How does a solar cell work?

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hussain abbass

Newbie level 5
May 27, 2006
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how a soler cell work? and how can we increase the efficiency of soler pannel.


well it works on the emission of electrons due to photoelectric effect i.e. emission of electrons when a metal surface is excited by light.... their efficiency can be increased by using low work threshold(energy required for emission of electrons) metals like caesium

working of sollor cell

Thankyou for giving usefull knowledge.

Added after 26 minutes:

Thankyou for giving usefull knowledge.

application of soller cell

A solar cell is a semiconductor device that converts photons from the sun (solar light) into electricity. The general term for a solar cell including both solar and non-solar sources of light (such as photons from incandescent bulbs) is termed a photovoltaic cell. Fundamentally, the device needs to fulfill only two functions: photogeneration of charge carriers (electrons and holes) in a light-absorbing material, and separation of the charge carriers to a conductive contact that will transmit the electricity. This conversion is called the photovoltaic effect, and the field of research related to solar cells is known as photovoltaics.
A solar cell, made from a monocrystalline silicon wafer
A solar cell, made from a monocrystalline silicon wafer

Solar cells have many applications. They are particularly well suited to, and historically used in, situations where electrical power from the grid is unavailable, such as in remote area power systems, Earth orbiting satellites, handheld calculators, remote radiotelephones and water pumping applications. Assemblies of solar cells (in the form of modules or solar panels) on building roofs can be connected through an inverter to the electricity grid, often in a net metering arrangement.

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