Help with Dc Motor Parameters!

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Junior Member level 2
Feb 13, 2012
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Hello Everyone!
I wanna do a simulation of my Turnigy L2215J-900 Brushless Motor using simulink but in its Parameters there is neither the moment of inertia (J) of the rotor nor
the damping(B) which are super important for the simulation. how can i calculate?!?!?
Thanks 4 reading.

Define the following variables and constants

x = position of the block
v = x' = velocity of the block
m = mass of the block
R = rest length of the spring
k = spring stiffness
b = damping constant (friction)

A spring generates a force proportional to how far it is stretched (and acting in the opposite direction to the stretch) Fspring = −k × stretch If we adjust the coordinate system so that x = 0 corresponds to the spring being unstretched, then the stretch of the spring is simply equal to x. The spring force becomes Fspring = − k x In addition, there is a damping (friction) force that resists the motion. It is proportional to the velocity. So we add Fdamping = −b v to get the total force F = Fspring + Fdamping = − k x − b v Combining this with Newton's law of motion F = m a, and the definition of acceleration as the second derivative of position a = x'' we have the differential equation: m x'' = −k x − b v

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