Hi,I have a problem about how to use a model include subcirc

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Newbie level 5
Mar 26, 2005
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inline subckt hspice

I have a model file with subcircuit defined in it.But I cannot simulate my circuit when I fill the subcircuit name in the blank of modelName.And I have to invoke the features of the subcircuit!How can I solve the problem!Please help me!Thanks! Posted from a mobile

Re: Hi,I have a problem about how to use a model include sub

what is the eda simulation tool that u r using.... what subcircuit is that u r trying to simulate....

I use spectre to simulate a RF like circuit.

Re: Hi,I have a problem about how to use a model include sub

Only spectre have the feature that a npn for instance could be either a primitive device with a model or a subcircuit model. So that the device netlist is unchanged and you only change the model be either a primitive or a subcircuit. If you use other simulators then all device should be subcircuits defined in the model file or part where you can change the type of description.

Cadence have a patent on this,

Hi,rfsystem!Your answer helps me a lot.But I still have a little puzzle.Do you mean I just need to fill the subcircuit name in the modelName blank?Please show me the way!Thank you!

Re: Hi,I have a problem about how to use a model include sub

The specific feature is that instead of a model name in a spice netlist line

Q3463 (n34 n12 n67 sub!) NPNSUBC

where NPNSUBC is not the model of a bipolar but is a subcircuit containing a bipolar and other components. Cadence call that feature "Inline Subcircuit" in the spectre ref manual.

inline subckt NPNSUBC (c b e s)
ends NPN12

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