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Hall Sensor Output Offset

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Junior Member level 1
Junior Member level 1
Oct 19, 2011
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Hi anyone reading this.
my problem involves a hall sensor, analogue output, operating at 3.3V, i wish to amplify the signal from the hall sensor, only one half though..?
the hall sensors provides a constant output of half vcc (1.65Vish in this case) [This is the hall sensor:]
seeing as i will only be using one side of the magnet, i.e. one pole, and therefore not using the signal lower than 1.65, i wish to find someway of amplifying the signal, making 1.65V into 0V, and making the maximum voltage out around 3.3V.
I hope this makes sense and would be very grateful for any help, i have looked into differential op-amps but simulating this it doesnt output how i want.

You can use a single transistor to do the job.

Feed the hall sensor output through a potentiometer. Adjust it so the transistor just starts to turn on at the voltage you specified.

You said you want increasing output V with increasing hall sensor V. Therefore take your output at the emitter. Install a pull-down resistor to ground.

The above can be done with an NPN.

In case it doesn't work right, then you might make headway using a PNP instead. Recall that its bias must be referenced to positive. In that case connect one end of the potentiometer to the positive supply (not to ground).

You can also use a comparator if you wish. Its output is able to go to ground, unlike a lot of op amps. Use a pot across the supply rails. Feed the wiper terminal to a comparator input. Set the voltage where you want the comparator to change state. The output will need a pullup resistor so that it can give you a positive reading.
thanks! you solved my problem, i had solved theoretically, but only with no base resistor! i will post the spice model/graph/circuit here for anyone else, thanks for helping out!

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