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Help me with designing guitar FX emulation software

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Aug 12, 2005
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Guitar FX, Any idea?


Anyone here familiar with guitar FX (effects)?

I'm going to design a software based FX (guitar FX emulation) for my design project and make a hardware console for that program.

Here how it (should) works:
The input analog signal from the electric guitar will pass thru the PC soundcard
and the program of the guitar FX will process the input signal depending on the
configured preset of the program. for example that program FX will add distortion to the signal or may be reverb/delay it.

I'm poor in DSP technology so I dont know where to start.
Please help.

Re: Guitar FX, Any idea?

i didnt undertsand u clearly...

can u explain the architechture or what do u expect from your design...making distortion and delay.....or how toadd distortion and make delay in your signal..

Is it a hardware or software problem?

p/s : putting cry baby and flanger will be cool man

Re: Guitar FX, Any idea?

basically, dif effects are produce by means of convulating the sample with a specific waveform..i would suggest u to play around with sonic foundry's sound forge..get a wave sample and tweak around the effects..there's a window where u could check out the waves in and out..that'll hopefully get u into better understanding of sample freq, windows, etc..if u wanna dig into DSP, check out Sanjit K. Mitra's book (can't remember the book title tho)..have fun

Re: Guitar FX, Any idea?

Syukri man, that would be cool...

Heres the concept of my design:

First I have to emulate different guitar FX, the emulation program should able to read the analog signal from my PC sound card example the signal from my electric guitar (To understand more: Its more like a virtual Guitar FX on a program) after that I will make a console (hardware for that emulator)

the concept is like MUGEN (are you familiar with that?)
MUGEN is an arcede game emulation program which you can add characters
from different arcade fighting game. (sorry but I dont know what does MUGEN acronym means)

Re: Guitar FX, Any idea?

Oic..I suggest u this, u surf the net and find the schematic of those hardware emulator that u used...

to emulate, in DSP there is to basic thing
1.time domain
2.frequancy domain

in guitar it is usually freq.

p\s : THe Sanjit K. MItra book title is "Digital Singnal Processing, A computer based approach"......there are given matlab command in there

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