Explanation of relativity with examples

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Jun 18, 2005
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what is relativity?

what is relativity?can anyone explain with example.

what is relativity?

relativity is a phenomena associated with very large speed (velocity of light).when V>>C(speed of light)then normal newton,s laws of motion fails.so we use EINSTEIN theory of relativity.

Re: what is relativity?

suvendu said:
relativity is a phenomena associated with very large speed (velocity of light).when V>>C(speed of light)then normal newton,s laws of motion fails.so we use EINSTEIN theory of relativity.

V>>C????... no no,, no physics law hold anymore when V>C... einstein predict tht nth can move faster than the speed of light, C... C is a constant....

relativity theory apply when V quite near to the value of C... where newton laws possess error... or classical newtonian physics fails.....


Re: what is relativity?

Relativity is relativily simple ,is the interaction of two physics frameworks and the relations between them ..
One example .imagine that you are riding a horse and have an apple in your hand .and you throw the apple up in the air ..will the apple fall past the place where you did the throw or you will be able to catch it while still riding the horse .. .
How did the apple moved ..Relatively to the rider it only went up and down .But to a person on the ground (called an observer )seing the apple this one moved up and down and also in the direction where the whorse is going.

The problem is what happen when there is no third arbitrary reference who really is moving .Imagine two trains in face of each ,going a the same speed ..well both appear not to move and if there was a movie playing on one you could see through the window on the other !
I really becomes a paradox when you deal with speed closer to the speed of light .Then the aparent sense disapears because you can't add speeds anymore to keep the systems coherent!

One examppe if you are on a back of a train running at 100mph .. and you start to run towards the head of the train ..
An observer from outside of the train could mesure you running at your running speed + the speed of the train ...Some 110 mph! ( let's say)

now if the train speeds up to the speed of light C ..your speed can't be C + 10 mph
because nothing travels faster than light ,.here all the newtonian physics colapse
right at that very edge of speed !

Re: what is relativity?

Its very difficult to tell you the whole story of relativity here.... I will
recomend you the following book!

by Albert Einstein, Leopold Infeld

Re: what is relativity?

relativity is universal entrapy it is another myth

if something is relative to another it is already by definition associated with another index of time when time is 1

if you deduce indexed time as a constant within an infinite variable
then relativity is the root of infinity

Added after 6 minutes:

basicaly the relativity theory and i must add its just a theory
and has never be quantised to actual maths infinite.

is only good at actuose levels

and at other uni states it breaks down

becouse it starts to contradict itself

becouse if something is relative it is so finite relativity this state is also infinite
its the big fast trains run of small fast wheels from iron to linear motors level plane
from big to small and seen to unseen

so realy its a paradoxial paralax

really its just all balls
becouse balls are infinitive no matter what size shape etc they are
so it matters how big it is only to another ...

infinity is relative to another infinity

just as 1 = 2 ~ 1

becouse a 2~1 the 2 ~ will absorbe in maths the 1 ~ state

~ = infinity symbol

but really comes from the egyption realisations

that it really directly translates to '~ = around-about...' inter rapping...

i have a 13.8mb radio 4 infinity descussion i can send to others who are interested

get me on icq ... 259-337-539

**broken link removed**

the problem with most maths is realising block level

1 or 0

becouse most maths 'big' thories start from one 'we' theory

and not -1 nothing infinitaive to zero state
with 1 being the 2 infinitive 1 state and there on --- infinitum

stable stasis maths {relativity}
or variable stasis maths {zero infinitive include maths}

maybe atomic circuit scientists involved in such things a guitar stings thats are 1 atm wide
need to build smaller hydrogen based machines to manufature higher order entity atomic stings as an element is just a sting at assembler level
an exe is some times heavy so a sting can be just a few bytes

accelorated impletive atomic migration theory (c) 2005 simeon webber

who needs a replicator ME FFS!!!! pls build me one

what is relativity?

relativity is more about that the geomtry of universe is not an ecludian as we think it is it is rather a convex universe, i.e. the physics follow remannian geomtry rather than the simplified ecludian view of universe

Re: what is relativity?

relativity theory apply when V quite near to the value of C... where newton laws possess error... or classical newtonian physics fails.....
How near is consider quite near? when V=0.9C or even v=0.1C?

Re: what is relativity?

When moving with v>>c (c=light speed) classical physics fails(newton physics)We use relativity for high speeds.İt is phonemena of the albert einstein.

what is relativity?

when you say relativity two cases arise.One is general theory of relativity and the other is special theory of relativity.
General theory says that "gravity bends space"
and special theory of relativity has to do with the fact that speed of light is the ultimate.

what is relativity?

suvendu said:
relativity is a phenomena associated with very large speed (velocity of light).when V>>C(speed of light)then normal newton,s laws of motion fails.so we use EINSTEIN theory of relativity.

Weird! According to relativity, no motion in this world shall exceed the speed of light, so v >> c is impossible!

Added after 18 minutes:

Well, as far as i know, for both general & special relativity, it state that time is not a constant as everyone in this world used to believe. As gravity bends space, so are the time within the space are twisted, that why people say the time frame in a black-hole is infinite. On the other hand, when motion reach c, the time frame start to collapse as nothing travel faster than c; so it is say that the time would approach 0, where its mass would appear infinity (infinite amount of energy), while the object shall turn invisible to naked see (contraction in its length).

what is relativity?

If anyone is highly interested in this topic then it is better to refer the original book by einstein.It is available online

Re: what is relativity?

Well both of the theories say that light speed is a universal constant that doesn't relate to your space, actually this is the basic idea of both theories light speed is constant in all and every frame of work. In case of general relativity it discuss the frames under any circumstances ( acceleration )while in case of special relativity the thoery handle inertial frame, in general theory it is hypothetically introduced that the geometry of the universe must be convex for that to happen, and this curvature is mainly related to the mass energy, density of particles, that means that gravity is just a universal curvature and because time is always a stepping forward process this introduce the space attraction process "gravity", to note that in general theory we are talking about a four-dimension universe, yet in case of inertial frames the universe related to frame of reference is just contracting from a frame to another for instance what seems for you as a 1000 mile is just a few miles for someone moving with the speed very close to C in a direction along these miles. The contraction isn't in one dimension only it is in the 4D space, this actually was the introduction to the minkwinski's space.

Re: what is relativity?

General theory of relativity can be applied to non-inertial frames of reference while the Special Theory is applicable only to inertial frames of references...

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