Hardware or Coding first?

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Newbie level 6
Jan 29, 2004
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i read in one tutorial,u should know hardware/circuit first before starting
1.Is this always possible ?
2.we get the required components after synthesis,so why should we think
first about it?


yes ,I think so , you must know how to design a circuit first . or you can not write the good code .


You need to know what you are going to design. If you dont know the algo what are you going to implement?


yes, you need to have your hardware first before coding, and even thinking in hardware when you perform coding.

Hi all

Not allwayes it's depend on your experience using hardware and programming software

for instance if you have schematic only you can write(program) 70~80 % of the code very close to debug level

But you can do one with out the other



Yes. Because somebodies else have considered about a product as they were developing it. Therefore, there are many reasonable why's whith the product. But, if you have a definite idea and experience, then, which of both ways will be O.K. And, if you are an expert to make a competitive product, you should take the way from idea to implementation.

Hardware First.

You can write optimised code with few revisions if you know the hardware first.


hardware first. but not necessarily to have a CYCLE-ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE FOR IT!!!

i mean in first weeks you build a functional simulator for debugging. I do this in C or SystemC. Then you can let the coding guys write some simple apps and test it.

Soon after, write cycle-accurate simulator, e.g. in SystemC. Does it do what you want?

Then, synthesis from SystemC , or do more serious coding in an HDL (VHDL).

Which means that if hw and sw are done by different teams this is the principle.


I think understanding of how hardware works is important.

if you think of your hardware first, you can have best and least hardware and you can get maximum spped with your real RTL design. If dont think of your hardware, you cannot do a RTL design and your design is behavioral design which is slow in speed and high in resources

ASICs, FPGAs and SoCs represent complexity of design and hence are designed using HDL because it was not too pragmatic to realize such designs using schematics and circuit layout. Therefore, if someone has designed low level circuits using primitive tools he or she will have a better idea for underlying hardware using HDLs. However, people who understand the functionality of design that it is supposed to perform can do behavioral coding with relative ease. People who are not really hardware oriented but have excelled in HDL technology can produce efficient hardware.

i think both has their own importance. sometime they not interrelated. software implementer may not be concerned with the hardware/circuit.

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