H-Bridge controller chip

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Junior Member level 1
Jun 7, 2006
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h bridge chip


I want to use a 12v car radiator fan motor as the drive motor for a large model boat. I expect it to draw approx. 15A-18A under maximum load. I want to use a PIC micro with PWM output for the motor controller. I have purchased some NTB125N02R power MOSFET's on ebay for the drive transistors. I think they should handle anything the motor should draw (if I'm reading the data sheet right, which I might not be). I think I can handle the programming side of the controller. I'm pretty good with microprocessor software. But I know very little about analog design. I've been trying to find some kind on H-bridge controller chip to handle most of the analog circuitry for me. On Google I found references to a TD340 chip that looked like it might help, but apparently they are no longer available. Can anyone recommend another H-bridge controller chip that I could put between the PIC and the MOSFET's? And could you help me with whatever other components are necessary? I was thinking about using a PIC 18F4510 since it has all four outputs necessary for the four legs of the H-bridge, but I think that with the right controller chip I might be able to use a PIC with just a single PWM output.

Could some kind soul please point me in the rigtht direction?


h-bridge chip

Pls have a look at L298 chip. produced by ST MICROELECTRONICS. its not MOSFET DRIVER.. but its DUAL H-BRIDGE. It may be useful to u. i m not sure... just check that.

30a h-bridge

Hi Micklesen

The maximum current that your motor can draw is called the LOCKED ROTOR CURRENT and is just that - the current drawn with the motor shaft stalled - it can be upto 20 X Full Load Current and is drawn at start-up unless some form of current limiting or soft start is used.

Have a look at the following

For motor basics:

For drive sizing:

Other App notes om dc motors including software:
**broken link removed**

regards Polymath

Added after 8 minutes:

Also have a reveiw of:



and other motor drive data:

regards Polymath

h-bridge 15a

I think L298 can't handle much current. It drives up to 4A. but i'ts better not to stress it to maximum current for a long time. You can try IR3220 that's an H-bridge 6A or VNH3SP30 that is a 30A h-bridge in a very small package.

15a h - bridge

You could also look at LMD18200 from National Semiconductor.

h bridge chip 18

try BA6209 it is use in videotape recorder for driving macanism motor

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