how code is working in this testbench?

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Jul 24, 2007
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I am using following testbench in my project for the leon3-xilinx-ml403 board.
In this test bench i am not able to understand how the following code is working.

-- clock and reset

sys_clk <= not sys_clk after ct * 1 ns;
sys_rst_in <= '0', '1' after 200 ns;
rxd1 <= 'H';
sram_clk_fb <= sram_clk; ddr_clk_fb <= ddr_clk;
ps2_keyb_data <= 'H'; ps2_keyb_clk <= 'H';
ps2_mouse_clk <= 'H'; ps2_mouse_data <= 'H';
iic_scl <= 'H'; iic_sda <= 'H';
flash_cex <= not flash_ce;
gpio <= (others => 'L');

cpu : entity work.leon3mp
generic map ( fabtech, memtech, padtech, ncpu, disas, dbguart, pclow )
port map ( sys_rst_in, sys_clk, plb_error, opb_error, sram_flash_addr,
sram_flash_data, sram_cen, sram_bw, sram_flash_oe_n, sram_flash_we_n,
flash_ce, sram_clk, sram_clk_fb, sram_adv_ld_n, iosn,
ddr_clk, ddr_clkb, ddr_clk_fb, ddr_cke, ddr_csb, ddr_web, ddr_rasb,
ddr_casb, ddr_dm, ddr_dqs, ddr_ad, ddr_ba, ddr_dq,
txd1, rxd1, gpio, phy_gtx_clk, phy_mii_data, phy_tx_clk, phy_rx_clk,
phy_rx_data, phy_dv, phy_rx_er, phy_col, phy_crs,
phy_tx_data, phy_tx_en, phy_tx_er, phy_mii_clk, phy_rst_n, ps2_keyb_clk,
ps2_keyb_data, ps2_mouse_clk, ps2_mouse_data, tft_lcd_clk,
vid_hsync, vid_vsync, vid_r, vid_g, vid_b,
iic_scl, iic_sda

datazz <= "HHHH";

u0 : cy7c1354 generic map (fname => sramfile) -- 9-Mb (256K x 36/512K x 18) Pipelined SRAM with NoBL Architecture
port map(
Dq(35 downto 32) => datazz, Dq(31 downto 0) => sram_flash_data, ---- Bidirectional Data I/O lines.
Addr => sram_flash_addr(17 downto 0), Mode => sram_mode,
Clk => sram_clk, CEN_n => gnd, AdvLd_n => sram_adv_ld_n,
Bwa_n => sram_bw(3), Bwb_n => sram_bw(2), -- Byte Write Select Inputs, active LOW.
Bwc_n => sram_bw(1), Bwd_n => sram_bw(0), -- Byte Write Select Inputs, active LOW.
Rw_n => sram_flash_we_n, Oe_n => sram_flash_oe_n,
Ce1_n => sram_cen, -- Chip Enable
Ce2 => vcc,
Ce3_n => gnd,
Zz => sram_zz); -- zz Sleep input

sram_zz <= '0';

u1 : mt46v16m16 -- 4 Meg x 16 x 4 banks DDR SDRAM
generic map (index => 1, fname => sdramfile, bbits => 32)
Dq => ddr_dq(15 downto 0), Dqs => ddr_dqs(1 downto 0), Addr => ddr_ad(12 downto 0), -- Dq Bidirectional Data I/O lines.
Ba => ddr_ba, Clk => ddr_clk, Clk_n => ddr_clkb, Cke => ddr_cke,
Cs_n => ddr_csb, Ras_n => ddr_rasb, Cas_n => ddr_casb, We_n => ddr_web,
Dm => ddr_dm(1 downto 0));

u2 : mt46v16m16 -- 4 Meg x 16 x 4 banks DDR SDRAM
generic map (index => 0, fname => sdramfile, bbits => 32)
Dq => ddr_dq(31 downto 16), Dqs => ddr_dqs(3 downto 2), Addr => ddr_ad(12 downto 0),
Ba => ddr_ba, Clk => ddr_clk, Clk_n => ddr_clkb, Cke => ddr_cke,
Cs_n => ddr_csb, Ras_n => ddr_rasb, Cas_n => ddr_casb, We_n => ddr_web,
Dm => ddr_dm(3 downto 2));

prom0 : for i in 0 to (romwidth/8)-1 generate
sr0 : sram generic map (index => i, abits => romdepth, fname => promfile)
port map (sram_flash_addr(romdepth-1 downto 0), sram_flash_data(31-i*8 downto 24-i*8),
flash_cex, sram_bw(i), sram_flash_oe_n);
end generate;

phy_mii_data <= 'H'; -- Physical layer Media Independent Interface data

p0: phy
port map(sys_rst_in, phy_mii_data, phy_tx_clk, phy_rx_clk, phy_rx_data, phy_dv,
phy_rx_er, phy_col, phy_crs, phy_tx_data, phy_tx_en, phy_tx_er, phy_mii_clk, phy_gtx_clk);

i0: i2c_slave_model
port map (iic_scl, iic_sda);

plb_error <= 'H'; -- ERROR pull-up

iuerr : process
wait for 5000 ns;
if to_x01(plb_error) = '1' then wait on plb_error; end if;
assert (to_x01(plb_error) = '1')
report "*** IU in error mode, simulation halted ***"
severity failure ;
end process;

test0 : grtestmod
port map ( sys_rst_in, sys_clk, plb_error, sram_flash_addr(19 downto 0), sram_flash_data,
iosn, sram_flash_oe_n, sram_bw(0), open);

sram_flash_data <= buskeep(sram_flash_data), (others => 'H') after 250 ns;
ddr_dq <= buskeep(ddr_dq), (others => 'H') after 250 ns;

end ;
I am attaching full testbench code also.
Please help me ...its urgent..


  • testbench1.DOC
    11.5 KB · Views: 41

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