[HELP] PIC18F4550 -- C Programming Problems

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Member level 1
Feb 8, 2010
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Hi everyone, I got a question here.

void fbStateMachine()
case 0: if(isForward)
fb.nextState = 1;
case 1: .....
fb.state = fb.nextState;

how do I defined fb.state and fb.nextState in my C code????
thx 4 helping.

fb.state and fb.nextstate must be part of a structure.

typedef struct
int state;
int nextstate;
int someotherstuff;

volatile FB fb;

One approach to a state machine is that each state is atomic, ie: changing the code in the state has no side effects on any other part of the program. You can have a seperate file for each state.

The state can also only switch to another state when something happens that needs a state change.

An elegant way to implement this is to have a constant array of function pointers. The state functions return the next state to switch to as the index in the array.

Here is a trivial example of the stratagy.

/*--- State Machine ---*/

enum STATE{STATE_1, STATE_2, STATE_3, STATE_4}; /* State enumeration */

/*--- State machine function prototypes. ---*/

enum STATE state_1(void);  /* Functions return next state */
enum STATE state_2(void);
enum STATE state_3(void);
enum STATE state_4(void);

/*--- Program entry ---*/

int main(void)
  enum STATE State;
  enum STATE(*const Active_State[])(void) =   /* Constant array of function pointers */ 
  {state_1, state_2, state_3, state_4}; 

  State = STATE_1;
    State = Active_State[State]();  /* execute state machine */  
  return 0;

/*--- State 1 ---*/

enum STATE state_1(void)
   enum STATE State = STATE_1;

  while(State == STATE_1)
    /* Code for state 1

    if(Somethings happened){
        State = STATE_2;


  return STATE_2; /* Return next state */

/*--- State 2 ---*/

enum STATE state_2(void)

  return STATE_3;

/*--- State 3 ---*/

enum STATE state_3(void)

  return STATE_4;

/*--- State 4 ---*/

enum STATE state_4(void)

  return STATE_1;

/*--- End of File ---*/

Hi, i'm still facing problem, "syntax error". wats going wrong on my code. thx for helping.

volatile fb, lr;

typedef struct
int state;
int nextState;
int controlBits;

typedef struct
int state;
int nextState;
int controlBits;

void masterStateMachine()
int fbBits, lrBits, masterBits;

fbBits = fb.controlBits; ***** syntax error
lrBits = lr.controlBits; ***** syntax error
masterBits = (fbBits<<2)+(lrBits);

volatile fb, lr; ????

You cant declare these before defining the types! The compiler doesn't know what you are talking about.

You need to study structures a bit more. There is a difference in just defining a structure and defining a type that is a structure.
Also, if you are shifting bits, you should be using 'unsigned int' or 'unsigned char' if it's 8-bits.

/*--- Normal structure ---*/

struct example    /* Structure tag */
  unsigned int variable_1;
  unsigned int variable_2;

/*--- A structure that is a type ---*/

typedef struct 
  int state; 
  int nextState; 
  int controlBits; 

volatile FB fb; /* Global instance of type FB */ 

typedef struct 
  int state; 
  int nextState; 
  int controlBits; 

volatile LR lr; /* Global instance of type LR */

/*--- Program entry ---*/ 

void main(void)
  struct example ex; /* Instance of structure 'example' */
  unsigned int test;

  ex.variable_1 = 10;
  ex.variable_2 = 20;

  test = ex.variable_1 + ex.variable_2;

void masterStateMachine() 
  int fbBits, lrBits, masterBits; 

  fbBits = fb.controlBits;   /* Using global fb type */  
  lrBits = lr.controlBits;   /* Using global lr type */ 
  masterBits = (fbBits<<2)+(lrBits);  /* Sign is lost? */ 

/*--- End of File ---*/

Hi Btbass, thx 4 ur guide. jz solve it. ^^ thx.
erm..i got 1 more problem here..once i compile my code. it declare that "old style function declarations not supported". wat d probems on my code here actually. thx 4 helping.

void setMovement(a, b, c, d)
{        ****
	int a, b, c, d;
	isForward = a;
	isReverse = b;
	isLeft =c;
	isRight =d;
}        ****old style function declarations not supported

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