Erasing the Programming of Locked Atmega ...

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1. The SPIEN Fuse is not accessible in Serial Programming mode. :From datasheet

am using stk500 to program AVR controllers...This method works fine for me...
Double check your circuit and input freq.

Good luck...

please let me ask again as I don't know ATmega8: if I clear all the fuses of the chip by Ponyprog, should I consider 100% the chip recoverable by just sending a clock to pin 7? And then access it via serial mode?
This is precious to know for me.. Thank you..

I don't understand why it isn't working, I checked clock, soldering points, pin shortcurs. Everything is fine. The mcu isn't responsible. Should I connect other pins? by now the reset pin is connected to PC2, should I connect it to ground? for how much time?
omg I need help.. :|

GiovanniG said:
if I clear all the fuses of the chip by Ponyprog, should I consider 100% the chip recoverable by just sending a clock to pin 7? And then access it via serial mode?

If you have been programming the device with ponyprog and you program the fuses incorrectly, all that will happen is that you must use an oscillator as the clock source to xtal1. In serial or ISP mode (using ponyprog) you cannot disable the spien fuse, however you can corrupt the clsel fuses in which case you will need the oscillator connected to xtal1. You can use ponyprog to reprogram the fuses when the oscillator signal is present on xtal1.

Ensure that the mcu has been connected properly. If you are using the parallel port cable as mentioned in this thread, then double check MOSI, MISO, SCK and reset pins of the mcu to the parallel port. The mcu must have adequate voltage and clock signal.

If you are using the parallel port cable, you must use it in pure dos (boot from the disk) download the disk images in this thread.

If all of the above fails, and the mcu is not damaged, you can use a parallel programmer (not a parallel port programmer) to restore the fuses.

Such programmers have been listed above. Here are some more links:

I have this one:
No fuss, just plug in the chip and it's fixed in an instant even if the rstdibl fuse has been programmed or the spi has been disabled. Works without using a computer.

avrdragon will work with avrstudio:

Good Luck

Hi! Thank you so much for your help!
Guys I tried *everything* but I can't make it work, I'm so so sad cause I feel badly unlucky, how it's possibile that with Ponyprog I messed so much the mcu that I can't recover it in any ways? Damn I lost hours conviced it's possibile.

Last chance I made, that I think is the most crucial, I made new cable and tested from DB25 connector to mcu pins, I plugged pin5 to Xtal1 and I used FBPRG16 and tried to read the signature code. It displays ff ff ff ff.. do the chip is unresponsible.

I need a parallel programmer and I guess I can't make it myself, need buy it. But at this point is better to buy a new IC, solder out the f** existing one and sold back new. The problem is that it's smd and it takes extra work.

I'm terrible sad and angry with those ATmega.. (and also the author that didn't reccomend any careful with fuses managing).
How is possible that I resetted SPIEN or RSTDISBL? I really don't know..

GiovanniG said:
How is possible that I resetted SPIEN or RSTDISBL? I really don't know..
It is impossible to program the SPIEN fuse with ponyprog (or in ISP mode). You need a High Voltage parallel programmer to do this.

I suspect that your hardware is faulty or you destroyed the avr somehow.

Can you test the hardware (programmer cable) with another avr?
Any avr will do, just match up the pins.

Hi, again thank u for support..
I can't test with another mcu cause I don't have one.. but I'm quite sure all the different test I did are correct, with solders joints and correct pinout..
The only thing is that Reset is connected to pin PC2 but I think this pin start in high impedence mode, and I check the reset line coild be powered up or down by lpt regulary.
to try to recover from accidental RSTDISBL fuse reset (I don't know if it's serially programmable too but on Ponyprog I haven't notice I can modify it) I tried also to reset fuses by powering up the mcu while I give the command to reset fuses. So trying to come in reset mode at the same time I commad the fuse reset. Don't work too.

If all he above tests had failed and is more then sure that with serial I couldn't disable SPIEN or RSTDISBL so I burn out the mcu. I don't understand how that's possibile, the mcu was always powered with +5,00V stable and I was careful about static and everything else.

As this is an SMD Atmega8 reset its fuse by parallel is quite complicated, I?m considering on order a new one and replace it, even if with smd is really annoying process.

What u think about?
I consider I'm very unlucky..

GiovanniG said:
The only thing is that Reset is connected to pin PC2 but I think this pin start in high impedence mode, and I check the reset line coild be powered up or down by lpt regulary.
reset pin on the atmega 8 is PC6, not PC2.
GiovanniG said:
to try to recover from accidental RSTDISBL fuse reset (I don't know if it's serially programmable too but on Ponyprog I haven't notice I can modify it)
Both the SPIEN and RSTDISBLE fuses are greyed out in Ponyprog. You could not have programmed those fuses with PonyProg, it is impossible. I DID however program the RSTDISBL fuse with avrprog and ISP was disabled immediately! Avrprog would not let me change the SPIEN fuse. I used the fusefix programmer i bought here: **broken link removed** to restore the RSTDISBL fuse.

GiovanniG said:
I tried also to reset fuses by powering up the mcu while I give the command to reset fuses. So trying to come in reset mode at the same time I commad the fuse reset. Don't work too.
Never work in a million years. You need to buy a good chip to test the cable you made. Once you have that working you can proceed to try and fix the atmega8 that is not working. Be sure you are running the software from the boot disk and boot your computer from the boot disk to pure DOS. It will not work with windows!

Good Luck

Thank again,
Yes is PC6 but is connected by a PCB jumper to PC2 (to let the chip reset for flashing, and then screw out jumper for normal operations). Anyway it doesn't matter.

I'm sure I made all the right connections, I tested them carefully, worked under pure DOS.
My conclusion is: as I tried to write fuses many times in many ways (different clocks rates, touching by finger.. and God knows all the rest) I eventually cleared RSTDISBL by a protocol error (I read somewhere it may happens) and now the chip is unresponsive.

It cost for me 4$ do buy a new one and try again, better to buy an HW fuses restore, or losing more hours to recover this f** chip.

It will be crazy to solder out an smd IC but I'll try.
Thank u again..

When you remove it from your board, it would be interesting to know what the fuse values are, if read by a parallel programmer.

Some programming software is not written very well. I tried to program an attiny2313 with an avr910 programmer & avrospII (done it 100 times this way before without a problem) and when I selected write fuses, it wrote some weird fuse bytes.

Instantly the chip was unresponsive. I decided to log the data from this program to see what the problem could be.

I discovered that the program does not check whether or not the chip is still in programming mode before it tries to do some critical operation such as write the fuse data. This can be done by validating the signature bytes just before the fuses are programmed. Then verify the new fuse bytes before the program exits programming mode.

If verification of the fuses fails, restore the old fuse values or go to default or factory settings BEFORE THE AVR LEAVES PROGRAMMING MODE!

The new fuse values will not have any effect until the device is reset, which is when you will know whether or not you screwed up your avr.

I am not 100% sure, but I think avrdude does this verification before it resets the avr, after programming the fuses. (I am using the latest avrdude now with avr910 usb programmer)

Well if you can get a read of the fuses on the messed up avr with a parallel programmer I would be interested to know what the fuses are.

Post back here if you have any info.

Best of Luck

Hi guys, the problem was solved by replacing the atmega8, and in process I needed to broke some pins of the old chip. Sorry guys about that but no one will know it stat could be recoverable.

I wrote the flash and set fuses, write them and cut the reset line. Now it works fine, thanks god.. I still blame for all the time I spent to recover it, but it the end it was my fault
Bye all and thanks for all support..

GiovanniG said:
Bye all and thanks for all support..
..Bye?????Just 9 posts and you say Bye?..You are always welcome in EDA board. Share your experiences, post your querries, and have fun sharing knowledge. Login anytime you find convinient...Cheers

atmega128 spien disabled

atmega128 spien disabled

Please Some Help, how reprogram atmega128

I programed the atmega128 with avrisp programmer and Khazama Program but spien disabled by wrong.

what I can do to reprogram the atmega128 with avrisp.

Thanks in advance.

There are various methods explained here in this thread. You may tryy which one suits you the best..Cheers

Re: There are various methods explained here in this thread.

There are various methods explained here in this thread. You may tryy which one suits you the best..Cheers

Thx, But there is many methods explained and I don't Know what can i do now. I want the easy one. please can you refere to post on this topic.

can I use high voltage programming for atmega128? what is the method?

Thanks in advance.

Read the reply given by " imam.sumarsono" on the third page. The said reply is the 4th post from the end of the page. This method is the easiest i found and suited me the best, with good results.

Read the reply given by " imam.sumarsono" on the third page. The said reply is the 4th post from the end of the page. This method is the easiest i found and suited me the best, with good results.

It relly dosn't work. what can i do now, I lose my mind.:|

I think atmega128 is different.:?: I lose 5 microcontrollers by wrong fuses "disable spien".

Someone Help me.

pranam77 said:
Read the reply given by " imam.sumarsono" on the third page. The said reply is the 4th post from the end of the page. This method is the easiest i found and suited me the best, with good results.
come on pranam77, you are supposed to be a moderator(super moderator at that)
How can you give advice like that?

That is ridiculous to even think that by touching the microcontroller, you can reprogram the fuses????

rassoft you didn't program the spien fuse. You probably corrupted the cksel fuses. Use the cable from one of my posts in this thread. Be sure you boot from the disk in DOS. It works 99% of the time.

Good Luck

rassoft you didn't program the spien fuse. You probably corrupted the cksel fuses. Use the cable from one of my posts in this thread. Be sure you boot from the disk in DOS. It works 99% of the time.

Good Luck

I used the cable and connect pin5 to xtal1 but i face this :idea:
Can't resync
Reset pin released
I think this got with "ScOe". my port is good and i use it for drive CNC machine.

MISO and MOSI pin in cable must connect to MISO and MOSI on atmega128 OR to PE0 and PE1.:?: I used PE0 and PE1

Thanks in advance

rassoft said:
I used the cable and connect pin5 to xtal1 but i face this :idea:
Can't resync
Reset pin released
I think this got with "ScOe". my port is good and i use it for drive CNC machine.
pin 5 of what is connected to xtal1?
You ARE doing this in pure DOS?

rassoft said:
MISO and MOSI pin in cable must connect to MISO and MOSI on atmega128 OR to PE0 and PE1.:?: I used PE0 and PE1

yes on the atmega128, MOSI = PE0 and MISO = PE1. This is for ISP only. If you are using the hardware SPI to connect to an SPI devices, then you would use the actual MISO,MOSI pins.

Describe your atmega128 board. What addditional components (if any) are connected on the ISP lines? What about the reset line?

Do you have access to a scope? Can you check for activity on any of the ISP lines?

pin 5 of what is connected to xtal1?
You ARE doing this in pure DOS?

Pin 5 on LPT port.
Yes, I did in pure DOS.

yes on the atmega128, MOSI = PE0 and MISO = PE1. This is for ISP only. If you are using the hardware SPI to connect to an SPI devices, then you would use the actual MISO,MOSI pins.

I didn't use hardware SPI. I used PE0 and PE0 not actual MISO=PB3,MOSI=PB2 pins.

What I can do for this?:?:
Describe your atmega128 board. What addditional components (if any) are connected on the ISP lines? What about the reset line?

My board dosn't has any addditional components.
the reset line connected to pin6 on LPT port as schematic in ""

Do you have access to a scope? Can you check for activity on any of the ISP lines?

How can i check for activity on any of the ISP lines.


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