Help me set the VCO frequency on HCF4046

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Newbie level 3
Apr 12, 2010
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Help On 4046

Hi every one.
I'm working on designing a FSK modulator and demodulator.
There are many problems that I have, but most serious one is this IC, HCF4046 which is a PLL.
to set the VCO frequency, two resistors and one capacitor is needed, but my problem is that in the datasheet PDF that i have, there is no design combination for setting the VCO frequency.
I need it to oscillate in 1.0MHZ.
Thanks to all of your team.
also, If anyone can find the complete datasheet, send me.
here's the datashhet that I got from the internet:
**broken link removed**

Re: Help On 4046

All info is here:


Re: Help On 4046

But the HCT4046 VCO seems to be different from the HCF4046. The HCF datasheet gives a maximum frequency of 1.4 MHz, whereas the HCT can do 17 MHz.

Can you figure out some component values just by experimenting?


there are some Differences between 74HC4046 and HCF4046

Thanks, but I already have 74hc4046, and this one is a little different from HCF4046, for example, Vcc Max input for 74hc is 6volts, but in HCF and also some others, Vcc input max is 20volts.
also, I figured oscillator settings from 74hc4046 datasheet, but it doesn't work in HCF. it oscillates at around 20KHZ.

and yes, it's possible to figure out by experience, but because I need it urgent, I needed some help.
so if anyone can help me, I'd be thankful.

Didn't work

I can't even find the combination by experience.
it seems that there is no linear way in capacitance.
some body plz help me.

Re: Help On 4046

If you don't need the offset frequency feature, you can omit R2 and simply select R1/C1 according to the center frequency diagram
in NXP HEF4046B datasheet.

It worked

Thanks FvM, your help worked, although it didn't work without R2, and I found that R2=13KHZ would do the job.
CD4046 gives a DC output without R2.

Thanks Everyone.

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