Help me design a COMB Generator

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Newbie level 5
Jul 9, 2003
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COMB Genertor

who can i desing a comb generator ?

Re: COMB Genertor

sagivas said:
who can i desing a comb generator ?

here is program at this site that u can use
Reactions: royek2


    Points: 2
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You may want to look at SRd shunt mode topology.

Here are some useful papers:

Computer aids design of impulse multipliers

Shunt-mode Harmonic generation using step recovery diodes

Re: COMB Genertor

sagivas said:
who can i desing a comb generator ?

it is very semple, just use an srd d

olso i found an article about it. i will send it to you to your pm

Re: COMB Genertor

sagivas said:
who can i desing a comb generator ?

use a "popovitch" it will help u

Re: COMB Genertor

who can i desing a comb generator ?

hey guys... i am looking to design a comb genr .. who can help me with an elementary circuit or give me a heads up on the devices which will be needed.. im looking to work in the 100 Mhz range. pl help . thx..

freq rg is 100 to 200 mhz
costant gain over the bandwidth
variable step size till 25khz.

---------- Post added at 23:39 ---------- Previous post was at 23:35 ----------

in case i happen to do a software simulation on matlab... any clues about hw to go about the coding part??

I guess you need a VCO from 100M~200M, and the freq point step is 25K. Then you need a freq point, not need a Comb freq points. Right?

tht is correct the VCO will give it the input frequency ... but u see the comb pattern is seen after the FFT of an impulse generated, this i plan to achieve by using a step recovery diode... i read the HP application notes available.. but then i dont see which step recovery diode to use and hw will the circuit actually look like.. so was also thinking of looking on the lines of sfwre implemtation done using MATLAB.... also hw to use a band pass filter to get almost unifirm power distr thru out the comb pattern.... so further help will be appreciated.. thx..

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