Home Amplifier with two amplifier connected

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Newbie level 3
May 21, 2007
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Here at my house, i have a 2000 watt amp but i also have an older 1000 watt or so amp.. my speakers can take more than 1000 watts each so i was wondering if i could connect the two amps together. Have the augio signal go in the 1000 wayy amp then into the other one and to the speakers. Or if this would ruin them somehow or jsut blow up my speakers haha

Re: Home Amplifier

although your speaker is 200 watt but if you want to connect two 1000 watt to the external port you may have a problems becouse the resistance of the speakers may differ from the 2000 wat tbut any hoew if you connect them to your system the two 1000 watt speakers may not work as well as they should be but your system wouldnt blow up its very rare that this happens

Re: Home Amplifier

im not sure what you said, your sentances are all broken up and hard to understand.. i want to hook up my 1000 watt amp ---> to my 2000 watt amp ---> to my speakers which can handle a lot more power then just 2000 watts. I didnt know if this would create a 3000 watt amp or just confuse the signal and make it all sound like crap.

Re: Home Amplifier

r u using them for home or pro. For home 2000w speakers is impossible. I think what u claim is PMPO. So first check what is real RMS watts of amplifier & speakers. Then will guide more precisely.

Re: Home Amplifier

Yeah, they're home.. however, they were built by me. So they're as good as pro.. And yes, around 1000 watt RMS per speaker, they hold up jsut fine. thats with the 2000 watt amp... So i was hoping by hooking up both of them, it would createa super 3000 watt amp making it 1500 watts RMS per speaker

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