Generating SAIF using VHDL and Synopsys DPFLI with ModelSim

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Newbie level 3
Dec 4, 2008
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modelsim saif

Hi there,

I've been following the Synopsys Power Compiler UG for SAIF generation using VHDL RTL. However, when I issue the set_toggle_region command ModelSim crashes.

The flow I've been following is:
- read in RTL to dc_shell
- write out a forward-annoted SAIF file for use in ModelSim
- compile the VHDL RTL using vcom
- launch ModelSim linked to the Synopsys DPFLI shared object library
- read in the forward-annoted SAIF file using read_rtl_saif
- try to set the toggle region using the set_toggle_region command

and ModelSim crashes as I issue the set_toggle_region command.

So far my theory on the crash is based on the fact that the forward-annotated SAIF file doesn't match the naming once the design is read into ModelSim. For example, I have generate statements replicating module instances and the way Synopsys and Mentor unroll the generate statements differs. In my forward SAIF file I have u_dut/u_datapath_0, whereas in ModelSim I have u_dut/generate_datapath__0/u_datapath.

Could the crash be caused by the DPFLI getting in a twist trying to annotate the forward SAIF?

Has anyone successfully used the DPFLI flow for VHDL RTL SAIF generation?


saif modelsim

u could use modelsim to dump vcd and use vcd2saif which is provided by DC to convert the vcd files to saif files.

saif files modelsim

Unfortunately this is not possible due to the fact that ModelSim does not capture multi-dimensional types to VCD. As a work around I am running a gate-level sim and capturing VCD data. It is slow but seems the only option for VHDL.


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