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Flight Simulator TurnTable ???

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Member level 4
Member level 4
Aug 21, 2009
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Hello dear friends, my question is a bit elementary, but I've come across this term "Flight Simulator Turn Table"
and I don't understand what it is. It's about a servo system utilized for semi-physical simulation experiment in aeronautics and simulates the dynamic characteristicsand various attitudes of the aircraft in 3-D space.

Right now I'm studying the control system, that's why I post it in Automatics forum.

But I don't understand how this system looks like. Is it a turntable the candidate pilot sits on?I can't find any photo or video so as to understand, and the only links I found regard music turntables, or aeroplanes rotating on turntables.

Just a guess. I'm an armchair pilot. Used several computer simulators. Never saw the term 'flight simulator turntable.'

servo system utilized for semi-physical simulation experiment in aeronautics and simulates the dynamic characteristicsand various attitudes of the aircraft in 3-D space.

I once had a look at a simulated airplane ride in a mall.

You crawled into a small compartment resembling an airplane fuselage. The nose was slightly higher than the tail.

The compartment would really roll as though it was an airplane banking, first left and then right.

I didn't look closely but a likely way to do it was by attaching the tail to a revolving platter at the lower end, driven by motorized wheels, to roll the compartment.

So that might resemble a turntable.

The three axises in flight are called pitch, roll, and yaw. Yaw is rotation about a vertical axis, which is due mostly to rudder. A turn table would produce the same effect.

Pitch is mostly elevator and roll is mostly ailerons. However, the actions of the control surfaces do couple, so for example, ailerons may produce "adverse" yaw due to the fact that the down aileron, which tends to raise a wing, creates more drag than the up aileron. Thus, if the ailerons move the same amount, the airplane will tend to yaw away from the turn.

The three axises in flight are called pitch, roll, and yaw. Yaw is rotation about a vertical axis, which is due mostly to rudder. A turn table would produce the same effect.

Pitch is mostly elevator and roll is mostly ailerons. However, the actions of the control surfaces do couple, so for example, ailerons may produce "adverse" yaw due to the fact that the down aileron, which tends to raise a wing, creates more drag than the up aileron. Thus, if the ailerons move the same amount, the airplane will tend to yaw away from the turn.


Thank you gyes for your replies. Sorry I answer so late, I had been searching about it and had to submit my project, I tottaly forgot it. Thanx John, it's exactly what youre talking about, I hadn't come across this term before, and the paper I was reading didn't have any photo. I later matched your answer with some video I found in youtube. You were very helpful .

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