frequency divider question

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Junior Member level 1
Sep 4, 2003
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Hi, experts,
I have couple of questions regarding divider designs:
1. What's the main operating frequency for modern dividers ? > 2g?

2. Is the divider output a squre wave ? Is it required that the high level time equal to low level time ? If not , what's purpose of this type of divider ?

Thanks for any suggestions.

thanks vfone;
If anybody can give me some information on where an non-equal during time of high level and low level, I'll appreciate your help.
(I should say other than 50% duty cycle)


Non-50% duty cycle only means the output has even harmonics. 50% duty cycle square wave only has odd harmonics.

Operating frequency of frequency divider depends on application. PLL needs a frequency divider.

And frequency divider output is not necessary sqaure wave. It depends on what type of frequency divider you are using. For example, digital static frequency divider would output a squre wave, while Miller divider or injection-locked divider would output fundamental sine waves. Of course, conversion between square wave and sine wave is simple:
Sine -> Square : adding a inverter buffer at output;
Square -> Sine: Adding a lowpass filter at output.

thanks jlee. It helps.
Furthermore, is it a deisgne issue if I can not get 50% duty cycle for a square wave divider?
Is it a good practice to always generate 50% duty cycle output ?

Anyway, thanks all.

Again, 50% duty cycle or not depends on the application...
But in most situations, I don't think it matters. For static frequency divider, the thing we concern is the rising edge or falling edge, not the duty cycle.

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