Newbie level 3

Im new in coding assembly language. using mplab for pic18
An input signal on pin RA0 will be used to enable th eoutput pulse sequences. when the input goes high, the output pulse sequences on pic RC0 and RC! should start from the point at which RC0 is taken high. The output pulse sequence should continue repeadly until the input on RA0 is taken low, at which time both output, RC0 and RC1 should be taken low.
help would be appreciated as im quite lost in how to do this!
An input signal on pin RA0 will be used to enable th eoutput pulse sequences. when the input goes high, the output pulse sequences on pic RC0 and RC! should start from the point at which RC0 is taken high. The output pulse sequence should continue repeadly until the input on RA0 is taken low, at which time both output, RC0 and RC1 should be taken low.
help would be appreciated as im quite lost in how to do this!