Help me to understand clear about Perl and Tcl

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Member level 3
Jan 9, 2007
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As I know Perl and Tcl is scripts language .In EDA they are used frequently .Someone can explain me more clearly why and how we us them.
Thank in advance

Perl is mostly used to write scripts, which automates your flow, which may include starting a tool, and then collectiong the data out of it, and then modifying it etc.. i.e it is used on your unix prompt.
Where as tcl is more used when you are inside the tool.
For example dc_shell, ac_shell, formality, primetime etc.. they all use tcl on their command promts.
Hope it helps,

Perl is more oftenly used for text processing and can be used for editing/manipulating text files. Tcl is used where an eda tool has a tcl interface, there you can automate the steps that you perform manually (automate the flow).

I have seen people using Tcl, do the text processing and perl for automating the flow, actually depends on the comfort level of the designer. I have replied with an idea of highlighting where these languages are powerful when used appropriately.

Perl is used for files parsing and text analysis, wheras Tcl is used to automate a engineer task by a sequence of command. As exemple, Tcl is used with Design compiler for synthesis.

As tcl (tool command lanaguage) suggests, it is supported by synthesis tools like magma dc and simultors like ncverilog and others.
perl is used for post processing and text processig.

Thank you all very much.Your informations are very useful

BTW, what is the key differnce between Perl and TCL, looks lots job can be done by both.

Re: Help me to understand clear about PERL?

Whether anyone has come acrossed using perl scripts in pcb designing specially in allegro or any other tool. Pls post sample perl scripts which has been programmed for EDA tools it will be helpful, so that i can look into it. And also tutorial which speaks about how to do scripting for eda tools.

Thanks in Advance

Dear foster_cn,
In fact everything perl/tcl does can be done by C. But extracting patterns form a file using C, will be a daunting task.
so perl has been designed to do 'practical extraction and reporting' . so it is the ease which is a point here. YOu would use the language which will help you do the eask eaisly. Otherwise there would be may be just 'C' language, because you can do everything with it.

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