Member level 4

Hello dear friends, my question is a bit elementary, but I've come across this term "Flight Simulator Turn Table"
and I don't understand what it is. It's about a servo system utilized for semi-physical simulation experiment in aeronautics and simulates the dynamic characteristicsand various attitudes of the aircraft in 3-D space.
Right now I'm studying the control system, that's why I post it in Automatics forum.
But I don't understand how this system looks like. Is it a turntable the candidate pilot sits on?I can't find any photo or video so as to understand, and the only links I found regard music turntables, or aeroplanes rotating on turntables.
and I don't understand what it is. It's about a servo system utilized for semi-physical simulation experiment in aeronautics and simulates the dynamic characteristicsand various attitudes of the aircraft in 3-D space.
Right now I'm studying the control system, that's why I post it in Automatics forum.
But I don't understand how this system looks like. Is it a turntable the candidate pilot sits on?I can't find any photo or video so as to understand, and the only links I found regard music turntables, or aeroplanes rotating on turntables.