 -0.1464 -0.0305 0.21363 0.56155 0.89727
1.15973 1.44662 1.70298 1.86779 1.91051 1.74571 1.56869 1.19025 0.75077 0.33571
0.10987 -0.0549 -0.1831 -0.2441 -0.2197 -0.0671 0.10376 0.42116 0.83012 1.09870
1.36727 1.61142 1.84947 1.94714 1.91051 1.75181 1.65415 1.35506 0.95831 0.63480
0.46389 0.21363 -0.1648 -0.5066 -0.6348 -0.5859 -0.6470 -0.4638 -0.1037 0.19532
0.42727 0.70194 0.98883 1.20246 1.23298 1.06818 0.90337 0.49441 0.04883 -0.4089
-0.7812 -1.0742 -1.2818 -1.3916 -1.3855 -1.2146 -1.0498 -0.7690 -0.4028 -0.1220
0.10987 0.35402 0.53103 0.61038 0.56155 0.26246 0.01831 -0.4150 -0.8423 -1.2512
-1.4832 -1.5870 -1.6297 -1.6053 -1.5625 -1.2635 -1.0071 -0.5554 -0.0610 0.35402
0.69584 1.03155 1.32454 1.40999 1.39168 1.25740 1.11701 0.71415 0.15870 -0.5188
-1.0071 -1.2879 -1.4649 -1.5686 -1.5259 -1.2757 -1.0681 -0.7019 -0.2929 0.10987
0.45168 0.75688 1.07428 1.25740 1.27571 1.09870 0.97051 0.56766 0.07935 -0.3235
-0.6653 -0.8972 -1.0315 -1.0498 -1.0010 -0.8179 -0.6042 -0.1648 0.33571 0.63480
0.87285 1.14753 1.45272 1.69688 1.75181 1.58701 1.44662 0.95220 0.36012 -0.2563
-0.7751 -1.0803 -1.2268 -1.2574 -1.2696 -1.1597 -1.0498 -0.6714 -0.1648 0.29298
0.70805 1.11701 1.44051 1.62973 1.64194 1.47103 1.23908 0.73246 0.21363 -0.1831
-0.4211 -0.7019 -0.9644 -1.0742 -1.0803 -0.8667 -0.6409 -0.2563 0.25025 0.62870
0.92779 1.19636 1.40999 1.50155 1.49545 1.29402 1.08649 0.65311 0.15870 -0.3540
-0.7019 -0.9888 -1.1597 -1.1536 -1.0498 -0.7812 -0.5859 -0.1831 0.30519 0.62870
0.86064 1.06207 1.14142 1.11090 1.00714 0.69584 0.44558 -0.0244 -0.5615 -1.0376
-1.3367 -1.5809 -1.7151 -1.7762 -1.7457 -1.5870 -1.4038 -1.0315 -0.5615 -0.1892
0.10376 0.32961 0.54935 0.65311 0.65311 0.40285 0.18311 -0.2014 -0.6164 -1.0010
-1.2085 -1.3184 -1.4527 -1.4893 -1.5564 -1.5137 -1.5259 -1.2451 -0.8606 -0.5005
-0.1587 0.20753 0.53103 0.76298 0.83012 0.63480 0.42727 -0.0732 -0.6225 -1.1292
-1.4222 -1.6602 -1.7945 -1.8311 -1.7457 -1.4710 -1.1902 -0.6653 0.06714 0.66532
1.13532 1.54428 1.82506 2.03869 2.22181 2.20960 2.21571 1.92272 1.47103 1.01324
0.55545 0.13428 -0.1587 -0.3051 -0.3479 -0.1770 -0.0854 0.18922 0.61649 0.97051
1.25129 1.44051 1.58090 1.57480 1.56869 1.40389 1.25740 0.89116 0.51272 0.14038
-0.1159 -0.2929 -0.3601 -0.3479 -0.2441 0.04883 0.26857 0.51883 0.87896 1.17194
1.40389 1.60532 1.79454 1.92882 1.92882 1.68467 1.49545 1.20246 0.81181 0.25025
-0.2685 -0.6348 -0.8118 -0.7874 -0.6836 -0.4394 -0.2441 0.13428 0.58597 0.87285
1.15973 1.42220 1.65415 1.74571 1.70908 1.51376 1.41610 1.09870 0.73857 0.39675
0.06714 -0.2136 -0.4272 -0.4699 -0.4333 -0.2502 -0.1159 0.24415 0.66532 1.00714
1.30012 1.62973 1.87999 1.95934 1.91662 1.71519 1.60532 1.29402 0.89116 0.56766
0.40896 0.18311 0.00000 -0.0915 -0.1464 -0.0366 0.07324 0.44558 0.92779 1.38558
1.80675 2.13636 2.36220 2.53921 2.66739 2.49038 2.25233 1.73350 1.06818 0.46999
0.13428 -0.0122 -0.0610 -0.0671 -0.0183 0.15259 0.26246 0.59207 1.02545 1.35506
1.72129 2.04480 2.20960 2.20350 2.08753 1.81285 1.61753 1.17805 0.68363 0.28077
0.06103 -0.1220 -0.2624 -0.2624 -0.2075 -0.1281 -0.0732 0.22584 0.65311 0.89727
1.01934 1.24519 1.49545 1.66636 1.65415 1.41610 1.19636 0.78129 0.31740 -0.0305
-0.3112 -0.5493 -0.7446 -0.8057 -0.8057 -0.6714 -0.5981 -0.3601 -0.0549 0.14649
0.29909 0.48220 0.68973 0.81181 0.76909 0.48831 0.32350 0.00610 -0.3540 -0.7019
-1.0315 -1.3428 -1.6114 -1.7151 -1.6907 -1.5137 -1.3794 -1.0559 -0.5981 -0.2746
0.00000 0.33571 0.62870 0.83012 0.83012 0.56766 0.28688 -0.1587 -0.6042 -0.9705
-1.2574 -1.4710 -1.5686 -1.5809 -1.5320 -1.2818 -1.0987 -0.6958 -0.1403 0.36012
0.82402 1.22688 1.51986 1.61142 1.55649 1.30012 1.15363 0.75077 0.26246 -0.1464
-0.3967 -0.6042 -0.7812 -0.7751 -0.6714 -0.4150 -0.2136 0.23194 0.79960 1.17805
1.48934 1.77012 1.94103 2.00207 2.00207 1.92272 1.87999 1.60532 1.19025 0.72636
0.28688 -0.1892 -0.7507 -1.1963 -1.4771 -1.4466 -1.3794 -1.0376 -0.5432 -0.1587
0.14649 0.41506 0.65922 0.84233 1.01324 0.92168 0.79960 0.37844 -0.0610 -0.4638
-0.7935 -1.0559 -1.2879 -1.4405 -1.4588 -1.2268 -1.0193 -0.6164 -0.1037 0.27467
0.62259 0.95831 1.19636 1.31844 1.28181 1.05597 0.79960 0.39675 -0.0793 -0.4944
-0.7202 -0.8362 -0.9644 -1.0254 -0.9949 -0.8118 -0.7324 -0.5066 -0.1281 0.15259
0.38454 0.63480 0.85454 0.94610 1.00103 0.82402 0.67753 0.29909 -0.1037 -0.4516
-0.7568 -1.0193 -1.1902 -1.2451 -1.2696 -1.1231 -0.9644 -0.5432 0.06714 0.59207
0.93389 1.19636 1.33064 1.37947 1.32454 1.08038 0.89116 0.46389 -0.0854 -0.5920
-0.9277 -1.1292 -1.1780 -1.1414 -1.0803 -0.8911 -0.7446 -0.3723 0.16480 0.68363
1.11090 1.39168 1.56869 1.59311 1.46493 1.08038 0.79960 0.34792 -0.1648 -0.5920
-0.8545 -0.9827 -1.0925 -1.1292 -1.1170 -0.8789 -0.6775 -0.3296 0.12207 0.45779
0.75688 1.06207 1.32454 1.45882 1.45272 1.14753 0.86064 0.37844 -0.2197 -0.7568
-1.0864 -1.3245 -1.5137 -1.6968 -1.7518 -1.5503 -1.3855 -0.9949 -0.4699 -0.0610
0.27467 0.61649 0.93389 1.15363 1.28792 1.17805 1.12311 0.83623 0.37844 -0.0366
-0.3967 -0.6531 -0.9338 -1.0925 -1.1597 -1.0437 -0.9155 -0.5432 -0.0183 0.37233
0.73246 1.03766 1.30623 1.42220 1.36116 0.96441 0.59818 0.04883 -0.4699 -0.9888
-1.4344 -1.7090 -1.7151 -1.4954 -1.2390 -0.9033 -0.6653 -0.3174 0.08545 0.39675
0.65922 0.88506 1.01324 1.07428 1.06818 0.86064 0.63480 0.21974 -0.1953 -0.5127
-0.7385 -0.9094 -1.0681 -1.1353 -1.0620 -0.8240 -0.5920 -0.1770 0.40285 0.81181
1.11090 1.34285 1.50155 1.55649 1.61142 1.44662 1.25740 0.81181 0.22584 -0.2746
-0.6042 -0.8240 -0.9705 -0.9949 -0.9338 -0.6653 -0.4761 -0.1770 0.26857 0.62870
0.89727 1.20246 1.37947 1.40389 1.33064 1.13532 1.00103 0.65922 0.18922 -0.1403
-0.3784 -0.5920 -0.7202 -0.8057 -0.8362 -0.6164 -0.4761 -0.2624 0.06714 0.37844
0.64701 0.85454 1.05597 1.19025 1.15973 0.90947 0.66532 0.23194 -0.2380 -0.7141
-1.1536 -1.4405 -1.5870 -1.5931 -1.5015 -1.2207 -0.9094 -0.4089 0.15259 0.53103
0.79350 1.01934 1.26350 1.45882 1.50155 1.30012 1.14142 0.78740 0.36012 -0.0061
-0.2563 -0.4394 -0.6348 -0.6836 -0.6164 -0.4211 -0.2746 0.12818 0.64090 0.98883
1.24519 1.43441 1.53818 1.48324 1.33675 1.11090 0.97662 0.67753 0.26857 -0.0305
-0.2502 -0.5127 -0.8057 -0.9399 -0.9399 -0.7263 -0.5249 -0.1342 0.42116 0.81181
1.13532 1.47103 1.81895 2.06921 2.20350 2.06921 1.82506 1.28181 0.72025 0.23194
-0.1648 -0.4699 -0.8118 -1.2574 -1.7457 -1.9349 -2.0753 -2.0753 -1.9105 -1.8494
-1.8861 -1.8372 -1.7457 -1.8372 -2.0509 -2.4293 -2.8016 -3.3510 -3.8881 -4.3398
-4.6511 -4.9075 -5.1150 -5.0662 -4.8831 -4.5290 -4.1567 -3.6928 -3.0946 -2.5331
-1.9654 -1.4710 -1.0315 -0.6958 -0.4150 -0.3540 -0.2441 -0.4455 -0.8118 -1.1719
-1.4649 -1.7090 -1.8189 -1.7945 -1.6968 -1.4771 -1.3123 -0.9155 -0.3540 0.11597
0.57376 1.03155 1.40999 1.58701 1.60532 1.41610 1.20857 0.84844 0.45168 0.11597
-0.0366 -0.1953 -0.3662 -0.4944 -0.5371 -0.3662 -0.1464 0.23805 0.72025 1.11090
1.41610 1.69688 1.88610 1.88610 1.77623 1.50766 1.26960 0.78129 0.31740 -0.0549
-0.3723 -0.6714 -0.9033 -1.0315 -1.0315 -0.7935 -0.6164 -0.2624 0.17701 0.50051
0.69584 0.86064 1.03766 1.15973 1.14753 0.90947 0.67753 0.25025 -0.1770 -0.5188
-0.7812 -1.1231 -1.3733 -1.4649 -1.3977 -1.1109 -0.8850 -0.5127 0.02441 0.43948
0.76298 1.04376 1.27571 1.33064 1.30012 1.11701 0.95220 0.59207 0.14038 -0.2380
-0.4577 -0.6714 -1.0315 -1.3306 -1.4710 -1.3550 -1.2818 -0.9583 -0.4638 -0.0793
0.26246 0.59207 0.81181 0.90947 0.84233 0.54324 0.37233 0.03662 -0.3479 -0.6592
-0.8484 -1.1414 -1.3794 -1.4038 -1.2879 -0.9766 -0.6714 -0.2502 0.20753 0.61649
0.97051 1.33064 1.68467 1.92272 1.95934 1.73960 1.51986 1.09870 0.62870 0.26857
0.03662 -0.1892 -0.5127 -0.6775 -0.6409 -0.3906 -0.2197 0.10987 0.54324 0.87285
1.11701 1.28181 1.37337 1.41610 1.36116 1.05597 0.83623 0.35402 -0.2441 -0.7874
-1.1048 -1.3733 -1.6480 -1.8494 -2.0020 -2.0203 -2.0325 -1.8250 -1.4527 -1.2451
-1.0254 -0.7202 -0.4455 -0.2563 -0.2197 -0.4761 -0.7324 -1.1170 -1.5259 -1.8922
-2.2279 -2.4720 -2.6979 -2.8566 -2.9115 -2.7711 -2.6735 -2.3194 -1.7335 -1.2085
-0.7202 -0.3601 -0.1587 -0.0549 -0.0305 -0.3906 -0.7935 -1.3428 -1.9227 -2.3744
-2.6918 -2.9664 -3.1679 -3.1801 -3.0763 -2.7650 -2.4720 -2.0264 -1.4954 -1.0864
-0.6897 -0.3051 -0.0183 0.14649 0.20142 0.01220 -0.1709 -0.5066 -0.8728 -1.1902
-1.4099 -1.6114 -1.8189 -1.8983 -1.8799 -1.7029 -1.5748 -1.2818 -0.7751 -0.3296
0.07935 0.45168 0.83623 1.11090 1.20246 1.07428 1.00103 0.66532 0.12207 -0.3540
-0.6958 -0.9277 -1.1048 -1.2146 -1.3245 -1.1841 -1.0620 -0.8057 -0.4028 -0.1220
0.10376 0.36623 0.54935 0.61038 0.63480 0.43337 0.21363 -0.1953 -0.6592 -1.0559
-1.3672 -1.6358 -1.8128 -1.9227 -1.8861 -1.6236 -1.3672 -0.9644 -0.4516 -0.0793
0.18922 0.38454 0.56155 0.59207 0.51272 0.26857 0.12818 -0.1281 -0.4577 -0.7202
-0.8728 -0.9338 -1.0376 -1.0864 -1.1719 -1.0437 -0.8667 -0.4699 0.05493 0.50662
0.78740 0.93389 1.00714 1.04376 0.98272 0.66532 0.44558 -0.0061 -0.4638 -0.8362
-1.1170 -1.3367 -1.5748 -1.7335 -1.7274 -1.5870 -1.4588 -1.1719 -0.7690 -0.4333
-0.1098 0.18922 0.40896 0.51272 0.50662 0.35402 0.24415 0.00000 -0.3906 -0.8057
-1.0925 -1.2574 -1.3733 -1.4893 -1.6785 -1.8128 -1.8372 -1.5198 -1.0010 -0.6042
-0.3174 -0.1159 0.10376 0.25636 0.32350 0.17701 -0.0244 -0.4883 -0.9705 -1.3733
-1.6785 -1.8983 -2.1363 -2.2767 -2.3255 -2.1546 -1.9654 -1.5870 -1.1170 -0.7446
-0.3906 -0.1037 0.09766 0.26246 0.34181 0.22584 0.04272 -0.3418 -0.8362 -1.2024
-1.4466 -1.6724 -1.8861 -2.0386 -2.0936 -1.8555 -1.6114 -1.1536 -0.5676 -0.1281
0.14038 0.36012 0.53103 0.64090 0.68973 0.57986 0.37233 -0.1037 -0.7385 -1.2879
-1.5809 -1.7762 -1.9410 -2.0203 -2.0203 -1.8189 -1.6297 -1.2818 -0.7751 -0.4272
-0.1953 0.06714 0.23194 0.19532 0.03662 -0.2807 -0.5920 -1.0987 -1.6236 -2.0448
-2.3927 -2.6735 -2.8444 -2.9054 -2.8505 -2.6490 -2.4659 -2.0203 -1.5137 -1.1536
-0.8789 -0.5920 -0.2685 -0.0488 0.01220 -0.1220 -0.2441 -0.5798 -1.0132 -1.3672
-1.5809 -1.6968 -1.8006 -1.8311 -1.7945 -1.5564 -1.3977 -1.0803 -0.6409 -0.3112
-0.0610 0.15259 0.38454 0.53103 0.53103 0.25636 0.06714 -0.2868 -0.6836 -0.9827
-1.1780 -1.3672 -1.6114 -1.7823 -1.8189 -1.6053 -1.3611 -0.9644 -0.4577 -0.0305
0.28077 0.55545 0.77519 0.74467 0.59818 0.42727 0.36012 -0.0061 -0.5676 -1.0437
-1.4405 -1.6419 -1.7396 -1.7884 -1.8738 -1.7701 -1.6724 -1.4038 -0.9155 -0.4638
-0.0427 0.30519 0.56766 0.68973 0.69584 0.46389 0.26246 -0.1525 -0.6409 -1.0864
-1.3550 -1.5320 -1.6236 -1.6175 -1.5931 -1.3855 -1.2207 -0.9094 -0.4761 -0.1525
0.09155 0.38454 0.64701 0.75688 0.67142 0.42727 0.19532 -0.1770 -0.6348 -1.0498
-1.3489 -1.6175 -1.8311 -1.9593 -1.9105 -1.6785 -1.4466 -1.0681 -0.5188 -0.0854
0.24415 0.37844 0.46389 0.43337 0.37233 0.12207 -0.0427 -0.3784 -0.7690 -1.1231
-1.3611 -1.5931 -1.7701 -1.7823 -1.6785 -1.4344 -1.2451 -0.9094 -0.4211 -0.0427
0.24415 0.54324 0.83623 0.97662 0.98272 0.82402 0.66532 0.27467 -0.1648 -0.5737
-0.9338 -1.1597 -1.3001 -1.3733 -1.3550 -1.1658 -1.0071 -0.7141 -0.3357 0.00000
0.37844 0.71415 0.99493 1.11090 1.09259 0.83012 0.64701 0.27467 -0.2502 -0.7141
-0.9888 -1.1902 -1.3977 -1.4710 -1.4771 -1.2940 -1.2268 -1.0559 -0.7141 -0.3845
-0.1098 0.10376 0.31129 0.53103 0.56155 0.28688 0.08545 -0.2746 -0.7996 -1.3672
-1.7396 -1.9166 -2.0386 -2.0081 -1.8861 -1.6541 -1.4710 -1.1109 -0.5554 -0.0915
0.28688 0.56766 0.81181 0.95831 0.95831 0.76909 0.57376 0.25025 -0.1220 -0.4272
-0.6164 -0.7019 -0.7141 -0.6164 -0.4516 -0.1709 -0.0366 0.18311 0.34181 0.37844
0.44558 0.57376 0.72025 0.84233 0.92779 0.81181 0.70194 0.37844 -0.0427 -0.4272
-0.6897 -0.9583 -1.1902 -1.3489 -1.4161 -1.2635 -1.0803 -0.7568 -0.3051 0.05493
0.42727 0.81181 1.12921 1.30012 1.32454 1.08649 0.87285 0.57376 0.14038 -0.2685
-0.5615 -0.8179 -1.0071 -1.1170 -1.0987 -0.9094 -0.7874 -0.5554 -0.0915 0.25636
0.40896 0.46389 0.61649 0.75688 0.79960 0.59207 0.45168 0.12207 -0.3235 -0.7324
-1.0254 -1.3184 -1.5625 -1.7151 -1.8311 -1.7457 -1.6663 -1.2940 -0.7568 -0.4577
-0.2441 0.01220 0.32350 0.53103 0.61038 0.40896 0.17701 -0.1953 -0.6470 -1.1170
-1.5503 -1.8861 -2.0997 -2.2096 -2.2767 -2.0692 -1.8494 -1.5137 -1.0803 -0.7935
-0.5127 -0.2807 -0.0488 0.12818 0.29298 0.16480 0.00610 -0.4089 -0.8972 -1.3855
-1.7701 -1.9715 -2.0936 -2.1790 -2.2767 -2.1302 -1.9837 -1.5748 -0.9705 -0.4761
0.04883 0.56155 0.95220 1.16584 1.11701 0.70805 0.19532 -0.5920 -1.4527 -2.0020
-2.2096 -2.3438 -2.4659 -2.4720 -2.3072 -1.9837 -1.8433 -1.5625 -1.0864 -0.7324
-0.4638 -0.2563 0.00000 0.23194 0.34792 0.20753 0.07935 -0.2441 -0.7263 -1.0987
-1.3428 -1.5015 -1.6663 -1.6846 -1.6236 -1.4283 -1.3062 -1.0132 -0.5676 -0.2380
0.06714 0.38454 0.67753 0.83012 0.84233 0.63480 0.52493 0.23194 -0.2014 -0.6470
-0.9827 -1.2268 -1.4161 -1.5564 -1.6358 -1.5564 -1.4954 -1.2574 -0.8362 -0.4822
-0.2014 0.05493 0.36623 0.68363 0.85454 0.70805 0.58597 0.25025 -0.2502 -0.6897
-1.0498 -1.3123 -1.5625 -1.7151 -1.7396 -1.7274 -1.7884 -1.6053 -1.1475 -0.7874
-0.5127 -0.2441 0.03051 0.21974 0.26857 0.09766 0.01220 -0.3662 -0.9705 -1.4954
-1.9349 -2.3194 -2.6063 -2.6673 -2.6429 -2.3683 -2.0875 -1.6053 -0.9399 -0.4455
-0.1525 0.09766 0.32350 0.38454 0.30519 -0.0183 -0.2441 -0.6042 -1.0925 -1.5198
-1.7945 -1.9654 -2.1668 -2.2645 -2.2523 -2.0814 -2.0325 -1.8250 -1.3916 -0.9888
-0.6225 -0.2929 -0.0183 0.16480 0.28688 0.11597 -0.0122 -0.4089 -0.9705 -1.5442
-1.9593 -2.1363 -2.2584 -2.2645 -2.2157 -1.9715 -1.7640 -1.4527 -1.0925 -0.8179
-0.5737 -0.2685 0.05493 0.28077 0.24415 -0.0671 -0.3112 -0.6958 -1.2329 -1.6846
-1.9715 -2.2157 -2.3744 -2.5025 -2.5453 -2.4171 -2.3255 -2.0386 -1.5748 -1.2207
-0.9461 -0.6775 -0.4883 -0.4150 -0.4516 -0.7507 -0.9338 -1.2390 -1.6724 -2.0875
-2.3499 -2.4720 -2.6063 -2.6185 -2.5819 -2.3988 -2.2645 -1.9166 -1.4344 -1.1475
-0.9399 -0.7690 -0.6103 -0.4822 -0.4333 -0.4944 -0.5127 -0.7629 -1.1353 -1.6114
-2.0203 -2.3194 -2.6185 -2.8138 -2.8932 -2.7772 -2.6246 -2.2340 -1.6419 -1.1353
-0.7141 -0.4211 -0.2624 -0.1403 -0.0244 -0.1464 -0.2685 -0.5737 -1.0071 -1.4649
-1.9105 -2.2279 -2.5086 -2.6185 -2.6063 -2.3255 -2.1241 -1.7579 -1.2085 -0.7874
-0.4822 -0.2014 0.05493 0.25636 0.36623 0.23805 0.12207 -0.2197 -0.7812 -1.3428
-1.6785 -1.9044 -2.0875 -2.1790 -2.1668 -1.9410 -1.7762 -1.4161 -0.9033 -0.4028
0.06714 0.43948 0.70805 0.83012 0.70805 0.37844 0.09766 -0.2624 -0.7568 -1.2451
-1.6541 -2.0020 -2.3622 -2.5819 -2.6429 -2.4537 -2.3133 -2.0325 -1.5137 -1.0987
-0.7080 -0.3174 0.08545 0.33571 0.40896 0.23194 0.03662 -0.4638 -1.0254 -1.4771
-1.7762 -1.9959 -2.1241 -2.2035 -2.2584 -2.1180 -2.0631 -1.9532 -1.6480 -1.3794
-1.1719 -1.0254 -0.8911 -0.8240 -0.8484 -1.0315 -1.1963 -1.5076 -1.9654 -2.3927
-2.6673 -2.8444 -3.0641 -3.2167 -3.2961 -3.1618 -2.9725 -2.6185 -2.0814 -1.6480
-1.3184 -0.9522 -0.5493 -0.1892 -0.0183 -0.0549 -0.0671 -0.4211 -1.0132 -1.7029
-2.2523 -2.5697 -2.8566 -2.9848 -2.9664 -2.7528 -2.5880 -2.2523 -1.7274 -1.2940
-0.9583 -0.6042 -0.3967 -0.3967 -0.5127 -0.8179 -1.1536 -1.7396 -2.4232 -3.0580
-3.5951 -4.1201 -4.5290 -4.8770 -5.1394 -5.1577 -5.2310 -5.1211 -4.7732 -4.4436
-4.0835 -3.7599 -3.4792 -3.2289 -2.9970 -3.0641 -3.1312 -3.4059 -3.8454 -4.1933
-4.2422 -4.1323 -4.0896 -3.9797 -3.8271 -3.4303 -3.0336 -2.5697 -2.1119 -1.8067
-1.6175 -1.4161 -1.1963 -1.0987 -1.0132 -1.1109 -1.1719 -1.4099 -1.7945 -2.1546
-2.3072 -2.3194 -2.3805 -2.4354 -2.4049 -2.2401 -2.2035 -2.0142 -1.5686 -1.1658
-0.7996 -0.4516 -0.1831 -0.0244 -0.0549 -0.3112 -0.4883 -0.8179 -1.3062 -1.7335
-2.0448 -2.2950 -2.5270 -2.5270 -2.3927 -2.1119 -1.8799 -1.5625 -1.0803 -0.7263
-0.4089 -0.1037 0.14038 0.29298 0.37233 0.20142 0.04272 -0.2258 -0.6531 -1.0681
-1.3123 -1.4710 -1.5320 -1.5137 -1.5381 -1.4649 -1.4893 -1.3123 -0.8850 -0.5127
-0.2075 0.07935 0.29298 0.44558 0.42116 0.21363 0.00610 -0.3418 -0.7996 -1.2268
-1.5442 -1.7701 -2.0020 -2.1546 -2.1729 -1.9898 -1.8372 -1.5748 -1.1597 -0.8484
-0.6164 -0.4577 -0.2624 -0.2319 -0.3662 -0.6714 -0.8179 -1.0925 -1.4893 -1.9105
-2.1546 -2.3255 -2.5148 -2.5880 -2.6002 -2.4293 -2.2401 -1.8555 -1.4161 -1.2329
-1.1719 -1.0742 -0.8789 -0.7141 -0.6348 -0.7385 -0.8118 -1.0925 -1.5137 -1.9593
-2.3133 -2.5819 -2.7467 -2.7589 -2.6246 -2.2645 -1.9044 -1.4710 -0.9461 -0.5859
-0.2319 0.13428 0.50051 0.65922 0.67753 0.42116 0.20753 -0.1648 -0.6164 -1.0254
-1.3977 -1.6907 -1.9410 -2.0814 -2.1790 -2.0997 -2.0264 -1.7762 -1.3306 -0.9888
-0.7202 -0.4333 -0.1831 -0.0122 0.07935 -0.0366 -0.1892 -0.5859 -1.1170 -1.7029
-2.2157 -2.6490 -3.0885 -3.3937 -3.3937 -3.2167 -3.0336 -2.7101 -2.2584 -1.8738
-1.5381 -1.2024 -0.9338 -0.8850 -0.9644 -1.1414 -1.2390 -1.5198 -1.9227 -2.2767
-2.5270 -2.7284 -2.8566 -2.8749 -2.8749 -2.7833 -2.7101 -2.4598 -2.0325 -1.6602
-1.3611 -1.0559 -0.8118 -0.7080 -0.6531 -0.8057 -0.8728 -1.1231 -1.4466 -1.7335
-1.9654 -2.1485 -2.3499 -2.5819 -2.7894 -2.7711 -2.6918 -2.4659 -2.0325 -1.6419
-1.3977 -1.1780 -0.9522 -0.8606 -0.8972 -1.2024 -1.4405 -1.8189 -2.3255 -2.6796
-2.7772 -2.7772 -2.8688 -2.8993 -2.8871 -2.7772 -2.7711 -2.5331 -2.0936 -1.7884
-1.4771 -1.1658 -0.8606 -0.7019 -0.6103 -0.7812 -0.9461 -1.2512 -1.6846 -2.1241
-2.4598 -2.6979 -2.9054 -3.0519 -3.1801 -3.1129 -2.9298 -2.5514 -2.0203 -1.6358
-1.3733 -1.0742 -0.7751 -0.6164 -0.6653 -0.8911 -1.0071 -1.3733 -1.7823 -2.1363
-2.4171 -2.6612 -2.9481 -3.2350 -3.4120 -3.1923 -2.8627 -2.4293 -1.9166 -1.4954
-1.1780 -0.9583 -0.7263 -0.5005 -0.3235 -0.4394 -0.5615 -0.8423 -1.2696 -1.7457
-2.0814 -2.2157 -2.2645 -2.2767 -2.1974 -1.8799 -1.6297 -1.3001 -0.8728 -0.5249
-0.2990 -0.2380 -0.1709 -0.0610 -0.0183 -0.1525 -0.2685 -0.5676 -1.0132 -1.4283
-1.7029 -1.8922 -2.0081 -2.0875 -2.0631 -1.8983 -1.8372 -1.6419 -1.2207 -0.8545
-0.5676 -0.2685 0.04272 0.25636 0.29298 0.06714 -0.0854 -0.4028 -0.9033 -1.3794
-1.7274 -2.0570 -2.3316 -2.4964 -2.6002 -2.4903 -2.4049 -2.1241 -1.6968 -1.3062
-0.9094 -0.5371 -0.2685 -0.1220 -0.0610 -0.1892 -0.3723 -0.8423 -1.3916 -1.8311
-2.0753 -2.2645 -2.4476 -2.5941 -2.6612 -2.5270 -2.4049 -2.2035 -1.7945 -1.4161
-1.1231 -0.9277 -0.7935 -0.7263 -0.7385 -0.8484 -0.8850 -1.0803 -1.4832 -1.8250
-2.0875 -2.2767 -2.5331 -2.7772 -2.9970 -2.9176 -2.8077 -2.4659 -1.9227 -1.5686
-1.2879 -1.0742 -0.8728 -0.7507 -0.6958 -0.8545 -0.9094 -1.1658 -1.5320 -1.8494
-2.0386 -2.2523 -2.5880 -2.8199 -2.8444 -2.6490 -2.5331 -2.3316 -1.9837 -1.7151
-1.4344 -1.1353 -0.8728 -0.7141 -0.6470 -0.7935 -0.9399 -1.2390 -1.6419 -1.9654
-2.1119 -2.2218 -2.3133 -2.3194 -2.3011 -2.0997 -1.9227 -1.6297 -1.2024 -0.8789
-0.5310 -0.2380 0.01220 0.11597 0.14649 0.00610 -0.1037 -0.3906 -0.8728 -1.3733
-1.7579 -2.0997 -2.3744 -2.5025 -2.4781 -2.2645 -2.0997 -1.7701 -1.2329 -0.7568
-0.3967 -0.1587 -0.0549 0.02441 0.09155 -0.0305 -0.1953 -0.5859 -1.1536 -1.7029
-2.1058 -2.4598 -2.7833 -2.9054 -2.8810 -2.5697 -2.3072 -1.9898 -1.5198 -1.1414
-0.8545 -0.6287 -0.3784 -0.2685 -0.2685 -0.5005 -0.5920 -0.7324 -1.0132 -1.2512
-1.4161 -1.6358 -1.8983 -1.9471 -1.8616 -1.6663 -1.6907 -1.5320 -1.0315 -0.5920
-0.2563 0.01220 0.19532 0.20142 0.10987 -0.2807 -0.5981 -1.0010 -1.5564 -1.9959
-2.2462 -2.4171 -2.5086 -2.5331 -2.5148 -2.3377 -2.1485 -1.8433 -1.3489 -0.9399
-0.5981 -0.3235 -0.0732 0.07935 0.16480 0.05493 -0.0183 -0.2563 -0.6836 -1.1658
-1.5320 -1.7823 -2.0142 -2.1302 -2.1790 -2.0081 -1.8433 -1.5198 -1.0071 -0.5737
-0.1953 0.10987 0.40285 0.55545 0.56155 0.28077 0.01220 -0.3906 -0.8850 -1.3489
-1.6846 -1.8738 -2.0814 -2.2096 -2.2218 -2.1180 -2.0875 -1.8861 -1.3916 -0.9094
-0.5127 -0.1159 0.18922 0.32961 0.27467 -0.0183 -0.3174 -0.7446 -1.2818 -1.7518
-2.0997 -2.3377 -2.5453 -2.7101 -2.8016 -2.6612 -2.5697 -2.3316 -1.8433 -1.3916
-1.0254 -0.7629 -0.4944 -0.2868 -0.2197 -0.4150 -0.4638 -0.6531 -0.9888 -1.4038
-1.6480 -1.8067 -1.9593 -2.1485 -2.2279 -2.0631 -1.9654 -1.6724 -1.1475 -0.6164
-0.1220 0.42727 0.87285 0.98883 0.95831 0.59818 0.23194 -0.2319 -0.8240 -1.3062
-1.6114 -1.8372 -2.0570 -2.1546 -2.1180 -1.9471 -1.8861 -1.6541 -1.2390 -0.9155
-0.5859 -0.2441 0.11597 0.40896 0.57376 0.53103 0.60428 0.44558 0.12207 -0.2014
-0.5249 -0.8423 -1.0742 -1.1292 -1.0987 -0.9522 -0.9888 -1.0071 -0.8423 -0.6470
-0.3601 -0.0610 0.21363 0.40285 0.53103 0.37233 0.17701 -0.1464 -0.5859 -0.9399
-1.1658 -1.3306 -1.4710 -1.5442 -1.5870 -1.4832 -1.4466 -1.3123 -0.9766 -0.6836
-0.4333 -0.2197 -0.0183 0.07324 0.10987 -0.0122 -0.0976 -0.3845 -0.8179 -1.2268
-1.6297 -2.0142 -2.2950 -2.4476 -2.5697 -2.5575 -2.6002 -2.4232 -1.9837 -1.5503
-1.1841 -0.7874 -0.3784 -0.0610 0.07324 -0.0976 -0.2380 -0.6653 -1.3184 -1.8799
-2.2340 -2.4110 -2.5453 -2.5575 -2.4964 -2.2584 -1.9837 -1.5137 -0.7446 -0.1159
0.21974 0.32350 0.38454 0.46999 0.47610 0.20142 -0.0305 -0.4089 -0.8362 -1.2207
-1.5137 -1.7579 -2.0203 -2.1058 -2.0386 -1.7335 -1.5686 -1.3245 -0.9094 -0.6287
-0.3967 -0.1587 0.03051 0.13428 0.20753 0.05493 -0.0915 -0.3906 -0.7629 -1.1780
-1.4771 -1.7274 -1.9715 -2.1485 -2.1851 -2.0448 -1.9105 -1.6297 -1.1780 -0.7935
-0.4516 -0.1403 0.17701 0.43948 0.55545 0.48831 0.40285 0.16480 -0.2258 -0.6225
-0.9277 -1.2207 -1.5625 -1.8067 -1.9166 -1.8738 -1.7640 -1.5198 -1.0925 -0.8240
-0.5493 -0.2929 -0.0610 0.07935 0.16480 -0.0305 -0.1220 -0.3235 -0.8179 -1.2940
-1.5870 -1.8311 -2.1180 -2.3133 -2.3988 -2.2767 -2.2096 -1.9166 -1.3855 -0.8972
-0.4883 -0.0854 0.20142 0.28688 0.20753 -0.0305 -0.1587 -0.4699 -0.9705 -1.4527
-1.7518 -1.8922 -1.9715 -1.9471 -1.8861 -1.7396 -1.5320 -1.2757 -0.8667 -0.4699
-0.0854 0.23194 0.44558 0.37233 0.22584 -0.0915 -0.3051 -0.6714 -1.1719 -1.5870
-1.9227 -2.1546 -2.3805 -2.4842 -2.4964 -2.3194 -2.1058 -1.7518 -1.2574 -0.8118
-0.4455 -0.0732 0.25636 0.48220 0.53103 0.34181 0.23805 0.04272 -0.3479 -0.7690
-1.1109 -1.3733 -1.5564 -1.7029 -1.7945 -1.7457 -1.6724 -1.4099 -1.0132 -0.6958
-0.3784 -0.0610 0.29298 0.55545 0.68363 0.57376 0.46999 0.15870 -0.3845 -0.9216
-1.3001 -1.6053 -1.9105 -2.0753 -2.0692 -1.9166 -1.8250 -1.4832 -0.9155 -0.4089
-0.0061 0.37233 0.64090 0.79960 0.78740 0.47610 0.22584 -0.1464 -0.6287 -1.0620
-1.3367 -1.5137 -1.6846 -1.7701 -1.7640 -1.5748 -1.4710 -1.2146 -0.6225 -0.0915
0.32961 0.59818 0.69584 0.61038 0.38454 -0.0122 -0.2868 -0.6103 -1.0864 -1.5198
-1.9349 -2.1974 -2.3988 -2.5514 -2.6246 -2.5086 -2.4232 -2.2401 -1.8922 -1.5809
-1.2940 -0.9949 -0.6836 -0.5249 -0.5493 -0.8606 -1.1170 -1.5015 -1.9898 -2.4110
-2.6185 -2.7101 -2.8444 -2.9420 -2.9542 -2.8383 -2.8566 -2.7406 -2.3133 -1.9044
-1.5442 -1.1902 -0.8850 -0.6897 -0.5798 -0.6775 -0.7812 -1.0620 -1.4161 -1.7029
-1.9837 -2.2950 -2.6185 -2.7345 -2.6307 -2.3316 -2.0264 -1.6663 -1.1658 -0.7751
-0.4944 -0.3051 -0.1220 0.03662 0.12207 -0.0366 -0.1709 -0.4333 -0.8545 -1.2390
-1.4466 -1.5625 -1.6846 -1.7884 -1.8250 -1.6480 -1.5137 -1.2757 -0.8545 -0.5432
-0.3235 -0.0793 0.18922 0.39675 0.52493 0.45779 0.35402 0.08545 -0.3540 -0.8362
-1.1414 -1.3550 -1.5015 -1.5686 -1.6236 -1.5870 -1.5015 -1.3489 -0.9338 -0.6164
-0.3540 -0.1037 0.22584 0.50662 0.65311 0.57986 0.50662 0.28688 -0.0549 -0.4638
-0.8057 -1.0315 -1.2635 -1.4527 -1.5198 -1.3916 -1.3123 -1.0315 -0.5127 -0.0976
0.22584 0.51272 0.70805 0.75077 0.78740 0.65311 0.61649 0.40896 0.00000 -0.4089
-0.6225 -0.7446 -0.9033 -1.0620 -1.1170 -1.0498 -0.9399 -0.7080 -0.2563 0.06103
0.29298 0.51883 0.74467 1.02545 1.20857 1.10480 1.04376 0.84233 0.35402 -0.0610
-0.3418 -0.5676 -0.9033 -1.1414 -1.2940 -1.1597 -0.9766 -0.6836 -0.1892 0.25025
0.52493 0.72636 0.90947 1.01324 1.11090 1.02545 0.97662 0.72636 0.28077 -0.1525
-0.4333 -0.5615 -0.7019 -0.8057 -0.7751 -0.5737 -0.3723 -0.1037 0.32350 0.58597
0.73246 0.87285 0.99493 0.97051 0.67753 0.13428 -0.4211 -1.0742 -1.7884 -2.4049
-2.9298 -3.4120 -3.8210 -4.1018 -4.2788 -4.1811 -4.0224 -3.7477 -3.3388 -3.0458
-2.7650 -2.3988 -2.1180 -1.8922 -1.7029 -1.8250 -1.8738 -1.9715 -2.1974 -2.4049
-2.4720 -2.3988 -2.3377 -2.2889 -2.2828 -2.1668 -1.9837 -1.7518 -1.4161 -1.1475
-0.9522 -0.7324 -0.5127 -0.3540 -0.3235 -0.5493 -0.7385 -0.9888 -1.3367 -1.6419
-1.8922 -2.1302 -2.4171 -2.6673 -2.7467 -2.6429 -2.4049 -1.9776 -1.3245 -0.6836
-0.1525 0.27467 0.64701 0.86064 0.92779 0.80571 0.68363 0.36623 -0.0793 -0.5066
-0.8118 -1.0498 -1.2268 -1.1719 -1.0254 -0.7446 -0.5310 -0.2441 0.20142 0.54324
0.83623 1.12921 1.40999 1.62363 1.78843 1.73350 1.65415 1.34895 0.86675 0.44558
0.18311 -0.0488 -0.2136 -0.2685 -0.2502 -0.1098 0.02441 0.23194 0.65922 1.00714
1.36727 1.69688 2.06311 2.30727 2.39272 2.31337 2.29506 2.17908 1.73960 1.20246
0.76909 0.50662 0.32961 0.21363 0.18311 0.36623 0.50662 0.76298 1.23908 1.66636
1.99597 2.27064 2.55752 2.85662 3.01532 2.89934 2.75285 2.41714 1.88610 1.37337
1.01934 0.73857 0.53714 0.35402 0.18922 0.19532 0.21974 0.38454 0.86064 1.31844
1.70908 2.13636 2.53921 2.83830 2.98480 2.88713 2.78337 2.56973 2.21571 1.88610
1.60532 1.34895 1.13532 1.03766 1.10480 1.34895 1.56259 1.87999 2.45986 3.00921
3.42428 3.71726 3.90648 3.95532 4.02246 3.85765 3.74778 3.48532 3.06415 2.61856
2.24623 1.91051 1.55649 1.26960 1.06818 1.18415 1.37947 1.71519 2.23402 2.67350
2.96038 3.14960 3.26558 3.36324 3.35713 3.06415 2.73454 2.32558 1.75181 1.24519
0.90947 0.68363 0.42727 0.19532 0.14649 0.30519 0.38454 0.40285 0.72636 1.12921
1.44662 1.72740 1.99597 2.11804 2.20960 2.02038 1.92272 1.64194 1.10480 0.56155
0.22584 0.05493 -0.0122 0.01220 0.08545 0.34792 0.64090 1.03155 1.62363 2.14246
2.47817 2.80168 3.00311 2.99700 2.84441 2.56363 2.42324 2.24623 1.83116 1.42831
1.12921 0.84844 0.62259 0.52493 0.56155 0.76909 0.95220 1.20857 1.58701 1.83116
2.05701 2.34999 2.69181 2.97259 3.08856 2.95428 2.84441 2.62467 2.16077 1.64194
1.23908 0.93389 0.70805 0.64090 0.69584 0.99493 1.41610 1.96545 2.63688 3.11908
3.30220 3.41817 3.56467 3.67454 3.66233 3.41207 3.21674 2.83220 2.32558 1.81895
1.48934 1.26960 1.07428 0.92168 0.86064 0.98272 1.07428 1.26960 1.64194 1.94714
2.27675 2.64908 3.11298 3.50363 3.71116 3.58908 3.36324 2.89324 2.23402 1.64194
1.32454 1.17194 1.00714 0.95831 1.04986 1.27571 1.50155 1.78233 2.20350 2.57584
2.85662 3.09467 3.37545 3.60129 3.72947 3.66233 3.60739 3.33272 2.86272 2.39882
2.05701 1.77623 1.51986 1.37947 1.31844 1.38558 1.48324 1.73960 2.15467 2.54532
2.88103 3.17402 3.46090 3.61960 3.65012 3.49142 3.33882 3.04584 2.50259 1.91662
1.47714 1.14753 0.83623 0.71415 0.71415 0.88506 1.01324 1.22077 1.68467 2.04480
2.28895 2.45376 2.62467 2.75285 2.79558 2.68571 2.63077 2.45986 2.03259 1.47103
1.00714 0.54324 0.15259 -0.1159 -0.2258 -0.0488 0.12207 0.39675 0.81792 1.20246
1.48324 1.78233 2.08753 2.30116 2.39272 1.76402 1.93493 1.94714 1.54428 1.31844
1.00103 0.67753 0.45168 0.32961 0.20753 0.20753 0.31129 0.64090 1.14142 1.55649
1.77012 1.87389 1.99597 2.08142 2.16688 2.02038 1.85558 1.60532 1.15363 0.72636
0.39675 0.15259 -0.0427 -0.2685 -0.4699 -0.3479 -0.2685 -0.0915 0.31129 0.65311
0.86064 1.19025 1.55649 1.87999 2.14246 2.12415 2.13025 1.97766 1.58701 1.15973
0.80571 0.48220 0.18311 0.01831 -0.0244 0.12207 0.25636 0.46999 0.88506 1.26350
1.57480 1.81895 2.09363 2.34999 2.49649 2.36220 2.29506 2.06921 1.67856 1.23908
0.87896 0.62259 0.37844 0.25636 0.18922 0.29909 0.43337 0.70194 1.14142 1.42831
1.67246 1.91051 2.14856 2.32558 2.41714 2.23402 2.07532 1.78233 1.34895 0.90337
0.56155 0.29909 0.07324 -0.0610 -0.1281 -0.0549 0.07935 0.29298 0.63480 0.99493
1.34285 1.72740 2.05701 2.30116 2.34389 2.16688 2.02038 1.73350 1.22688 0.72025
0.42727 0.23194 -0.0183 -0.1159 -0.0976 0.02441 0.04883 0.17090 0.53103 0.76909
0.87285 0.96441 1.13532 1.30012 1.42220 1.36116 1.33675 1.17194 0.84844 0.50662
0.26857 0.03051 -0.2380 -0.5188 -0.6958 -0.7141 -0.6714 -0.4822 -0.0427 0.32961
0.60428 0.84844 1.09870 1.34895 1.51986 1.44051 1.30623 1.05597 0.68363 0.27467
0.00000 -0.2563 -0.5310 -0.6958 -0.7080 -0.5249 -0.3357 -0.0915 0.34181 0.72025
1.01324 1.25740 1.47714 1.59311 1.66025 1.54428 1.42220 1.18415 0.77519 0.35402
0.12207 -0.0549 -0.2502 -0.3784 -0.4638 -0.3479 -0.2502 -0.0427 0.35402 0.70805
0.85454 1.01324 1.27571 1.47103 1.59311 1.49545 1.41610 1.22688 0.81792 0.37233
0.10376 -0.0488 -0.2441 -0.3662 -0.3662 -0.2197 -0.1464 -0.1037 0.14649 0.39675
0.67753 0.96441 1.19636 1.23298 1.18415 1.04376 0.92779 0.68973 0.17090 -0.3174
-0.6531 -0.8484 -1.0437 -1.2085 -1.2818 -1.1475 -1.0681 -0.8850 -0.5005 -0.1587
0.12818 0.40896 0.68973 0.92168 1.05597 0.99493 0.95220 0.79960 0.45168 -0.0244
-0.4516 -0.8423 -1.1780 -1.4222 -1.5625 -1.5503 -1.5198 -1.2635 -0.7812 -0.3418
-0.0305 0.19532 0.48831 0.61649 0.51883 0.20142 -0.0366 -0.2746 -0.6531 -1.0132
-1.2818 -1.4832 -1.7518 -1.9715 -2.0814 -1.9227 -1.7335 -1.4466 -1.0254 -0.6592
-0.3845 -0.1525 0.06103 0.20753 0.20142 -0.0427 -0.1892 -0.4089 -0.8545 -1.3794
-1.7151 -1.9593 -2.2035 -2.3255 -2.2950 -2.0692 -1.8616 -1.6114 -1.2024 -0.8362
-0.5371 -0.3174 -0.0732 0.12818 0.23805 0.11597 0.01831 -0.1709 -0.5920 -1.0987
-1.5686 -1.9471 -2.1974 -2.3316 -2.4842 -2.4415 -2.3255 -2.0448 -1.5198 -0.9766
-0.4883 -0.0671 0.29909 0.47610 0.46999 0.18922 -0.1281 -0.5493 -1.1170 -1.6297
-1.9044 -2.1180 -2.3744 -2.5514 -2.6490 -2.5941 -2.5148 -2.3072 -1.8677 -1.4344
-1.0620 -0.6775 -0.3418 -0.0976 -0.0244 -0.1831 -0.4028 -0.6958 -1.1475 -1.6358
-2.0020 -2.2462 -2.4903 -2.6307 -2.6735 -2.5392 -2.4171 -2.1546 -1.6114 -1.1048
-0.7568 -0.4822 -0.2319 -0.0671 0.03051 -0.1037 -0.1525 -0.3051 -0.6409 -0.9583
-1.1841 -1.3123 -1.5076 -1.6480 -1.7945 -1.7945 -1.7701 -1.6175 -1.1963 -0.7812
-0.4761 -0.2807 -0.0549 0.08545 0.12207 -0.0732 -0.2258 -0.4211 -0.7568 -1.1109
-1.3794 -1.5992 -1.7579 -1.8861 -1.9654 -1.8494 -1.6480 -1.3733 -0.8911 -0.4028
-0.0244 0.24415 0.55545 0.73857 0.81181 0.69584 0.53714 0.18922 -0.3601 -0.8606
-1.1414 -1.4038 -1.7151 -1.8799 -1.9410 -1.8128 -1.6663 -1.4099 -0.8911 -0.3906
-0.0915 0.10987 0.34792 0.57986 0.68363 0.58597 0.50051 0.28688 -0.0671 -0.4089
-0.5798 -0.6592 -0.7996 -1.0010 -1.2024 -1.2757 -1.3245 -1.2940 -1.0010 -0.6531
-0.3540 -0.0671 0.21363 0.43948 0.59207 0.62870 0.70194 0.69584 0.35402 -0.0915
-0.4699 -0.7874 -1.1475 -1.4527 -1.6358 -1.5992 -1.5137 -1.3062 -0.8667 -0.4211
-0.0488 0.31740 0.65922 0.85454 0.95831 0.81181 0.60428 0.28688 -0.1098 -0.5554
-0.8423 -1.0254 -1.1841 -1.3001 -1.4161 -1.3794 -1.2451 -0.9461 -0.5920 -0.2197
0.10987 0.43337 0.83623 1.21467 1.48324 1.51376 1.39168 1.00714 0.35402 -0.3296
-0.8301 -1.1292 -1.3001 -1.3001 -1.2085 -1.0193 -0.8911 -0.7568 -0.4333 -0.2441
-0.0488 0.15870 0.31740 0.36623 0.40285 0.24415 0.12207 -0.1953 -0.7874 -1.3916
-1.7945 -2.0692 -2.3622 -2.5209 -2.4964 -2.3072 -2.2157 -2.0997 -1.7701 -1.4893
-1.2940 -1.0376 -0.8240 -0.7019 -0.6042 -0.6714 -0.7446 -0.9644 -1.3367 -1.7701
-2.1363 -2.4354 -2.7284 -2.9970 -3.1007 -2.9970 -2.8077 -2.4781 -1.9166 -1.4405
-1.1414 -0.9033 -0.7568 -0.6775 -0.6714 -0.9094 -1.1597 -1.5015 -1.9105 -2.2218
-2.3499 -2.4110 -2.5025 -2.5941 -2.5819 -2.3072 -1.9898 -1.6114 -1.0498 -0.5371
-0.1587 0.14649 0.38454 0.51272 0.51272 0.33571 0.17090 -0.0854 -0.5127 -0.9399
-1.1475 -1.2512 -1.3794 -1.4099 -1.3550 -1.2085 -0.9216 -0.5066 0.12818 0.68973
1.03766 1.26960 1.47103 1.48324 1.41610 1.21467 1.08649 0.87285 0.55545 0.20142
-0.0549 -0.2502 -0.4333 -0.5066 -0.5066 -0.4089 -0.2807 -0.0061 0.50662 1.04376
1.58090 2.05090 2.45986 2.71623 2.81999 2.67960 2.50259 2.26454 1.91662 1.48324
1.19636 0.92779 0.64701 0.51883 0.45168 0.50662 0.61649 0.78129 1.18415 1.61142
1.93493 2.22181 2.47207 2.63077 2.72233 2.60636 2.47817 2.26454 1.80675 1.34285
1.02545 0.81181 0.61649 0.45779 0.39675 0.52493 0.73246 1.02545 1.46493 1.85558
2.17908 2.45986 2.72843 2.97869 3.05804 2.89324 2.72843 2.51480 2.08753 1.64805
1.31844 1.08038 0.92168 0.83012 0.79350 0.89116 1.06818 1.37337 1.83727 2.30116
2.64298 2.96649 3.22285 3.44259 3.58298 3.55856 3.54025 3.38155 3.00921 2.56973
2.31337 2.11194 1.88610 1.74571 1.75181 1.94103 2.14856 2.41103 2.78337 3.05804
3.25947 3.54635 3.83934 4.06519 4.19947 4.04077 3.82713 3.60129 3.26558 2.80778
2.42324 2.05701 1.67246 1.36727 1.24519 1.30623 1.39779 1.62973 2.02038 2.41103
2.70402 2.99090 3.21674 3.41817 3.50363 3.35103 3.25947 3.09467 2.77116 2.35610
2.03869 1.77623 1.56869 1.41610 1.39168 1.54428 1.70908 1.92882 2.43545 2.93597
3.29610 3.59519 3.72947 3.69285 3.52804 3.10687 2.55752 1.98986 1.19025 0.29298
-0.4944 -1.2451 -1.9593 -2.4354 -2.7772 -2.9542 -3.0519 -2.9909 -2.5514 -2.1485
-1.8128 -1.5625 -1.4283 -1.3245 -1.2879 -1.3489 -1.3245 -1.3855 -1.5320 -1.6785
-1.5931 -1.5320 -1.5198 -1.3916 -1.1780 -0.9277 -0.5981 -0.1770 0.32961 0.73857
1.01324 1.23908 1.45882 1.65415 1.72129 1.59921 1.45882 1.25740 0.92779 0.61649
0.51883 0.45168 0.29909 0.15259 0.06103 0.17701 0.28688 0.46999 0.97662 1.48934
1.83727 2.07532 2.32558 2.55142 2.64298 2.48428 2.27064 1.88610 1.38558 0.91558
0.54935 0.17701 -0.1220 -0.2685 -0.3662 -0.2380 -0.0793 0.21974 0.79350 1.38558
1.82506 2.28285 2.63077 2.81999 2.92986 2.83220 2.67350 2.36220 1.77012 1.12311
0.70194 0.39064 0.16480 0.12818 0.24415 0.54935 0.84233 1.14753 1.62973 2.09973
2.50259 2.85662 3.02752 3.07636 3.11908 2.88103 2.65519 2.41714 2.09363 1.74571
1.49545 1.36727 1.31233 1.36116 1.51986 1.90441 2.25233 2.52701 2.97869 3.40597
3.67454 3.85155 4.01025 4.05908 3.98583 3.75389 3.58908 3.37545 2.97259 2.53311
2.20960 1.91051 1.62363 1.42831 1.33064 1.37337 1.44662 1.58701 1.94714 2.25233
2.53311 2.80168 3.06415 3.30830 3.47921 3.39376 3.24726 2.99700 2.47817 1.89830
1.50155 1.26960 1.09259 1.01934 0.96441 1.04376 1.04376 1.20246 1.59311 1.99597
2.28895 2.55752 2.74064 2.91765 3.10687 3.08856 3.06415 2.93597 2.71623 2.40493
2.10584 1.78843 1.47103 1.20246 0.99493 1.04376 1.14142 1.37337 1.80675 2.18519
2.37441 2.50259 2.60636 2.69791 2.71623 2.50869 2.28285 2.05090 1.67856 1.19025
0.77519 0.42727 0.14038 -0.0305 -0.0793 0.04272 0.12207 0.20753 0.53103 0.87896
1.11701 1.30623 1.55038 1.71519 1.71519 1.48934 1.31233 1.01324 0.56155 0.16480
-0.0488 -0.2624 -0.4577 -0.5798 -0.6287 -0.6042 -0.5432 -0.3296 0.10987 0.56766
0.90337 1.19025 1.39779 1.54428 1.60532 1.48324 1.35506 1.16584 0.75688 0.27467
-0.0305 -0.2380 -0.4577 -0.5493 -0.5676 -0.4883 -0.3357 -0.1037 0.32350 0.75688
1.09870 1.39168 1.62363 1.83727 2.00817 1.86168 1.68467 1.41610 0.99493 0.54324
0.33571 0.23194 0.10987 -0.0244 -0.0793 0.06103 0.20142 0.38454 0.83623 1.31233
1.64194 1.94714 2.23402 2.46597 2.62467 2.57584 2.41103 2.19129 1.81895 1.40389
1.01934 0.64090 0.28688 0.11597 0.14649 0.29909 0.39064 0.59818 0.97051 1.23908
1.37337 1.53207 1.75792 1.95324 2.09973 2.09973 2.06311 1.91051 1.55038 1.09259
0.67142 0.23194 -0.1281 -0.3540 -0.4577 -0.3845 -0.3112 -0.2136 0.08545 0.37844
0.56766 0.70194 0.87896 1.04986 1.19025 1.11701 0.95220 0.70194 0.33571 -0.1403
-0.5920 -0.9705 -1.2390 -1.3306 -1.3916 -1.3245 -1.1475 -0.9644 -0.6958 -0.4272
-0.1709 0.02441 0.28077 0.54935 0.77519 0.76909 0.73857 0.59207 0.15259 -0.4089
-0.8423 -1.1658 -1.5259 -1.7640 -1.8067 -1.6236 -1.4161 -1.1658 -0.7080 -0.2624
0.10376 0.40896 0.66532 0.83623 0.92779 0.79960 0.67142 0.45168 0.09155 -0.3174
-0.6714 -0.9644 -1.2635 -1.4893 -1.5564 -1.5381 -1.5748 -1.5442 -1.1963 -0.7935
-0.4455 -0.0610 0.29298 0.54935 0.67753 0.61038 0.43948 0.10987 -0.3540 -0.7141
-0.9522 -1.1780 -1.3306 -1.4038 -1.3489 -1.2146 -1.0010 -0.7935 -0.4455 -0.1159
0.22584 0.52493 0.79350 1.00103 0.98272 0.72636 0.46389 0.17701 -0.2258 -0.7202
-1.0376 -1.2329 -1.4161 -1.5686 -1.7151 -1.7335 -1.6419 -1.3855 -0.8850 -0.3601
0.06103 0.45168 0.77519 1.01324 1.06818 0.91558 0.78129 0.61649 0.29909 -0.0854
-0.3540 -0.5493 -0.7141 -0.8606 -0.9827 -0.9888 -0.9644 -0.8545 -0.4516 0.03051
0.43337 0.82402 1.17805 1.45272 1.57480 1.42831 1.26960 1.03155 0.59818 0.09766
-0.2075 -0.4577 -0.7507 -1.0132 -1.2024 -1.2207 -1.0864 -0.7629 -0.3051 0.09155
0.39675 0.76298 1.06207 1.17805 1.14753 1.01324 0.90947 0.68363 0.22584 -0.3051
-0.6409 -0.9155 -1.2390 -1.5137 -1.6297 -1.5625 -1.4588 -1.3489 -1.0315 -0.6531
-0.2929 0.00610 0.29298 0.50051 0.61038 0.57376 0.49441 0.27467 -0.1587 -0.6714
-1.0559 -1.4099 -1.6846 -1.8555 -1.9166 -1.7701 -1.5625 -1.2879 -0.7996 -0.3051
0.09155 0.42727 0.78740 1.03155 1.05597 0.81792 0.57376 0.34181 -0.0732 -0.5920
-0.9522 -1.2390 -1.3916 -1.4466 -1.3855 -1.2268 -1.0559 -0.8484 -0.4028 0.00000
0.31129 0.58597 0.83012 0.98883 1.11701 1.06818 1.01324 0.89727 0.58597 0.26857
0.03051 -0.0976 -0.2807 -0.4822 -0.7141 -0.7507 -0.7141 -0.5310 -0.1281 0.22584
0.42727 0.61038 0.78740 0.92168 0.99493 0.88506 0.75077 0.53714 0.04272 -0.5676
-0.9888 -1.2451 -1.4283 -1.5503 -1.5625 -1.4588 -1.3306 -1.0498 -0.5066 0.04883
0.43337 0.73857 0.96441 1.14142 1.19636 1.02545 0.87896 0.73246 0.39675 -0.0183
-0.2380 -0.3662 -0.5981 -0.7568 -0.7812 -0.6714 -0.5310 -0.2807 0.15870 0.60428
0.92779 1.25740 1.62973 1.86779 1.93493 1.71519 1.46493 1.13532 0.59207 0.07324
-0.2563 -0.5432 -0.7446 -0.7690 -0.6775 -0.4883 -0.3051 -0.0732 0.25636 0.59207
0.83623 1.12311 1.38558 1.59311 1.79454 1.92272 2.07532 2.01428 1.69077 1.23908
0.95831 0.70194 0.40896 0.08545 -0.1525 -0.2319 -0.2075 -0.0915 0.28688 0.64090
0.97051 1.30012 1.58701 1.87999 2.12415 2.14246 2.06921 1.97766 1.66025 1.16584
0.81181 0.57376 0.33571 0.13428 0.07324 0.15870 0.29909 0.56766 0.97662 1.31233
1.49545 1.72740 1.93493 2.15467 2.23402 2.12415 1.94714 1.75181 1.39779 0.92168
0.50662 0.09766 -0.1892 -0.3967 -0.4822 -0.4944 -0.3967 -0.1831 0.26857 0.68973
0.98272 1.29402 1.57480 1.72740 1.92272 1.97155 1.95934 1.86168 1.44662 0.93999
0.61038 0.26857 -0.0061 -0.1098 -0.1892 -0.0793 0.12207 0.40896 0.83012 1.24519
1.44662 1.56259 1.75181 1.93493 1.95934 1.78233 1.49545 1.20857 0.84233 0.39675
0.17090 0.03662 -0.0488 -0.0976 -0.0732 0.06103 0.18311 0.36012 0.81181 1.24519
1.61753 2.05701 2.47817 2.68571 2.72843 2.44155 2.00207 1.57480 1.15973 0.73857
0.36012 -0.0122 -0.3784 -0.6225 -0.7080 -0.5371 -0.3296 -0.1037 0.32961 0.81792
1.22688 1.55649 1.88610 2.12415 2.27064 2.33778 2.40493 2.29506 1.88610 1.37947
1.04376 0.81181 0.56155 0.31129 0.26246 0.37233 0.54324 0.79350 1.22688 1.63584
1.95324 2.27064 2.67960 3.04584 3.26558 3.21064 3.03363 2.77726 2.34999 1.87389
1.62363 1.42220 1.24519 1.04986 0.89727 0.98272 1.15363 1.40389 1.95934 2.62467
3.23506 3.74168 4.11402 4.22999 4.16285 3.89428 3.66843 3.47921 3.20454 2.88713
2.67960 2.47817 2.28895 2.06311 1.93493 1.94714 2.05090 2.18519 2.44155 2.69181
2.89324 3.23506 3.67454 3.99194 4.22389 4.16895 4.05908 3.83934 3.40597 2.83220
2.47207 2.22181 2.01428 1.86168 1.83116 1.92272 2.03259 2.15467 2.49038 2.89324
3.28389 3.61350 3.92480 4.16895 4.30324 4.21778 4.06519 3.82103 3.37545 2.81999
2.44765 2.14856 1.92272 1.84337 1.86168 1.96545 2.09973 2.31947 2.73454 3.21674
3.57687 3.86376 4.01635 4.05298 3.93700 3.77830 3.63181 3.46700 3.20454 2.77116
2.36830 2.06921 1.78843 1.55649 1.43441 1.41610 1.54428 1.72129 2.06921 2.46597
2.76506 3.03973 3.24726 3.49142 3.69285 3.66233 3.45480 3.14960 2.70402 2.21571
1.91662 1.75181 1.59921 1.44051 1.34285 1.39779 1.55649 1.73960 2.06921 2.33168
2.47207 2.68571 2.94207 3.10077 3.11298 2.97869 2.75285 2.44765 2.00207 1.53207
1.22077 0.93389 0.62259 0.34792 0.19532 0.25025 0.29298 0.47610 0.86675 1.28181
1.59311 1.92272 2.16688 2.34999 2.34999 2.14246 1.95324 1.70298 1.29402 0.74467
0.25025 -0.1220 -0.3845 -0.5676 -0.6409 -0.5432 -0.4333 -0.3418 -0.1587 0.04272
0.25025 0.53103 0.77519 0.99493 1.13532 1.04986 0.88506 0.60428 0.09766 -0.4577
-0.8667 -1.2512 -1.5686 -1.8006 -1.9288 -1.8922 -1.7823 -1.6114 -1.2696 -0.8972
-0.6348 -0.4211 -0.2441 -0.0610 0.02441 -0.1098 -0.3540 -0.6042 -0.9888 -1.3977
-1.5992 -1.7945 -1.9593 -1.9593 -1.8250 -1.7762 -1.9593 -2.1668 -2.0142 -1.6907
-1.4954 -1.3001 -1.0803 -0.8789 -0.8179 -0.9399 -1.0193 -1.1841 -1.5259 -1.9898
-2.2950 -2.5575 -2.7955 -2.8627 -2.8444 -2.6490 -2.4354 -2.1912 -1.8433 -1.5686
-1.3611 -1.0620 -0.7935 -0.5981 -0.4272 -0.3723 -0.4333 -0.6470 -1.0559 -1.5870
-2.0203 -2.4293 -2.8322 -3.1923 -3.4059 -3.3937 -3.2167 -2.9909 -2.6246 -2.2706
-2.1241 -1.9227 -1.6785 -1.4832 -1.4099 -1.5137 -1.6358 -1.8433 -2.2645 -2.7894
-3.1618 -3.4120 -3.6379 -3.8454 -4.0102 -3.9919 -3.9064 -3.7233 -3.3693 -3.0031
-2.7345 -2.4049 -2.0325 -1.7212 -1.5259 -1.6114 -1.7640 -1.9837 -2.2950 -2.6551
-2.8505 -3.0092 -3.2045 -3.4731 -3.7294 -3.7722 -3.7294 -3.5463 -3.0580 -2.5025
-2.1668 -1.9410 -1.7823 -1.6907 -1.7518 -1.9105 -2.0386 -2.2401 -2.5819 -3.0336
-3.3693 -3.6012 -3.7783 -3.8454 -3.9309 -3.9431 -3.8820 -3.6867 -3.2838 -2.7711
-2.2706 -1.8067 -1.4283 -1.1353 -1.0010 -1.0987 -1.2696 -1.6175 -2.0997 -2.6612
-3.0641 -3.3266 -3.5890 -3.7905 -3.9492 -3.8759 -3.7416 -3.5036 -3.0275 -2.4659
-1.9776 -1.5503 -1.2268 -0.9338 -0.7629 -0.8789 -1.2085 -1.6968 -2.3683 -3.0946
-3.5402 -3.8027 -3.9431 -4.1384 -4.2483 -4.1811 -3.9980 -3.7660 -3.2899 -2.7833
-2.4537 -2.3011 -2.1912 -2.1974 -2.5209 -3.0702 -3.6135 -4.2727 -5.0235 -5.8109
-6.3785 -6.9218 -7.4040 -7.7763 -8.0205 -8.0449 -7.8618 -7.6420 -7.3307 -7.0621
-6.8973 -6.6837 -6.4151 -6.0123 -5.6216 -5.4263 -5.2859 -5.1638 -5.2737 -5.4934
-5.5789 -5.6460 -5.6094 -5.5606 -5.4385 -5.2798 -5.1883 -5.1150 -4.7976 -4.3764
-3.9919 -3.5890 -3.1923 -2.8383 -2.6673 -2.7711 -2.8749 -2.9848 -3.1923 -3.5463
-3.7416 -3.8271 -3.8332 -3.8393 -3.7966 -3.5890 -3.3632 -3.1373 -2.8016 -2.4720
-2.2706 -1.9776 -1.6968 -1.5076 -1.4038 -1.5259 -1.7151 -1.9410 -2.2767 -2.6612
-2.8444 -3.0153 -3.1007 -3.1740 -3.1068 -2.8871 -2.6857 -2.4598 -2.0631 -1.6724
-1.3611 -1.0315 -0.7019 -0.5310 -0.4516 -0.5249 -0.7080 -0.9399 -1.2635 -1.7029
-1.9959 -2.1974 -2.3683 -2.5209 -2.6124 -2.5697 -2.4415 -2.2340 -1.8372 -1.4466
-1.1231 -0.8179 -0.5310 -0.3418 -0.2563 -0.3784 -0.5920 -0.9094 -1.3489 -1.8616
-2.1729 -2.4232 -2.6185 -2.7711 -2.8383 -2.7528 -2.6124 -2.4171 -2.0325 -1.5686
-1.2146 -0.9461 -0.6592 -0.3601 -0.1403 -0.1953 -0.4028 -0.6592 -1.0742 -1.5931
-1.8738 -2.0692 -2.2462 -2.4293 -2.6063 -2.6185 -2.5392 -2.3805 -1.9959 -1.5686
-1.2696 -1.0864 -0.8850 -0.6714 -0.5737 -0.7812 -1.0437 -1.2574 -1.5320 -1.9349
-2.1180 -2.2706 -2.3866 -2.4964 -2.5514 -2.5086 -2.4964 -2.4659 -2.2950 -2.0081
-1.6663 -1.2329 -0.8667 -0.5920 -0.4028 -0.5371 -0.7812 -1.0132 -1.3794 -1.8555
-2.1668 -2.3927 -2.5331 -2.6918 -2.8016 -2.7467 -2.4781 -2.1729 -1.6968 -1.1780
-0.8179 -0.5981 -0.4028 -0.1953 -0.0976 -0.2136 -0.4150 -0.5920 -0.9888 -1.5809
-2.0692 -2.3866 -2.6246 -2.8138 -2.9420 -2.9603 -2.8810 -2.6673 -2.3255 -1.9349
-1.5809 -1.2390 -1.0376 -0.9583 -0.9583 -1.1109 -1.3062 -1.6053 -2.0264 -2.4781
-2.7406 -2.9237 -3.1435 -3.3327 -3.4792 -3.4548 -3.3205 -3.1496 -2.8505 -2.5086
-2.3316 -2.0692 -1.8006 -1.6297 -1.5809 -1.6297 -1.6602 -1.6785 -1.8738 -2.2767
-2.6063 -2.8138 -2.9542 -3.1801 -3.4670 -3.6073 -3.6012 -3.3876 -2.8810 -2.3438
-1.9898 -1.6541 -1.3855 -1.1170 -1.0437 -1.2512 -1.5564 -1.8922 -2.3255 -2.9725
-3.4731 -3.9248 -4.3215 -4.7244 -5.0112 -5.0357 -4.9441 -4.8037 -4.4985 -4.1018
-3.8027 -3.4731 -3.2289 -2.9909 -2.8383 -2.8077 -2.8749 -3.0336 -3.3632 -3.9125
-4.3703 -4.7427 -5.0723 -5.3836 -5.5606 -5.5545 -5.5606 -5.4812 -5.1394 -4.7305
-4.3581 -3.9675 -3.6440 -3.5402 -3.5463 -3.7233 -3.8881 -4.0773 -4.4192 -4.9258
-5.2493 -5.5423 -5.7803 -5.9207 -5.9146 -5.7925 -5.6827 -5.4507 -4.9990 -4.4863
-4.1079 -3.7050 -3.3876 -3.1740 -3.1190 -3.2045 -3.3388 -3.5768 -3.9919 -4.5229
-4.8709 -5.1211 -5.3836 -5.6094 -5.7376 -5.7559 -5.7132 -5.5301 -5.1272 -4.6999
-4.4070 -4.2177 -4.1994 -4.2177 -4.1994 -4.3276 -4.5535 -4.7671 -5.0906 -5.5423
-5.7620 -5.9024 -5.9879 -6.0611 -5.9818 -5.7925 -5.6399 -5.5179 -5.2859 -5.0051
-4.8525 -4.6450 -4.3947 -4.0957 -3.9064 -4.0468 -4.2360 -4.4314 -4.7915 -5.3347
-5.6949 -5.9451 -6.1160 -6.2686 -6.3053 -6.2809 -6.3236 -6.3602 -6.1405 -5.7742
-5.4996 -5.2127 -4.9563 -4.6938 -4.5107 -4.4863 -4.5535 -4.6755 -4.9746 -5.4446
-5.7620 -6.0245 -6.2442 -6.3785 -6.4640 -6.4029 -6.2809 -6.0977 -5.7376 -5.3286
-5.0845 -4.7366 -4.3825 -4.0835 -3.8820 -3.8942 -3.9858 -4.1506 -4.5168 -5.1394
-5.5606 -5.8047 -5.9573 -6.1283 -6.3114 -6.3480 -6.1954 -5.9818 -5.6522 -5.2127
-4.9197 -4.6450 -4.3764 -4.1811 -4.0957 -4.1872 -4.4070 -4.6877 -5.0906 -5.6033
-5.9696 -6.1893 -6.3358 -6.4945 -6.5983 -6.5494 -6.4151 -6.1832 -5.7742 -5.3531
-5.1028 -4.7976 -4.4497 -4.1201 -3.9492 -3.9675 -4.0041 -4.1628 -4.5046 -4.9197
-5.1089 -5.1944 -5.2981 -5.4751 -5.7010 -5.8719 -5.9024 -5.7803 -5.4751 -5.0601
-4.7427 -4.4131 -4.1689 -3.9736 -3.8271 -3.7783 -3.8210 -3.9614 -4.2605 -4.7549
-5.1150 -5.4263 -5.6522 -5.8536 -5.9757 -5.9818 -5.9024 -5.7376 -5.3286 -4.8220
-4.4375 -4.0468 -3.7233 -3.4486 -3.3022 -3.3754 -3.6012 -3.9064 -4.3703 -4.9624
-5.2676 -5.4751 -5.6460 -5.7742 -5.9024 -5.8902 -5.7803 -5.5911 -5.3103 -4.8709
-4.5351 -4.2788 -4.1323 -3.9492 -3.7722 -3.8576 -4.0590 -4.2666 -4.5718 -5.0296
-5.3531 -5.6460 -5.8658 -6.0977 -6.2503 -6.2442 -6.1283 -6.0123 -5.6705 -5.2920
-5.0235 -4.7488 -4.4253 -4.1140 -3.9125 -3.9003 -3.9675 -4.0651 -4.3642 -4.7793
-5.0479 -5.2798 -5.4202 -5.4812 -5.5606 -5.5545 -5.4507 -5.2066 -4.8831 -4.6145
-4.4924 -4.2910 -4.0529 -3.7660 -3.5402 -3.4975 -3.5402 -3.6806 -3.9309 -4.3093
-4.5107 -4.6816 -4.8159 -4.9319 -4.9746 -4.9136 -4.8464 -4.7244 -4.4802 -4.2483
-4.0529 -3.8454 -3.6684 -3.4609 -3.3632 -3.4364 -3.5646 -3.8210 -4.2422 -4.7671
-5.0112 -5.2127 -5.4385 -5.5972 -5.6644 -5.6094 -5.4812 -5.3531 -4.9929 -4.5962
-4.4314 -4.3337 -4.1933 -3.9736 -3.8454 -3.9309 -4.1262 -4.3520 -4.7060 -5.2005
-5.4690 -5.6949 -5.8597 -5.9940 -6.0733 -6.0306 -5.8658 -5.5118 -5.0357 -4.4924
-4.0957 -3.6989 -3.4303 -3.2777 -3.2838 -3.4731 -3.6257 -3.8393 -4.2177 -4.7549
-5.0845 -5.3531 -5.5545 -5.7864 -5.8658 -5.7376 -5.5362 -5.3164 -4.9868 -4.6145
-4.2360 -3.8088 -3.4059 -2.9115 -2.5758 -2.5758 -2.8077 -3.1679 -3.6257 -4.2055
-4.5779 -4.8098 -4.9990 -5.1760 -5.2676 -5.1822 -4.9258 -4.5718 -4.1506 -3.6073
-3.2533 -2.9481 -2.7040 -2.5209 -2.5331 -2.7101 -2.8138 -2.9237 -3.1923 -3.6989
-3.9919 -4.2483 -4.5229 -4.8281 -4.9319 -4.8953 -4.8342 -4.6999 -4.4375 -4.1201
-4.0102 -3.8576 -3.6562 -3.4609 -3.3083 -3.3083 -3.4364 -3.6989 -4.0835 -4.4924
-4.6328 -4.6938 -4.7610 -4.8709 -5.0112 -5.1944 -5.3592 -5.3958 -5.2310 -5.0235
-4.9258 -4.7183 -4.5229 -4.3459 -4.1628 -4.1140 -4.1689 -4.3337 -4.6267 -5.1089
-5.4263 -5.6766 -5.8353 -5.9940 -6.0489 -6.0123 -5.8719 -5.7193 -5.3836 -4.9319
-4.5229 -4.1140 -3.7905 -3.5768 -3.5097 -3.5463 -3.6684 -3.8149 -4.1689 -4.6633
-4.9624 -5.2127 -5.4629 -5.6888 -5.7864 -5.7376 -5.6216 -5.4507 -5.1028 -4.6389
-4.2544 -3.8820 -3.5463 -3.2472 -3.0641 -3.1251 -3.1984 -3.3876 -3.7538 -4.3642
-4.6572 -4.8464 -4.9807 -5.1211 -5.2066 -5.1577 -4.9990 -4.8220 -4.4802 -4.0773
-3.7783 -3.4731 -3.1984 -2.9359 -2.7955 -2.8322 -2.9664 -3.1740 -3.5646 -4.0285
-4.3093 -4.5473 -4.7305 -4.8770 -4.9380 -4.8953 -4.7732 -4.6511 -4.3886 -4.0224
-3.7355 -3.5463 -3.4364 -3.3266 -3.2594 -3.4181 -3.6501 -3.8942 -4.2116 -4.7122
-5.0112 -5.2493 -5.4507 -5.6216 -5.7315 -5.6827 -5.5484 -5.2859 -4.8953 -4.4253
-4.1628 -3.9553 -3.7844 -3.6073 -3.5402 -3.6073 -3.7477 -3.9248 -4.2422 -4.7610
-5.1089 -5.3531 -5.5667 -5.7681 -5.7986 -5.6644 -5.4812 -5.2554 -4.9014 -4.5168
-4.2666 -4.0102 -3.7538 -3.5219 -3.2838 -3.2838 -3.3632 -3.4548 -3.6745 -4.0835
-4.3398 -4.6084 -4.8525 -5.0296 -5.1028 -5.0967 -5.0662 -5.0235 -4.8037 -4.3581
-3.9919 -3.6196 -3.3083 -3.0336 -2.8138 -2.7284 -2.7406 -2.8566 -3.2533 -3.9248
-4.4802 -4.9136 -5.1638 -5.2615 -5.2554 -5.1211 -4.8342 -4.4009 -3.8332 -3.3632
-3.1190 -2.8932 -2.6612 -2.4842 -2.4598 -2.5758 -2.8016 -3.0885 -3.5036 -3.9919
-4.3093 -4.5718 -4.7854 -4.9380 -5.0235 -4.9868 -4.9136 -4.7427 -4.2910 -3.6806
-3.3144 -2.9970 -2.7833 -2.6612 -2.6368 -2.7833 -3.0336 -3.3998 -3.8149 -4.3276
-4.6145 -4.8159 -4.9929 -5.2432 -5.3592 -5.3714 -5.3714 -5.2737 -4.9319 -4.4436
-4.0529 -3.7294 -3.4120 -3.1496 -3.0092 -3.0153 -3.1312 -3.2899 -3.5463 -3.9736
-4.2788 -4.5107 -4.7244 -5.0051 -5.2249 -5.3042 -5.3103 -5.2127 -4.9075 -4.5046
-4.1994 -3.9186 -3.6806 -3.4670 -3.3022 -3.3876 -3.5524 -3.8088 -4.0773 -4.4436
-4.5351 -4.5473 -4.5779 -4.6694 -4.7060 -4.6999 -4.7427 -4.7183 -4.5046 -4.1567
-3.8820 -3.6806 -3.5402 -3.3937 -3.3266 -3.4853 -3.7111 -4.0346 -4.4009 -4.8953
-5.1577 -5.2859 -5.4019 -5.5240 -5.5179 -5.3653 -5.2310 -5.1028 -4.8464 -4.5779
-4.3886 -4.1567 -3.8393 -3.5829 -3.3998 -3.2838 -3.1984 -3.2472 -3.4548 -3.9003
-4.1140 -4.2422 -4.3581 -4.4741 -4.6328 -4.7976 -4.8770 -4.7183 -4.3459 -3.9309
-3.6867 -3.4181 -3.1679 -2.9298 -2.7894 -2.7955 -2.8932 -3.0519 -3.3571 -3.8332
-4.1506 -4.3764 -4.5535 -4.7610 -4.9563 -5.0418 -5.0235 -4.9075 -4.6572 -4.2849
-3.9919 -3.7355 -3.4914 -3.2350 -3.0153 -3.0153 -3.1251 -3.2533 -3.5097 -3.9553
-4.3032 -4.5840 -4.8159 -5.0235 -5.1150 -5.0540 -4.8892 -4.6999 -4.3337 -3.8393
-3.5219 -3.2961 -3.1557 -2.9420 -2.7772 -2.6979 -2.6429 -2.7040 -2.9664 -3.5707
-4.0346 -4.3642 -4.6084 -4.8281 -4.9563 -4.9807 -4.8647 -4.6633 -4.3154 -3.9248
-3.7172 -3.5463 -3.3388 -3.0824 -2.9115 -2.9298 -3.0275 -3.1435 -3.4425 -3.9675
-4.4009 -4.7915 -5.0479 -5.1577 -5.2005 -5.1516 -5.0112 -4.8159 -4.5290 -4.0957
-3.7355 -3.3937 -3.0763 -2.8199 -2.6490 -2.6185 -2.7406 -2.9664 -3.3205 -3.7966
-4.0651 -4.2788 -4.4497 -4.5473 -4.6145 -4.5718 -4.4802 -4.3581 -4.1689 -3.8149
-3.4792 -3.1679 -2.9420 -2.6551 -2.4842 -2.4720 -2.5575 -2.7162 -3.0885 -3.6135
-4.0041 -4.3093 -4.5107 -4.6633 -4.7060 -4.6206 -4.4558 -4.3825 -4.2177 -3.9431
-3.8027 -3.7355 -3.7294 -3.7355 -3.8454 -4.2360 -4.7305 -5.1822 -5.7437 -6.5738
-7.2270 -7.7397 -8.1364 -8.4172 -8.5698 -8.5881 -8.4844 -8.3501 -8.0510 -7.5138
-7.0683 -6.5616 -6.1527 -5.8719 -5.7315 -5.6216 -5.5301 -5.4996 -5.5606 -5.8841
-6.0123 -6.1038 -6.1893 -6.2992 -6.2931 -6.2137 -6.0794 -5.8719 -5.4507 -4.9624
-4.5657 -4.1933 -3.8210 -3.5036 -3.3083 -3.3388 -3.4059 -3.4975 -3.6012 -3.9675
-4.1323 -4.2055 -4.2544 -4.3398 -4.4558 -4.4497 -4.3642 -4.2177 -3.9675 -3.5280
-3.1129 -2.6979 -2.3133 -2.0020 -1.8738 -1.9044 -1.9715 -2.0692 -2.2767 -2.7528
-3.0214 -3.2289 -3.3449 -3.5463 -3.7599 -3.9064 -3.9797 -3.9858 -3.8088 -3.4670
-3.1312 -2.7406 -2.3805 -2.1241 -1.9410 -1.9105 -1.9898 -2.1790 -2.4964 -2.9420
-3.1496 -3.2350 -3.3022 -3.4609 -3.6379 -3.7844 -3.8759 -3.7905 -3.5524 -3.1435
-2.8383 -2.5270 -2.2035 -1.9654 -1.8128 -1.8189 -2.0386 -2.4232 -2.8322 -3.4059
-3.7844 -4.0773 -4.3032 -4.4070 -4.3825 -4.2666 -4.0712 -3.9431 -3.7783 -3.4609
-3.1312 -2.7650 -2.4171 -2.1546 -2.0386 -2.0631 -2.1790 -2.3377 -2.6246 -3.0763
-3.3876 -3.5829 -3.7599 -3.9431 -4.0529 -4.0468 -3.9064 -3.7172 -3.3632 -2.8688
-2.5331 -2.1851 -1.8311 -1.5198 -1.3855 -1.4649 -1.5870 -1.7457 -2.0325 -2.5819
-2.9176 -3.0885 -3.1435 -3.1435 -3.1190 -3.0397 -2.8322 -2.5025 -2.1424 -1.8555
-1.6358 -1.3672 -1.1170 -0.7507 -0.4761 -0.4761 -0.6103 -0.8179 -1.2574 -1.9715
-2.5148 -3.0153 -3.3815 -3.6257 -3.7844 -3.7844 -3.7416 -3.6989 -3.5402 -3.2472
-3.0214 -2.8261 -2.6673 -2.5270 -2.4171 -2.4537 -2.5331 -2.6429 -2.8261 -3.2594
-3.6562 -3.9736 -4.2849 -4.6816 -5.0235 -5.1638 -5.2005 -5.1516 -4.9929 -4.6023
-4.1994 -3.8149 -3.5036 -3.2472 -3.0214 -2.8993 -2.8199 -2.7833 -2.8993 -3.3266
-3.6073 -3.8332 -4.0590 -4.2910 -4.4253 -4.4314 -4.3459 -4.0835 -3.6928 -3.1435
-2.6979 -2.3255 -1.9532 -1.6175 -1.4527 -1.5320 -1.6602 -1.8433 -2.0875 -2.5209
-2.8199 -3.0397 -3.2533 -3.4059 -3.4059 -3.2350 -3.0275 -2.7345 -2.4049 -2.0448
-1.7701 -1.5503 -1.3245 -1.1292 -0.9155 -0.7751 -0.6958 -0.7080 -0.9277 -1.4893
-1.9227 -2.2645 -2.4476 -2.6002 -2.6979 -2.7284 -2.6124 -2.4171 -2.0936 -1.6419
-1.3062 -1.0132 -0.7263 -0.4394 -0.2380 -0.2258 -0.3357 -0.4944 -0.7385 -1.3062
-1.7457 -2.0386 -2.2584 -2.3988 -2.4354 -2.3622 -2.3316 -2.3133 -2.1729 -1.8189
-1.5137 -1.2207 -0.9949 -0.8118 -0.7080 -0.7202 -0.7568 -0.9644 -1.3184 -1.8616
-2.2096 -2.4598 -2.6979 -3.0031 -3.1557 -3.1435 -3.0153 -2.8932 -2.6612 -2.3255
-2.0997 -1.7884 -1.4283 -1.0193 -0.7263 -0.6714 -0.7935 -1.0437 -1.5259 -2.2035
-2.6063 -2.8932 -3.1190 -3.3144 -3.4548 -3.4425 -3.4059 -3.3632 -3.1923 -2.8077
-2.4354 -2.0936 -1.8006 -1.4954 -1.2146 -1.2207 -1.3611 -1.6114 -1.9105 -2.4476
-2.7955 -3.0275 -3.2289 -3.4731 -3.6012 -3.5524 -3.4914 -3.3998 -3.0946 -2.5575
-2.0020 -1.5259 -1.1353 -1.0803 -1.3489 -1.6358 -1.7701 -1.9044 -2.1058 -2.4781
-2.7589 -3.0214 -3.3449 -3.6379 -3.7844 -3.7722 -3.6745 -3.4548 -3.0763 -2.4964
-2.0448 -1.7090 -1.4344 -1.2268 -1.2085 -1.4344 -1.8006 -2.2035 -2.6612 -3.2594
-3.6073 -3.8576 -4.0102 -4.1018 -4.0651 -3.9186 -3.7294 -3.5524 -3.2655 -2.8810
-2.6796 -2.5392 -2.4598 -2.4110 -2.4110 -2.4110 -2.3561 -2.3927 -2.5209 -3.0580
-3.5097 -3.9492 -4.2055 -4.2971 -4.3215 -4.3398 -4.3398 -4.3032 -4.0285 -3.5219
-3.0336 -2.6002 -2.2645 -1.9715 -1.7823 -1.7823 -1.9654 -2.2279 -2.5392 -3.1190
-3.5524 -3.7966 -3.9125 -4.0407 -4.1201 -4.0529 -3.9064 -3.6623 -3.2533 -2.6979
-2.3133 -2.1241 -1.9349 -1.7274 -1.5931 -1.6175 -1.7090 -1.8555 -2.0753 -2.5514
-2.8932 -3.3022 -3.7599 -4.1079 -4.2605 -4.1628 -3.9431 -3.6867 -3.3754 -2.9481
-2.6551 -2.3499 -2.1546 -2.0264 -1.9410 -1.9593 -2.0509 -2.2035 -2.4659 -2.9725
-3.3510 -3.6806 -3.9797 -4.1689 -4.2605 -4.2299 -4.1323 -3.9370 -3.6440 -3.2594
-2.9664 -2.6612 -2.3316 -2.0142 -1.8433 -1.9776 -2.2340 -2.4293 -2.6063 -3.0885
-3.4548 -3.7294 -3.9797 -4.2849 -4.5290 -4.5962 -4.4619 -4.2605 -3.9614 -3.5707
-3.2899 -2.9603 -2.6429 -2.3316 -2.1058 -2.0020 -2.0264 -2.1790 -2.5086 -3.0763
-3.5219 -3.8637 -4.1262 -4.4009 -4.4863 -4.4375 -4.3032 -4.0651 -3.6684 -3.1862
-2.8627 -2.5636 -2.2523 -1.9288 -1.7212 -1.7212 -1.8067 -1.9715 -2.2279 -2.7467
-3.0946 -3.3632 -3.5951 -3.7844 -3.9125 -3.9614 -3.9492 -3.7844 -3.4914 -3.0214
-2.6735 -2.3133 -1.9776 -1.6907 -1.5137 -1.5015 -1.5809 -1.7335 -1.9532 -2.4598
-2.8749 -3.2289 -3.4486 -3.6012 -3.7172 -3.7233 -3.6012 -3.3693 -3.0458 -2.6063
-2.2706 -1.9593 -1.6907 -1.4588 -1.3123 -1.3489 -1.4893 -1.6480 -1.8799 -2.3988
-2.8077 -3.1068 -3.3510 -3.6012 -3.7722 -3.7416 -3.6196 -3.3754 -3.0580 -2.6002
-2.2584 -1.9593 -1.6602 -1.3855 -1.2085 -1.2451 -1.3550 -1.5564 -1.7762 -2.2279
-2.6002 -2.9420 -3.2167 -3.4975 -3.6745 -3.6073 -3.4059 -3.1373 -2.8505 -2.4598
-2.1729 -1.9044 -1.6907 -1.4710 -1.2757 -1.2268 -1.2940 -1.4771 -1.7579 -2.2035
-2.4781 -2.6857 -2.8871 -3.0946 -3.2228 -3.1923 -3.0885 -2.9115 -2.6307 -2.1790
-1.7945 -1.3916 -1.0559 -0.7751 -0.5920 -0.6409 -0.7996 -0.9827 -1.1597 -1.5992
-1.9166 -2.1668 -2.3744 -2.5697 -2.6735 -2.6002 -2.4720 -2.2035 -1.7945 -1.2451
-0.9155 -0.6958 -0.5737 -0.4577 -0.3967 -0.5066 -0.6470 -0.7629 -0.9644 -1.4832
-1.8494 -2.0997 -2.3011 -2.4964 -2.5941 -2.6124 -2.5453 -2.3622 -2.0020 -1.4893
-1.1658 -0.8789 -0.4761 -0.0671 0.21363 0.25636 0.16480 -0.1220 -0.6897 -1.5564
-2.1790 -2.5880 -2.8199 -3.0519 -3.1618 -3.0946 -2.9176 -2.5636 -2.1180 -1.5992
-1.2879 -1.0559 -0.8118 -0.5737 -0.4516 -0.5310 -0.6775 -0.9033 -1.1658 -1.6907
-2.1424 -2.4598 -2.7284 -2.9603 -3.0824 -3.0092 -2.8566 -2.5880 -2.2401 -1.7579
-1.4405 -1.1780 -0.9338 -0.6225 -0.3967 -0.4028 -0.4944 -0.6592 -0.8728 -1.3672
-1.7151 -2.0020 -2.2584 -2.5453 -2.7528 -2.7406 -2.7162 -2.6063 -2.3561 -1.9044
-1.5625 -1.3550 -1.1902 -0.9827 -0.8362 -0.8972 -1.0437 -1.2512 -1.5320 -2.0936
-2.4476 -2.6735 -2.8810 -3.1496 -3.3327 -3.4425 -3.3388 -3.0275 -2.5270 -1.9105
-1.3916 -0.9461 -0.6409 -0.4516 -0.3112 -0.3296 -0.5493 -0.9399 -1.4344 -2.1546
-2.6796 -2.9970 -3.1496 -3.2106 -3.1923 -3.0336 -2.9176 -2.7589 -2.3988 -1.8494
-1.4466 -1.1353 -0.8606 -0.5432 -0.2929 -0.1892 -0.3174 -0.6103 -0.8423 -1.2512
-1.5015 -1.6541 -1.7884 -2.0142 -2.2096 -2.2645 -2.1485 -2.0020 -1.7701 -1.3001
-0.9216 -0.6225 -0.4150 -0.2136 -0.0976 -0.1587 -0.3601 -0.6164 -0.8667 -1.3916
-1.7579 -1.9898 -2.1241 -2.2584 -2.3438 -2.3499 -2.3255 -2.2340 -2.0753 -1.7029
-1.4344 -1.1780 -0.8972 -0.6042 -0.3845 -0.2807 -0.2258 -0.4028 -0.6775 -1.1780
-1.4893 -1.7457 -1.9471 -2.1241 -2.3133 -2.3866 -2.2889 -2.0509 -1.7029 -1.2390
-0.9277 -0.6409 -0.3540 -0.0732 0.14649 0.17701 0.09155 -0.0793 -0.2990 -0.7996
-1.1658 -1.3977 -1.5320 -1.6663 -1.8433 -1.8983 -1.8128 -1.6480 -1.4283 -1.0925
-0.6836 -0.2685 -0.0183 0.12207 0.23805 0.24415 0.18311 0.07324 -0.1525 -0.6531
-1.0376 -1.2512 -1.3794 -1.4832 -1.5625 -1.5198 -1.4832 -1.4344 -1.3550 -1.0498
-0.7385 -0.4883 -0.2746 -0.0366 0.10987 0.07935 0.01831 -0.1281 -0.3845 -0.9399
-1.3550 -1.6968 -1.9654 -2.1546 -2.2340 -2.1974 -2.0875 -1.8616 -1.5442 -1.0681
-0.7324 -0.4638 -0.2746 -0.0915 0.00000 -0.0122 -0.1281 -0.3418 -0.5920 -1.1109
-1.4588 -1.7212 -1.9593 -2.1424 -2.2523 -2.2767 -2.2340 -2.1241 -1.8922 -1.4832
-1.1475 -0.8057 -0.5371 -0.2502 -0.0305 0.01220 -0.0854 -0.3662 -0.6470 -1.2085
-1.6541 -2.0081 -2.2218 -2.4171 -2.6063 -2.6490 -2.5941 -2.4354 -2.1546 -1.7151
-1.3733 -1.0987 -0.9522 -0.7874 -0.7019 -0.7935 -0.9094 -1.0010 -1.1170 -1.4954
-1.7335 -1.9166 -2.1119 -2.3194 -2.4537 -2.4415 -2.3499 -2.2035 -1.9715 -1.5198
-1.1536 -0.7996 -0.4638 -0.1709 0.07324 0.09155 0.04272 -0.0854 -0.2136 -0.5676
-0.7996 -1.0071 -1.2207 -1.4283 -1.5809 -1.5625 -1.4466 -1.2024 -0.8484 -0.3112
-0.0061 0.18922 0.32350 0.45168 0.55545 0.54324 0.46999 0.37233 0.21363 -0.2441
-0.6164 -0.9033 -1.0681 -1.1597 -1.1780 -1.1536 -1.2512 -1.3550 -1.3550 -1.1475
-0.7935 -0.4272 -0.0793 0.18311 0.33571 0.31740 0.21363 0.03051 -0.1403 -0.5737
-0.8545 -1.0742 -1.2451 -1.4099 -1.5076 -1.5198 -1.4099 -1.2024 -0.9155 -0.4028
0.00000 0.32350 0.64701 0.98883 1.21467 1.25740 1.12311 0.73857 0.36623 -0.1648
-0.4577 -0.6164 -0.7385 -0.9033 -1.0925 -1.2757 -1.3733 -1.3062 -1.0864 -0.6775
-0.3601 -0.0732 0.12818 0.22584 0.25025 0.14038 0.06714 -0.0976 -0.3296 -0.8057
-1.1841 -1.4771 -1.7212 -1.8922 -1.9654 -1.8861 -1.6846 -1.3916 -1.0559 -0.7385
-0.5310 -0.2868 0.03662 0.36012 0.61038 0.64090 0.55545 0.37844 0.18311 -0.3662
-0.8362 -1.1780 -1.4283 -1.6480 -1.7640 -1.7335 -1.5809 -1.3489 -1.0987 -0.7141
-0.3601 0.00610 0.34792 0.69584 0.97051 1.08038 1.12921 1.17805 1.15973 0.74467
0.31740 0.06103 -0.0610 -0.1403 -0.1709 -0.0671 0.01831 0.07324 0.21363 0.38454
0.46389 0.45779 0.52493 0.61038 0.75077 0.67753 0.39675 0.06103 -0.3174 -1.0498
-1.7212 -2.2096 -2.7284 -3.2899 -3.6379 -3.7355 -3.7599 -3.6073 -3.3205 -2.8261
-2.4171 -2.0325 -1.6602 -1.2574 -0.9827 -0.8789 -0.9461 -1.1292 -1.2940 -1.5809
-1.7151 -1.8250 -1.8677 -1.8799 -1.8067 -1.6297 -1.4161 -1.1719 -0.8423 -0.4089
-0.0854 0.20142 0.50051 0.81792 1.06818 1.11090 1.01324 0.82402 0.57986 0.12818
-0.0976 -0.1525 -0.2502 -0.3906 -0.4944 -0.4028 -0.2319 0.00610 0.23194 0.64701
0.98272 1.32454 1.64805 1.93493 2.09363 2.04480 1.95934 1.78843 1.61753 1.13532
0.80571 0.56766 0.34181 0.14649 0.06103 0.07324 0.11597 0.19532 0.40896 0.79960
1.15973 1.49545 1.82506 2.10584 2.28895 2.32558 2.25843 2.09363 1.91051 1.48324
1.17805 0.90947 0.68973 0.51272 0.31129 0.17701 0.05493 0.10987 0.27467 0.61038
0.84233 1.06818 1.33064 1.61753 1.84947 1.87999 1.74571 1.57480 1.42220 0.97662
0.59207 0.30519 0.06714 -0.1464 -0.3296 -0.3296 -0.2014 -0.0305 0.15870 0.57376
0.93389 1.21467 1.44662 1.67856 1.83727 1.85558 1.76402 1.55649 1.25740 0.70805
0.27467 -0.0488 -0.2807 -0.3967 -0.4699 -0.4883 -0.4577 -0.2624 0.05493 0.57376
1.00103 1.36727 1.80675 2.22181 2.50869 2.61856 2.59415 2.21571 1.71519 1.09870
0.68973 0.39064 0.19532 0.03051 -0.0671 -0.0244 0.09766 0.34181 0.64701 1.09259
1.46493 1.72740 1.92272 2.08753 2.21571 2.27675 2.25233 2.08753 1.87389 1.39779
0.98883 0.69584 0.48220 0.12207 -0.2685 -0.4883 -0.5615 -0.5188 -0.3967 -0.0671
0.19532 0.42727 0.66532 0.86064 0.98272 0.89116 0.71415 0.43337 0.17701 -0.3296
-0.7629 -1.0925 -1.3672 -1.5992 -1.7029 -1.6419 -1.5809 -1.4893 -1.4222 -1.2512
-1.1841 -1.1414 -0.8972 -0.4944 -0.0976 0.02441 -0.0488 -0.1892 -0.3906 -0.9705
-1.5870 -2.1241 -2.5392 -2.8322 -2.9909 -2.9603 -2.8016 -2.5453 -2.1546 -1.7274
-1.3794 -1.0681 -0.7629 -0.4577 -0.1464 0.04272 0.07935 -0.0549 -0.2502 -0.7080
-1.0987 -1.4038 -1.5809 -1.7457 -1.9288 -1.9898 -1.9837 -1.7823 -1.5015 -1.0071
-0.5737 -0.2014 0.12818 0.39675 0.64090 0.72636 0.74467 0.67753 0.59818 0.18922
-0.1403 -0.4028 -0.6714 -0.9216 -1.1231 -1.2512 -1.2940 -1.1597 -0.8667 -0.3784
0.01220 0.27467 0.43948 0.68363 0.90947 0.95220 0.94610 0.79960 0.65922 0.22584
-0.2685 -0.6592 -0.9338 -1.1536 -1.3672 -1.3367 -1.2024 -0.9705 -0.6714 -0.1648
0.26246 0.54935 0.77519 0.96441 1.11090 1.08038 0.99493 0.79960 0.58597 0.10987
-0.2502 -0.5554 -0.7629 -0.9216 -1.1109 -1.2024 -1.2207 -1.0987 -0.8240 -0.4028
-0.0793 0.19532 0.44558 0.68363 0.81181 0.82402 0.78740 0.59818 0.32350 -0.1525
-0.5188 -0.7874 -1.0071 -1.2024 -1.3855 -1.3611 -1.2757 -1.0742 -0.8545 -0.4883
-0.1831 0.10376 0.41506 0.67142 0.89727 0.87285 0.68363 0.34181 0.08545 -0.4150
-0.7751 -0.9827 -1.1170 -1.2757 -1.4405 -1.5259 -1.5503 -1.4466 -1.2268 -0.7324
-0.2929 0.04883 0.32350 0.60428 0.77519 0.79350 0.75077 0.57986 0.32961 -0.1648
-0.5981 -0.9094 -1.1780 -1.4161 -1.6175 -1.7335 -1.8006 -1.7640 -1.5870 -1.1719
-0.7629 -0.4699 -0.1525 0.14649 0.37233 0.36012 0.28688 0.06714 -0.1892 -0.6653
-0.9949 -1.1963 -1.4283 -1.6419 -1.7884 -1.8067 -1.7457 -1.5748 -1.3184 -0.9155
-0.5493 -0.1892 0.14038 0.34181 0.42727 0.32350 0.17090 -0.0610 -0.2380 -0.6531
-0.9399 -1.2024 -1.3916 -1.6358 -1.8311 -1.8494 -1.7701 -1.6724 -1.5564 -1.3672
-1.2207 -1.1414 -1.0681 -0.8667 -0.5981 -0.5371 -0.6164 -0.8545 -1.0681 -1.5381
-1.9105 -2.1241 -2.3561 -2.5575 -2.6857 -2.7101 -2.6857 -2.5880 -2.4659 -2.1974
-1.9166 -1.6663 -1.3916 -1.1841 -1.0010 -0.9399 -0.9399 -1.0925 -1.2757 -1.6785
-2.0203 -2.3377 -2.6063 -2.8444 -2.9725 -2.9054 -2.7650 -2.5575 -2.2950 -1.8433
-1.4710 -1.1292 -0.8057 -0.5188 -0.2258 -0.0732 -0.0488 -0.1709 -0.2929 -0.7019
-1.0987 -1.4344 -1.7274 -1.9410 -2.0386 -2.0325 -2.0203 -1.8983 -1.6846 -1.2818
-0.8911 -0.5432 -0.2746 -0.0915 0.03051 -0.0122 -0.1464 -0.4699 -0.7935 -1.4344
-1.8861 -2.1302 -2.2767 -2.4415 -2.5453 -2.5636 -2.4964 -2.3316 -2.0997 -1.4893
-0.9155 -0.4883 -0.1831 0.06714 0.04272 -0.1648 -0.4822 -0.9033 -1.2146 -1.7151
-2.0753 -2.2645 -2.4659 -2.6673 -2.8261 -2.8199 -2.7894 -2.6918 -2.5453 -2.1729
-1.7640 -1.3855 -1.0193 -0.6653 -0.3845 -0.3174 -0.3662 -0.5676 -0.8179 -1.3245
-1.6968 -1.9532 -2.2096 -2.4415 -2.6124 -2.6612 -2.5514 -2.3072 -2.0936 -1.7212
-1.3428 -0.9949 -0.6531 -0.3540 -0.2075 -0.2319 -0.3235 -0.5005 -0.6714 -1.0681
-1.3855 -1.6541 -1.9227 -2.1851 -2.3683 -2.2950 -2.0386 -1.6968 -1.3611 -0.8606
-0.4028 -0.0793 0.03662 -0.0244 -0.1220 -0.3235 -0.5615 -0.8240 -1.0620 -1.5198
-1.9288 -2.2462 -2.4903 -2.6429 -2.7833 -2.8077 -2.7955 -2.6063 -2.3561 -1.9349
-1.5503 -1.2879 -1.0437 -0.7874 -0.5127 -0.4394 -0.5493 -0.7935 -1.0559 -1.5625
-1.9532 -2.2340 -2.5270 -2.7833 -2.9359 -2.9237 -2.8077 -2.5880 -2.3622 -1.9410
-1.5015 -1.1170 -0.7507 -0.4455 -0.2197 -0.1525 -0.2136 -0.3967 -0.6470 -1.1292
-1.5015 -1.7212 -1.9166 -2.0936 -2.2523 -2.3377 -2.3438 -2.2096 -2.0509 -1.6968
-1.3794 -1.0803 -0.7568 -0.4089 -0.0976 0.01831 0.04272 -0.0793 -0.2197 -0.6164
-0.9705 -1.2757 -1.5381 -1.7701 -1.9349 -1.9776 -1.9227 -1.7335 -1.5076 -1.0803
-0.6897 -0.3235 0.02441 0.34792 0.61649 0.73246 0.77519 0.64090 0.39064 -0.1281
-0.5249 -0.7996 -1.0193 -1.2146 -1.3855 -1.4161 -1.4161 -1.3611 -1.2268 -0.9216
-0.5859 -0.3112 -0.0427 0.21363 0.37844 0.36012 0.28688 0.13428 0.01831 -0.3418
-0.6348 -0.8484 -1.0681 -1.2329 -1.4588 -1.5381 -1.5870 -1.4710 -1.2696 -0.8911
-0.5371 -0.2136 0.09766 0.32961 0.45779 0.39675 0.25636 0.05493 -0.1098 -0.5066
-0.8484 -1.0742 -1.2879 -1.4649 -1.6480 -1.7823 -1.7640 -1.6907 -1.4710 -1.0559
-0.6164 -0.2502 0.12818 0.43948 0.64701 0.70805 0.68973 0.49441 0.20753 -0.3967
-0.8850 -1.1536 -1.4954 -1.8128 -2.0997 -2.2340 -2.2889 -2.1119 -1.8494 -1.3733
-0.9277 -0.5859 -0.2441 -0.0671 0.08545 0.13428 0.15870 0.09155 -0.0549 -0.6225
-1.3062 -1.8433 -2.2279 -2.5086 -2.6673 -2.7162 -2.7284 -2.6246 -2.3622 -1.8861
-1.4466 -1.0559 -0.7324 -0.5493 -0.3662 -0.3051 -0.3418 -0.5127 -0.6897 -1.0803
-1.4405 -1.7090 -2.0264 -2.3133 -2.5880 -2.6429 -2.5148 -2.1729 -1.7457 -1.1780
-0.7568 -0.5127 -0.2990 -0.1098 0.03051 0.03051 -0.0854 -0.3601 -0.6287 -1.1109
-1.5442 -1.8555 -2.1363 -2.3927 -2.6124 -2.6857 -2.6857 -2.5453 -2.2828 -1.8433
-1.4344 -1.1109 -0.8240 -0.6714 -0.6042 -0.6531 -0.6531 -0.8179 -1.0193 -1.5381
-2.0203 -2.3133 -2.5514 -2.7589 -2.9237 -2.9481 -2.8810 -2.7223 -2.4903 -2.0692
-1.6663 -1.3550 -1.0437 -0.7996 -0.6042 -0.5188 -0.4883 -0.6836 -0.9644 -1.6480
-2.2706 -2.6429 -2.8993 -3.0092 -3.1251 -3.1740 -3.1618 -3.0641 -2.9481 -2.6368
-2.1851 -1.6846 -1.2635 -0.9583 -0.7202 -0.6103 -0.6103 -0.7507 -0.9216 -1.3733
-1.7945 -2.0997 -2.3011 -2.4598 -2.6307 -2.6307 -2.5086 -2.2767 -2.0753 -1.7823
-1.4710 -1.1902 -0.9522 -0.7568 -0.5859 -0.5676 -0.6653 -0.8606 -1.0315 -1.4283
-1.8006 -2.0448 -2.2584 -2.4476 -2.6063 -2.6185 -2.5575 -2.3561 -2.0936 -1.6663
-1.2574 -0.9155 -0.6164 -0.2929 0.00610 0.09766 0.11597 -0.0305 -0.2868 -0.7996
-1.2146 -1.4954 -1.7823 -2.0448 -2.1912 -2.2645 -2.2523 -2.0814 -1.7762 -1.3611
-1.0315 -0.7751 -0.5066 -0.2624 -0.0366 0.08545 0.08545 -0.0854 -0.2868 -0.7141
-1.0742 -1.3062 -1.5320 -1.6968 -1.9105 -2.0509 -2.0631 -1.8861 -1.6907 -1.3367
-0.9705 -0.6225 -0.2624 0.03662 0.28688 0.30519 0.20753 -0.0854 -0.3296 -0.8179
-1.2146 -1.5198 -1.7579 -1.9166 -2.0509 -2.1119 -2.0753 -1.9410 -1.7701 -1.4161
-1.0376 -0.6653 -0.3967 -0.1709 -0.0549 -0.0061 -0.0976 -0.2624 -0.4516 -0.9705
-1.4283 -1.7274 -2.0020 -2.2340 -2.3988 -2.3866 -2.3255 -2.1546 -1.9593 -1.5931
-1.2085 -0.8667 -0.5005 -0.2075 0.03051 0.07324 0.02441 -0.0854 -0.2441 -0.6531
-0.9827 -1.2207 -1.4283 -1.6297 -1.8250 -1.8616 -1.8067 -1.6724 -1.4710 -1.0559
-0.7080 -0.4394 -0.1525 0.12207 0.37844 0.49441 0.51272 0.42116 0.29909 -0.0610
-0.4394 -0.6836 -0.8850 -1.0437 -1.2512 -1.3733 -1.3611 -1.1902 -0.9766 -0.6897
-0.4150 -0.1709 0.09155 0.37844 0.73246 0.89727 0.99493 0.84233 0.62259 0.22584
-0.2014 -0.6042 -1.0437 -1.3672 -1.6236 -1.6968 -1.7396 -1.6480 -1.5198 -1.2207

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