Flashburn utility in CCS3.1?????

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flashburn utility

Does any one know that Code Composer Studio 3.1 support flashburn for C5406 EVM or not like CCS2.2?


flash burn utility

Hello ahmadagha23,

seems that TI does not directly develop and support the FlashBurn tool:
nowadays the FlashBurn 3.11 package (flash tool + source code to customize the FBTC project to different memory configurations) is sold by Software Design Solution inc (https://www.softwaredesignsolutions.com) at about 400 $.
Anyway the flash utility and some versions of the FBTC executable are freely available to support different DSK board and DSK5402 is in the list: check if your EVM is compatible with the FBTC released for the DSK which is freely downloadable (only the executable).
If you are not lucky you should modify the FBTC project provided with Flashburn 2.xx and compile it using CCS2.x: the so generated FBTC.out should work (with the old Flash Burn utility) also when it runs on the target under CCS 3.x emulation.


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