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Help! Digital Clock Assembly source code needed!

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Newbie level 4
Jun 3, 2009
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digital clock assembly

help me pls. i need to make a digital clock using assembly source code. i tried my best but all I could find was some source code written in "bascom". does any1 know where i can find it. it's urgent. pleaaaase.

assembly source code

Boy you really are a lazy student!

Try and look in their application notes section. They have a digital clock app note complete with the source code.

I don't know the exact app note number but maybe you can figure out how to search for it.


code clock assembly

Yes lazy_student, this place not for lazy people.....just hv to search more!

There are tons of clock projects around!
Check this one..

assembly code for digital clock

There is another one Digital Clock Project Published in a Magazine.


digital clock assembly code

Thanks to both of you. but i'm not really a lazy student. :D i'm just stuck in the wrong place in the wrong time. i'm a person who made some mistakes about five years ago and still paying for them. it is really miserable to think about that.
and by the way, none of the urls worked. they have some sort of network error. don't u have something to mail me?
thanks again...

Added after 52 minutes:

Awarapunshee said:
There is another one Digital Clock Project Published in a Magazine.

thanks dude. but i need a clock for 8051. with 4 7-segments and without alarm. i would be greatful if u could help...

asm source code

Id you dont mind, may i know your location and too wether you want the complete project with code for free or you are ready to spend for it?

digital clock .asm

pranam77 said:
Id you dont mind, may i know your location and too wether you want the complete project with code for free or you are ready to spend for it?
well... guess i'm not. sorry... but i'm doin' it for a 4 score project for my microcontroller course in university so that it will be my final term in the computer world. and i finally can go on after the things i love an i'm talented for and not to be a lazy student anymore. and then i can realy feel relieved from all the pains i caused myself by makin' some dumb mistakes, choosing something that i shouldn't have.
so it's up to you. thanks anyway.

assembly digital clock

Yet again, it seems that some smart and hard-working individuals out there solved the problem for you, lazy<place_for_epithets>. All that was needed was a search, after all:

**broken link removed**

…but really, I think you should stop trying to fool yourself and every1 else and maybe drop out of school before you get a diploma that certifies you as a knowledgeable engineer, and start pursuing whatever it is that interests you without further delay…

clock digital assembly

arthur0 said:
Yet again, it seems that some smart and hard-working individuals out there solved the problem for you, lazy<place_for_epithets>. All that was needed was a search, after all:

**broken link removed**

…but really, I think you should stop trying to fool yourself and every1 else and maybe drop out of school before you get a diploma that certifies you as a knowledgeable engineer, and start pursuing whatever it is that interests you without further delay…

Right on.

i'm so sorry that i have to reply to this kind of things. you should always think, compare and judge things when you are in their right place and their right quality. maybe one day you'll get the chance to live in my shoes and in my country. and maybe then you won't drop out of your school 'cause you don't wanna got to the army, an' guess what? you even don't have the right to do the things you like to do, cause they are forbidden and then you think the only way to reach the things you like is leaving your country and after all the pressures and inclemencies that you've been through , you find yourself in the middle of somewhere that you don't belong. and you know why? cause the system never asked you what you liked. it just put you some where accidentally and of course some where it liked you to be. and you can't do nothing about it. 'cause if you say anything against the system, you'll be in its jail and locked up for god knows how long. my favorite interest in life is art, specially music and movies, and i know about them the more you ever could imagine. and i'm living in a country that music is against the will of god and so it's forbidden, and the chances for you to follow the field witch can lead you to the way to become a movie director or at least a simple worker in the movie industry - wich I can hardly name it industry- is 20 from 2000 interested ppl. so don't you think if you were in my place you would do the same things that i have done. if i get my bachelorette liscense( no matter in what field) then i get more chance of leavin' my country, and maybe then you can listen to my album an my music while working on your 8051 project. i'm so sorry that you people judge others as simple as you judged me. i'm so sorry.... have you ever felt that the more days you spend in your current situation the more you'll get far form the things that you like to do in your life?? well i have. so whenever you started to be judgemental you may be able to feel what i'm sayin' it dosen't matter to me anymore... cause i will only have chance until tomorrow. so don't bother yourself. as i said before, i'm so sorry that i had to reply to these kind of matters...

asm clock source code

lazy_student said:
Well, I gather you’re satisfied with the link I gave you since you didn’t mention it. Or has playing the victim exceeded your word-count allowance?

Look, I’m sure your story is very sad and touching, but don’t act like you’re a victim!
And don’t give me all this “oh, my country is so bad” crap. In a really bad country you don’t have the opportunity for any education, let alone higher.
Although I’m a glad Swedish citizen now, it just so happens that I myself originate from a “bad country”, so I know first hand how it is. And I also know how hard it is to make your own choices, but despite that I succeeded in pursuing some of my dreams with little compromise, so I know that it works!

It was you who judged yourself by taking this alias and by admitting that you just sat on your behind for five years waiting for something “painful” to pass, instead of actively doing something about it. I just drew some conclusions based on your own account and judgement. No matter how you put it, it doesn’t seem like you have an excuse and, having experienced [at least some of] the things you talked about, I find this “lazy” attitude of yours rather insulting.

Now you know how it works…

assembly 8051 code short clock

oh my god... i don't know why i'm doin' this. but i feel like replying your message. don't you ever even for a second think that you may know the situation i'm in right now. 'cause only thinking about will make your life miserable and you would say, dude, you're fucked up. so listen you hard-working act liking boy, i've made my peace with my life, with all these troubles and stuff that i'm deep into. and i've put them behind. the last step for me to reach my dreams and never make the mistake of losing them again is to pass the courses that i have for this last university term. but i can't deal with this one. and just to let you know i haven't sat my ass around and just say :i'm fucked up and i can't do anything about it... i'm working on two short movies that will be completed soon and my first album is ready to be out. of course i should put that in my desk drawer cause as i said before they don't give a shit about artists in this country. so is it so hard for you to help a guy in need? i rather not take it from you. well i agree that, when i was registering for an account on this site, i made a mistake choosin that nickname, but that was what i felt at that moment. and yes i'm a lazy student in the world of software engineering students if that makes you happy. but i don't give a shit about being a genius one among the software engineers. cause i sure am in what i like and what i belong to...

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