help!!!! something doesnt work!!!!

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Newbie level 5
Feb 21, 2005
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i wrote this code that describe a signal mapping block of pi/4 dqpsk.
but the rom address doesn't increase.
can somebody help me?

this is the code:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.math_real.all ;

entity signal_mapping1 is
port( Clock : in std_logic;
Reset : in std_logic;
Enable : in std_logic;
in_I : in std_logic;
in_Q : in std_logic;

out_I: out REAL ;
out_Q: out REAL
end signal_mapping1;


architecture Behav of signal_mapping1 is

type ROM_Array is array (0 to 15)
of real;

constant Content: ROM_Array := (
0 => 1.0, -- Suppose ROM has
1 => 0.0, -- prestored value
2 => 0.70710_67811_86547_52440, -- like this table
3 => 0.70710_67811_86547_52440, --
4 => 0.0, --
5 => 1.0, --
6 => -0.70710_67811_86547_52440, --
7 => 0.70710_67811_86547_52440, --
8 => -1.0, --
9 => 0.0, --
10 => -0.70710_67811_86547_52440, -- 11 => -0.70710_67811_86547_52440,
12 => 0.0, --
13 => -1.0, --
14 => 0.70710_67811_86547_52440,
15=> -0.70710_67811_86547_52440,
OTHERS => 505.0 --
-- define the states of FSM model

signal address_i:integer := 0;
signal address_q:integer := 1;
process(Clock, Reset,in_q,in_i )


if( Reset = '1' ) then
out_i <= Content(0);
out_q <= Content(1);

elsif( Clock'event and Clock = '1' ) then
if Enable = '1' then

if(in_q='0' and in_i='0' ) then
out_q <= Content(address_q+2);
out_i <= Content(address_i + 2);
address_i <= address_i+2;
address_q <= address_q+2;

elsif(in_q='1' and in_i='0' ) then
out_q <= Content(address_q+4);
out_i <= Content(address_i + 4);
address_i <= address_i+4;
address_q <= address_q+4;

elsif(in_q='0' and in_i='1' ) then
out_q <= Content(address_q+6);
out_i <= Content(address_i + 6);
address_i <= address_i+6;
address_q <= address_q+6;

elsif(in_q='1' and in_i='0' ) then
out_q <= Content(address_q+8);
out_i <= Content(address_i + 8);
address_i <= address_i+8;
address_q <= address_q+8;
end if;
out_q <= 505.0;
out_i <= 505.0;
end if;

end if;
end process;
end Behav;


I think you have two statements of elsif that the inputs in_q and in_i have the same value (in_q = '1', in_i = '0') :

 elsif(in_q='1' and in_i='0' ) then
out_q <= Content(address_q+4);
out_i <= Content(address_i + 4);
address_i <= address_i+4;
address_q <= address_q+4; 

 elsif(in_q='1' and in_i='0' ) then
out_q <= Content(address_q+Cool;
out_i <= Content(address_i + Cool;
address_i <= address_i+8;
address_q <= address_q+8;

Probably you wanted one of them to be in_q = '1' and in_i = '1'. Otherwise you have race condition.

If you allow me I would like to note you that when you have a clocked process in the sensitivity list you declare the clock and the reset. You don't need the other inputs because they are checked at every rising or falling edge of the clock. So the sensitivity list is:

 process(Clock, Reset)

you were right but still it doesn't work
here is the correct code and the test bench
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;		 
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.math_real.all ;

entity signal_mapping1 is
port(	Clock   : in std_logic;
	Reset	: in std_logic;	
	Enable	: in std_logic;
	in_I	: in std_logic;
	in_Q	: in std_logic;

    out_I:  out REAL ;
    out_Q: out REAL
end signal_mapping1;


architecture Behav of signal_mapping1 is 

    type ROM_Array is array (0 to 15) 
	of real;

    constant Content: ROM_Array := (
        0 => 1.0,		-- Suppose ROM has 
        1 => 0.0,		-- prestored value
        2 => 0.70710_67811_86547_52440,		-- like this table
        3 => 0.70710_67811_86547_52440,       		--
        4 => 0.0,		--
        5 => 1.0,       		--
        6 => -0.70710_67811_86547_52440,		--
        7 => 0.70710_67811_86547_52440,      		--
        8 => -1.0,       		--
        9 => 0.0,       		--
        10 => -0.70710_67811_86547_52440,		--
    	11 => -0.70710_67811_86547_52440,       	--
        12 => 0.0,      		--
        13 => -1.0,		--
        14 => 0.70710_67811_86547_52440,
	    15=> -0.70710_67811_86547_52440,
	OTHERS => 505.0		--
 signal	address_i:integer := 0;
 signal	address_q:integer := 1;
    process(Clock, Reset)
        if( Reset = '1' ) then
	     out_i <= Content(0);
		out_q <= Content(1);
        elsif( Clock'event and Clock = '1' ) then
	    if Enable = '1' then 
		if(in_q='0' and in_i='0' ) then
		    out_q <= Content(address_q+2);
			out_i <= Content(address_i + 2);
			address_i <= address_i+2; 
			address_q <= address_q+2; 
		elsif(in_q='1' and in_i='0' ) then
		    out_q <= Content(address_q+4);
			out_i <= Content(address_i + 4);
			address_i <= address_i+4; 
			address_q <= address_q+4; 
		elsif(in_q='0' and in_i='1' ) then
		    out_q <= Content(address_q+6);
			out_i <= Content(address_i + 6);
			address_i <= address_i+6; 
			address_q <= address_q+6; 
		elsif(in_q='1' and in_i='1' ) then
		    out_q <= Content(address_q+8);
			out_i <= Content(address_i + 8);
            address_i <= address_i+8; 
			address_q <= address_q+8; 
			 	end if;
                    out_q <= 505.0;
					out_i <= 505.0;
            	end if;
        end if;
    end process;
end Behav;


	 library ieee ;
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;  
 entity	signal_mapping_tb is
 end signal_mapping_tb ;
 architecture  signal_mapping_tb_arc of signal_mapping_tb  is

component signal_mapping1 is
	port(	Clock   : in std_logic;
	Reset	: in std_logic;	
	Enable	: in std_logic;
	in_I	: in std_logic;
	in_Q	: in std_logic;
    out_I:  out REAL ;
    out_Q: out REAL
end component;
	signal enable_tb   : std_logic;
    signal	 clock_tb : std_logic :='1';
	signal reset_tb   : std_logic;
	signal in_i_tb :  std_logic;
	signal in_q_tb :  std_logic;
	signal out_i_tb :real;
	signal out_q_tb:real ;
	constant  clk_time: time := 50 ns;  
UUT : signal_mapping1
port map (
			enable => enable_tb,
			CLOCK => clock_tb,
		    reset => reset_tb,
	    	in_i => in_i_tb,
		  	in_q => in_q_tb	,
		 	out_i => out_i_tb,
		    out_q => out_q_tb
	clock_proc: process	 
	  clock_tb <= not(clock_tb) ;
	   wait for clk_time;
	end process 	clock_proc;	  
	   reset_tb<= '1';
	    WAIT FOR 10 ns;
	    reset_tb <= '0';
	END PROCESS reset_in;
	   enable_tb<= '1';
	    WAIT FOR 10 ns;
	    enable_tb <= '0';
	END PROCESS enable_in;

				in_q_tb	<= '0','1' after 200 ns,'0' after 400 ns,'1' after 600 ns
	,'1' after 800 ns,'0' after 1000 ns,'1' after 1200 ns,'0' after 1400 ns,'1' after 1600 ns
	,'1' after 1800 ns,'0' after 2000 ns;
	in_i_tb	<= '0','1' after 200 ns,'0' after 400 ns,'1' after 600 ns
	,'0' after 800 ns,'1' after 1000 ns,'1' after 1200 ns,'0' after 1400 ns,'1' after 1600 ns
	,'0' after 1800 ns,'1' after 2000 ns; 

	end signal_mapping_tb_arc;

      enable_tb<= '1';
       WAIT FOR 10 ns;
       enable_tb <= '0';
   END PROCESS enable_in;

I think in your testbench you keep the enable signal high for a very short time. From what I saw from your code, the address is incremented when Enable is high. I believe you wanted to write sth like that:

      enable_tb<= '0';
       WAIT FOR 10 ns;
       enable_tb <= '1';
   END PROCESS enable_in;

thanks u but now i have a new problem.
how can i make the rom address increase in circular mode?
address4+14=address 2

For circular mode, your code should be modified like this:

if(in_q='0' and in_i='0' ) then
   if (address_i = 14 and address_q = 15) then
         address_i <= 0;
         address_q <= 1;  
         out_q <= Content(address_q);
         out_i <= Content(address_i);
          out_q <= Content(address_q+2);
         out_i <= Content(address_i + 2);
         address_i <= address_i+2;
         address_q <= address_q+2; 
   end if;

   elsif(in_q='1' and in_i='0' ) then
      if (address_i >= 12 and address_q >= 13) then

       out_q <= Content(address_q - 12);
         out_i <= Content(address_i - 12); 
        address_i <= address_i - 12;
         address_q <= address_q - 12;      
          out_q <= Content(address_q+4);
         out_i <= Content(address_i + 4);
         address_i <= address_i+4;
         address_q <= address_q+4; 
    end if;

    elsif(in_q='0' and in_i='1' ) then
       if (address_i >= 10 and address_q >= 11) then

         out_q <= Content(address_q - 10);
         out_i <= Content(address_i - 10);
         address_i <= address_i - 10;
         address_q <= address_q - 10; 
          out_q <= Content(address_q+6);
         out_i <= Content(address_i + 6);
         address_i <= address_i+6;
         address_q <= address_q+6; 
    end if;

   elsif(in_q='1' and in_i='1' ) then
     if (address_i >= 8 and address_q >= 9) then
       out_q <= Content(address_q - 8);
         out_i <= Content(address_i - 8);
            address_i <= address_i - 8;
         address_q <= address_q - 8; 


      out_q <= Content(address_q+8);
         out_i <= Content(address_i + 8);
            address_i <= address_i+8;
         address_q <= address_q+8; 
     end if;

I hope this will help you.

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