[SOLVED] FPGA implementations of humming bird cryptographic algorithm

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Newbie level 4
Feb 16, 2013
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Hai folks...

Can anyone help me with VHDL coding of 16-bit block cipher encryption in humming bird algorithm????

How about instead writing some code and when you get stuck post the code you've written with a specific question on how to fix it.
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Input: A 16-bit data block m = (m0;m1; · · · ;m15) and a
64-bit subkey ki such that
subkey ki = K(i)1∥K(i)2∥K(i)3∥K(i)4
Output: A 16-bit date block m′ = (m′0;m′1; · · · ;m′15)
1: for j = 1 to 4 do
2: m ← m ⊕ K(i)
j [key mixing step]
3: A = m0∥m1∥m2∥m3; B = m4∥m5∥m6∥m7
C = m8∥m9∥m10∥m11;D = m12∥m13∥m14∥m15
4: m ← S1(A)∥S2(B)∥S3(C)∥S4(D)
[substitution layer]
5: m ← m ⊕ (m ≪ 6) ⊕ (m ≪ 10)
[permutation layer]
6: end for
7: m ← m ⊕ K(i)1 ⊕ K(i)3
8: A = m0∥m1∥m2∥m3; B = m4∥m5∥m6∥m7
C = m8∥m9∥m10∥m11;D = m12∥m13∥m14∥m15
9: m ← S1(A)∥S2(B)∥S3(C)∥S4(D)
10: m′ ← m ⊕ K(i)2⊕ K(i)4
11: return m′ = (m′0;m′1; · · · ;m′15)

I completed coding for remaining algorithms.. I'm unable to find a way to implement steps-3 & 4.

i've completed coding the above algorithm ... I need help to reverse the permutation layer(step 5) for decryption...

Repetitious repetition is repetitious.

i've completed coding the above algorithm ... I need help to reverse the permutation layer(step 5) for decryption...

I thought that looked familiar. That exact same thing was asked (by you?) in another thread some time ago... Anyways, as stated in that other post ... that operation has an inverse. Should not be too difficult to figure out for the modern googling hardware designer on the go.

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