Member level 5

I have built my homemade CNC machine
I use my design to build motor driver circuit using pic16f877 and serial communication.
I looked in internet for software ,and I found a lot of software (EMC,IMGTOGCODE for example) which generate G-CODE (at the last step).
My question is : after compile G-CODE lines what is the output data which send to my pic controller.
I need these data to know how I have to program the pic.
Is there any documents about G-CODE compiling ?
I use my design to build motor driver circuit using pic16f877 and serial communication.
I looked in internet for software ,and I found a lot of software (EMC,IMGTOGCODE for example) which generate G-CODE (at the last step).
My question is : after compile G-CODE lines what is the output data which send to my pic controller.
I need these data to know how I have to program the pic.
Is there any documents about G-CODE compiling ?