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How to check Protel DXP PCB connections against schematic

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Member level 5
Oct 20, 2004
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I'm currently in the process of checking off my pcb connections with my schematic.

This is a slow time consuming task where i individually am ticking off each node to each component on the schematic as i work my way though the netlist generated from the pcb commections.

Is there an easier way to do this task reliably - Can protel do it for me?

I do have some minor changes between the 2 documents, ie jumpers.

Any help would be appreciated.



Re: How to check Protel DXP PCB connections against schemati

1. Did you import your netlist into Protel?

2. If so, did you run a design rule check?

A DRC (found under Tools / Design Rule Check... I think) will go through and validate all your design rules AND point out if you have unconnected / split nets.

- Nobody

P.S. I've only used Altium 2004 a few times and haven't figured out how to import netlists. In Protel 99SE, it's under Design / Load Nets. Anyone want to fill me in?

How to check P*otel DXP PCB connections against schematic

use compile pcb project and design rule check

Re: How to check P*otel DXP PCB connections against schemati

IBNobody said:
P.S. I've only used @ltium 2004 a few times and haven't figured out how to import netlists. In P*otel 99SE, it's under Design / Load Nets. Anyone want to fill me in?

The procedure is explained at: **broken link removed**

Re: How to check Protel DXP PCB connections against schemati

Thanks for the help people.

Since I already use the DRC function to check connected nets, I think I'll also stick to this old method of mine.

Every now and then I miss a junction point or a connection point in the schematic and this problem carries on to the PCB. The DRC won't help me with these sorts of issues.

How to check P*otel DXP PCB connections against schematic

assuming that u update ur netlist from schematic to ur pcb, u could check the connections using cross probe..however, u do need to compile the project first..but for me, i prefer to use 'highlight the lines' method..

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