Hi,i want to know how to write good testbench,thank you!

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Junior Member level 2
Sep 14, 2004
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can you introduce some good book to me or some verilog model,thank you again!

try HDL chip design book .. it's available here for download

kelvin_bao said:
can you introduce some good book to me or some verilog model,thank you again!

Find the ebook in the forum:

Writing Testbenches by Bergon

Kluwer, 2nd ed.

i have also one doubt that how many points do we need minimum to download a book...

The testing approach should be clear for making a chip.

It is always better to go for GOLD model based verification approach. Devide test bench into three parts. Your testing can be done with this approach of DUT (your design), testbench, gold model (To generate the reference signals which are your requirements) and assertion monitor (to compare the DUT o/p and gold model output to your stimulus from the test-bench). This approach is much better for complete verifivcation of your design.

Happy testing

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then you will have enough points to download the books

when you log in, you may find how much points you have.
In order to increase the points, just contribute something, post, reply.
then you will have enough points to download the books

but the pionts is very very little

In my practice, a good testbench should be a tranmitter of stimulus and response to/from DUT. The generation of stimulus and the assertion of response are done out of the testbench itself. The method achieves reusability, flexibility.

writing testbenches is good book from qualis corp

maybe you could use a verification language such as
e , open-ver, or systemverilog.

Hi,I think it realy depend on the device that you model.I work with active
hdl and it generate the testbench automatically and you only write the stimulus.
A book for vhdl:
VHDL/from Navabi
that book has some good examples for modeling and testbench .
and for verilog:
VERILOG / also from Navabi.

Hi kelvin_bao:

I think you must understand the design you wanna test very much, if

you wanna write a testbench to test it. No matter which verificcation

language (verilog/vhdl/vera/e) you use, first of first is you know the

design well.

Writing testbench -functional verification xx
is a highly recommended book. You can find in
ebook upload forum.

writing testbench is good book,but only having scan version on edabroad.

writing testbench is good book,but only having scan version on edabroad.

Are there other links for the book writing testbench...

Does any one know the link for it at mcu...


The book by Janick Bergeron is very good. Apart from that, here is a small document which will get you started, but this is NOT an alternative to the book.


Hope this helps,

Also you have to master some testbench language Vera, E, system-Verilog etc.
See the book writing testbench.

Why not use SystemC write testbench?
I think the performance is the highest priority in large design.

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