Help on GPRS interfacing.

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Newbie level 4
Oct 15, 2012
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Hello sir/madam,

I'm doing my final year project on real time vehicle tracking on Google maps using GPS. We are using 80C51, SIM 900. As I'm new to the IC's & their programming, I have few ques. as mentioned below:
1) Which GPS module to use?
2) Is it possible to use GPRS to send the coordinates? Which AT commands to use? (I'll be grateful if you provide with example)
3) Is there any database/website where I can store those coordinates?
4) Which language should I use to program the micro controller?

I know, I'm asking too many ques. at once but I'm very confused.
Thanks in advance.

Thank you sir for the info. It was very useful.
I request you for further help. I would like to know which commands to use to transfer data through GPRS module or any website that would provide me with this valuable information.

depends on the modem.
please specify the modem manufacture and model number.

use sim908 it is gps/gprs module
u can reduce circuit design..

Respected Vital Kantamneni,

Using SIM908 was a good suggestion & I found it useful. But I am not still clear on how to send the data & where. Can you please explain me in details or provide steps?
Also, if you have already implemented the it, can you please share the program as I am completely new to programming (I am Telecom student)?

Thanks for the above sugestion. Look forward for further help.

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