How to check cadstar gerber

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cadstar spl viewer

you can check the cadstar generated *.spl file in excelcam


view gerber made by cadstar software

what is that?
give me more explanation to help you.

gerber cadstar

Get yourself a free Gerber viewer

Read this forum, there are plenty available.
I.E. GC-Prevue.

I tried the above linked site & it did not work.

you can download excelcam it is a free ware and very handful.
also you can downlaod gcprevue
these cam softwares are free and can help you in gerber checking


If your software is not yet ready (and I have tried your website & its really bad) then please stop spamming this forum until you have it all ready & working !!

cyberrat said:
If your software is not yet ready (and I have tried your website & its really bad) then please stop spamming this forum until you have it all ready & working !!

Sir,thanks for your visiting our website.we just want to know what's the problem is.
could you tell me why you think its really bad? is it too slow to log in~~~
actually,we have tried many times in China and found it works well.

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