How can you make a PCB at home?

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It's a personal choice it seems. Personally I think it's a good style by tpetar.
It's always neatly referenced, and it's easier than having to follow many links. And the
links to the authors are marked, for reading further.
Btw also legally it's considered fair use, it is not considered unauthorized copying if one is
only using snippets to explain some concept. It is not copying whole chunks of other's work.
If it was wrong, then google images would be wrong too. Yet it is highly useful.
Reactions: tpetar


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@tpetar: It would be nicer to put your own photos or articles instead links to other sites with copied photos.

Sky_123 yes you are right, Zasto have some problem with own personality and identity. He squabbling with me from his side for some time with elementary school style. It's not funny it would be sad. Some people should learn that EDABoard is not like FaceBook. Maybe he just want to show us that he have own web site with some blurish pictures, I dont know, but definitely his attitude towards others is not nice, and I hope that his work will find some space in DIY zone. When I make group, and post some article with original link of material, he momentarily complain why is that material posted and duplicated because this material can be found on Internet. Maybe next is to ask me why I use PIC and AVR uC and why I didnt make own together with my own datasheets, compilers,.... :smile:

Some people think that EDABoard is like International CES (Consumer Electronics Show) for presenting themself and make some marketing for selling something. I dont want even to mention that "some person :roll:" had in signature contacts web, phones, and other contact infos for some company which make PCBs.

I want to share informations and I want to help others, but surely there is people which looks only own interest and promoting themselves and probably their selling materials, that is very sad.

To back in normal world...

There is also Press-n-Peel Blue Transfer Film Folie which can be use for toner transfer method. I try this method before many years, and its good. Biggest flaw in this is that you must have this PnP blue folie, and this folie you dont have in every shops. This folie is definitely good and easy way for complete starters in toner transfer. With some expirience and practice I get the same quality with Verbatim Glossy Photo Paper 150g.

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