[HELP] NV-SIM Problem?

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Member level 1
Apr 19, 2005
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setenv in verilog makefile

if ncvhdl
is ok
ncelab with error **broken link removed**
Here is my run procesure

ncvhdl -work work ./fa.vhd ==> OK
ncvlog -work work ./adder4.v ==> OK
ncvhdl -work work ./testfixture.vhd ==> OK
ncelab -work work work.cfg_testadd4:configuration ==> not OK
--> message
ncelab:*E,MULVHDossible bindings for instance of entity 'fa' in
`work.add4:module' are :
ncelab : *E,CUVMUR:instance for module/UDP 'fa' in unsolved
in 'work.add4:module'.


what does this mean??
what elab is error??

Q2. In this case , I want to use ncsim generate *.fsdb
Is any master guy can tell me how to do this?

verdi command

It works fine for me I am using NC-sim ver 5.3-s001..

Using Novas Debug Systems with NC-Sim


We will use Debussy 5.3, LDV 5.0 and SOLARIS2 32bit OS in this example. Other platforms will have similar settings, except for the HP OS, the environment variable is SHLIB_PATH, instead of LD_LIBRARY_PATH. For detailed information please consult Novas Software's Installation documentation (<Novas_install>/doc/installation.pdf).

Platforms Supported:

* HP10 <=> HPPA <=> HP11_32bit
* HP11<=>HP11_64bit
* WINNT (libraries come up only when installed on windows)
* SOL2<=>SOLARIS2<=>SOL7_32bit


Dynamic linking

To link the provided compiled library:

setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH <Novas_install>/share/PLI/nc_xl/SOLARIS2/nc_shared

If you need to generate your own compiled library, the required files are pli.a and veriuser.c

They are located at <Novas_install>/share/PLI/nc_xl/SOLARIS2

Bootstrap Dynamic Linking

setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH <Novas_install>/share/PLI/nc_xl/SOLARIS2/nc_loadpli1

ncverilog -f run.f +debug +loadpli1=debpli:debpli_boot

Static Linking

Copy and edit Makefile.nc from <Cadence_install_dir>/tools/inca/files

VERIUSER_C = $(NOVAS_HOME)/share/PLI/nc_xl/SOLARIS2/veriuser.c

PLI_OBJECTS = $(NOVAS_HOME)/share/PLI/nc_xl/SOLARIS2/pli.a

> make -f Makefile.nc static

New static executables will be created for ncsim and ncelab

Use these new static executables

> path = (<location of static executables>) $path)


Dynamic linking

To link the provided compiled library:

* Compile novas.vhd found in <Novas_install>/share/PLI/nc_vhdl/SOLARIS2
* Add in your vhdl code: use work.novas.all;
* setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH <Novas_install>/share/PLI/nc_vhdl/SOLARIS2

If you need to generate your own compiled library the required files are novasfmi.c, novascfc.c and novas.a. They are located at: <Novas_install_dir>/share/PLI/nc_vhdl/SOLARIS2

Bootstrap Dynamic Linking

To link the provided compiled library:

* Compile novas.vhd found in <Novas_install>/share/PLI/nc_vhdl/SOLARIS2
* Add in your vhdl code: use work.novas.all;

* setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH <Novas_install>/share/PLI/nc_vhdl/SOLARIS2/boot

ncelab -f run.f -access+r +loadfmi debfmi:debfmi_boot

Static Linking

Copy and edit Makefile.nc from <Cadence_install_dir>/tools/inca/files

> make -f Makefile.nc static

New static executables will be created for ncsim and ncelab

Use these new static executables

> path = (<location of static executables>) $path)

Mixed Language Design

Dynamic linking

To link the provided compiled library:

* Compile novas.vhd found in <Novas_install>/share/PLI/ldv4.0_vhpi/SOLARIS2
* Add in your vhdl code: use work.novas.all;
* setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH <Novas_install>/share/PLI/ldv4.0_vhpi/SOLARIS2

If you need to generate your own compiled library the required files are novasfmi.c, novascfc.c, pli_body.o and veriuser.c. They are located at: <Novas_install_dir>/share/PLI/ldv4.0_vhpi/SOLARIS2

Bootstrap Dynamic Linking

* Compile novas.vhd found in <Novas_install>/share/PLI/ldv4.0_vhpi/SOLARIS2/boot
* Add in your vhdl code: use work.novas.all;

* setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH <Novas_install>/share/PLI/ldv4.0_vhpi/SOLARIS2/boot

ncelab -f run.f -access+r -loadfmi debfmi:debfmi_boot à If Top Level is VHDL

ncelab -f run.f +debug -loadpli1 debpli:debpli_boot à If Top Level is Verilog

Example Use Model


Add the following in your Verilog code[1]:

initial begin $fsdbDumpvars; end

> ncverilog +access+r +debug -f run.f


>ncverilog -f run.f +debug +loadpli1=debpli:debpli_boot

> Debussy -f run.f > verdi -f run.f


Add the following in your vhdl code: process



fsdbDumpvars(0, "system");

wait ;

end process;

> ncvhdl -work WORK -f run.f

> ncelab -access +r work.system:blk


> ncelab -f run.f -access+r +loadfmi debfmi:debfmi_boot

> ncsim work.system:blk -input stop.do

Example stop.do File: call fsdbDumpfile nc_vhdl.fsdb

call fsdbDumpvars 0 :

run 12500 NS


> vhdlcom -f run.f

> debussy -lib work -top system > verdi -lib work -top system


Add the following in your vhdl code: process



fsdbDumpvars(0, "system");

wait ;

end process;

Add the following in your Verilog code:

initial begin $fsdbDumpvars; end

> ncvlog -work WORK -f run.f

> ncvhdl -work WORK -f run.f

> ncelab -access +r work.system:blk

> ncsim work.system:blk

> vericom -f run.f (verilog files only)

> vhdlcom -f run.f (vhdl files only)

> debussy -lib work -top system > verdi -lib work -top system

For Debussy/Verdi Interactive Mode Simulation

In Novas GUI select the appropriate simulator, for example:

nTrace -> Tools --> Option --> Preferences ---> Simulator : NC-VHDL

Executable : ncsim

Run the simulation: nTrace -> Tools --> Interactive Mode ---> Run

Examples for dumping from Debussy/Verdi command line :

> call fsdbDumpvars

> run 12500 ns

> exit

Can also use options in GUI mode in Debussy/Verdi :

nTrace -> Debug ---> User Defined Commands

Dumping from NCSIM GUI

On the NCSIM GUI command line, you can type fsdb command as follows:

> call fsdbDumpfile {"test.fsdb"}

> call fsdbDumpvars 0 {"system"}

--> 0 : level , which specifies how many levels of hierarcy to dump for the subsequent scope

--> system: module / variable , gives either the module scope / variable that specify the objects to dump

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