Newbie level 4
I am extracting local orientation field of a grayscale fingerprint image using Rao's algorithm. I need urgent help to the correction of this error message that appears each time I run the code.
The error message is:
Here is the code
The error message is:
Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Error in fp_local_orientation (line 21)
m.i.j=image(ii+3), jj+3)); % create sub image (such regions) of size...
Here is the code
Code C - [expand] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 function img_orient = fp_local_orientation(image) % image is passed to this function as argument image(:,209:210)=255; rows_image=size(image,1); cols_image=size(image,2); a=[]; for i = 1:4:rows_image % step in 5 down the image rows b=[]; for j= 1:4:cols_image % step in 32 over the image columns m.i.j=image(i:(i+3), j:(j+3)); % create sub images (sub regions) of size... Gx = edge(m.i.j, 'sobel', 0.1112, 'horizontal'); Gy = edge(m.i.j, 'sobel', 0.0677, 'vertical'); angleT = 0.5 * atan((2*Gx.*Gy)./((Gx.^2) - (Gy.^2))); angleT = angleT + pi/2; b=[b angleT]; end a=[a; b]; end img_orient=a;
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