Guidelines and resources for DSP beginners

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Jul 18, 2005
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I am new to DSP. Can somebody guide me where to get started and to learn how to work in DSP in real world,


ashok ambardar megaupload

well there are many a good books on DSP uploaded here on the forum,
u can start by reading them

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Welcome to the world of DSP ?

The first thing to enter DSP is to understand the basics of

* Laplace and z- transform
* signal & systems
* FFT ,Convolution
* Digital Filters
* U r subject intrest in DSP

the is a great book which u can download all chapters for free...

make a point that u read all chapters and digest the information nicely and then u have more to go

keep posting u r doubts..

see me @ h**p://

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Dear bismillah,
I will advise you to read Digital Signal Processing by John G. Proakis to build your foundation and atleast learn Z, Fourier Transformations, Sampling and Filter Desgin.


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I think DSP First is the best book for starters

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Analog and Digital Signal Processing by by Ashok Ambardar, PWS (Brooks/Cole) Publishing is a good book to read as well.....hope this helps

hello there ,

i have a similar quistion :

beside reading intoductory books and required general knoledge ..
how can i start testing DSP based projects ?

i mean to say .. i have some very basic experience on PIC controllers.
on them, i write my code in mplab, then i debug in software as much as possible,
then i download it on a bread-board-stationed PIC chip to test on my real (though small)
project. if every thing works fine, i finalize my project.

how can i do these , or similar to these , steps on a DSP where one , i.e AD's Blackfin,
has usually more than 170 leges in BGA form ? i hope you understand my question.

is it possible at all to experiment with such high-numbered pin devices at home ?

i am new ( like brand new ) to DSPs but i am sure i can do the job.
please guide me.


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Hi, build your fundamentals! Also download octave (, as s/w same as matlab, and start using it for realizing small concepts. This will give more insight of the subject and build your interest.

Read understanding digital signal processing by richard lyons. this is very simple book giving you strong fundamentals. then start over wth proakis which is more mathematical.

Added after 20 minutes:

Hi IanP the link h**p://
is not working.

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For beginners
Understanding digital signal processing by Yons

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Dear lincolndsp,
From Where can we download this book freely,


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I think S.K Mitra's book is quite handy for begginers in DSP. Book title is 'Digital Signal Processing-A computer based approach'. There are six chapters available in this forum. go to the link and download the chapters. After learning first 4 chapters you will have a quite good understanding related to DSP.


octave dsp

There are quiet a few books on DSP but u need to know the basics to start of any book. I would recommend "Signals and Systems " by Alan V. Oppenheim . This gives a good start to understand signal processing.
Then if you start DSP by Proakis gives he would go into the depths introducing you to advanced concepts.


New to DSP

Hi, bismillah

MATLAB is a great tool in assisting you in learning DSP. It has a lot of built-in functions for signal processing. Mayb you can get a DSP-MATLAB reference book. Then, you can get a better idea of DSP.

Re: New to DSP

Discrete-time Signal Processing by Oppenheim is a really good book if you want to learn more about DSP. I used it in one of my classes last semester.

Re: New to DSP

Dear nadeem78
Can u please tell me the link from where i can download the six chapters

-Best Regards

Re: New to DSP


What I'm interested is the actual use of a DSP board.
I already know about Fourier and La Place and those other topics that you find in a DSP text.

However when it comes to programming and implementation I'm at a dead end.
Does anyone have any suggestions on where I can find some sort of info on how to set up the board, make the connections and actually USE the software.

As in PRACTICAL info, not theory. The website for the board provides code and stuff but I need to know what to do with to actually start putting it to use.

Please Help.

Re: New to DSP

You can ask TI they will send complete DSP Kit which has book,software,board,,,etc

New to DSP

take a look at "dsp for scintist and engineer" ,it is a great book for newbies

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