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from Matlab workspace data to FPGA xilinx block

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Member level 2
Mar 16, 2007
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Hi dear friends,

I have a problem and need help. Now, I have a data in Matlab workspace (103x1 double format) and I want to get this data from workspace to Xilinx block set in Simulink to process in FPGA. Shortly, how can I use this data in Simulink with Xilinx blocks? Is there any Xilinx block doing this? Please help. It is very important for my PhD.

Thanks everybody..



As i understand the variable which is on your work space needs to be imported to your simulink model.Later you will use this variable to do some operations given in Xilinx block set(Xilinx System Generator for DSP).

If i'm correct in understanding this,you'll just need a From Workspace block to take your data from workspace( later probably do floating to fixed point conversion.

Give the o/p of this block to Xilinx block.

Additional Help

Thanks my friend for your reply,

I have used the simulink block 'from workspace' and Xilinx block of 'convert' to change data to fixed point. However, I have not managed to observe the input data (0-255) on FPGA 8 Leds out. I observe these data on Simulink scope. But on FPGA hardware, I coud not. Here is my Simulink model. Please check the model whether there is any mistake on it.

Thanks again..



  • MyMODEL.jpg
    161.2 KB · Views: 141

Assuming that the data,what you're seeing on scope is correct,i don't think the simulink model posted above will not be synthesizable & hence not work on fpga.

I don't think the "From workspace" block is in list of supported hdl conversion functions.To see what all modules are supported,type hdllib command on command window.

Lastly,from the model you must have generated some hdl code ?
Post it as well on the forum

You have to make sure that the hardware model generated works on FPGA (what is the hardware design you are using on the FPGA?). Do you have something like that and have tested the hardware model through simulations by the use of a test-bench?

Dear friends,

Thanks for your response.. Dear rahdirs: From Xilinx blockset System Generator generates HDL codes in Simulink environment. This will provide VHDL project and then I open this file with ISE software. From here, I will synthesize the XST after specfying the outputs pins (LEDs). From using hdllib command, I see which blocks are synthesible in FGPA. 'From workspace block' is not synthesible. By the way, as an Example I use HDL counter (matlab says it is a synthesible block in Simulink) and use the same procedure, It does not work again!!!! So what should I do to get the workspace data from Matlab to process in FPGA blockset?

Dear dpaul;
I did not use a test bench. I have a Xilinx spartan 3E Xc3s1600E fg 320 FPGA board and use ISE software. I just wonder that do I have to use gateway in block to get data from Matlab workspace? Because whenever I use gateway in block with any simulink block, I observe nothing on output (8LED on FPGA). Again, what sould I do ?



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