Gain measurements for LNA?

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Member level 5
Nov 13, 2004
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Measure the gain of LNA by network analyzer and noise analyzer respectively, but there is about 1dB difference between the two results.Actually, it is about 1dB lower when measured by noise analyzer. What's the reason? Should i only trust the S21 measured by network analyzer? and only use the noise analyzer to measure NF?

Check the LNA input level, to don’t compress the amplifier.

i think u need to calibrate both ,
about the compression in the LNA , it is can't be done using noise figure meter , speciallay the output of the noise source is small


khouly said:
i think u need to calibrate both ,
about the compression in the LNA , it is can't be done using noise figure meter , speciallay the output of the noise source is small


Is it because the input power of noise source is too high and the LNA is in compression? If so, is the measured NF correct? and should the actual NF be higher or lower?

i think the output of the noise source is small signal , so it can't compress the LNA

is ur LNA is shielded in or not , an also how clean your DC supply is , those factors will affect the NF measurements


khouly said:
i think the output of the noise source is small signal , so it can't compress the LNA

is ur LNA is shielded in or not , an also how clean your DC supply is , those factors will affect the NF measurements


The LNA is on wafter tested on the probe platform, I think the DC supply is clean enouth.I want to know if the gain difference measured by the two equipments is due to the calibration of NF analyzer? In this case, is the measured NF trustable?

What is the reason to activate a post which is ten months old? Instead solving problems is creating more spam.

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