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Electrical shocking invention see it

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Advanced Member level 5
Jan 7, 2010
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Hi ,
I noticed that one man is invented ,an electrical circuit (i don't know is it circuit or else ) this circuit providing the protection from electrical shock
Human can be take live wire directly to the positive /phase line whom cant be shock.
Any body know only the or idea theory behind on it ?
watch it
YouTube - Shocking invention: device to control shock

First of all. the given link has a commentary in malaylam language which is not understood. You may put up a translation of the same if possible.
Secondly to prevent a shock, easiest is using an isolation transformer which is very popular with TV technicians, where it is used when the TV have a live chasis. This is what he has used as shown in the video. The links below gives some more info on the topic.

Isolation Transformer: How It Protects You from Shock
What is an Isolation Transformer? |
Domestic Shaver Sockets [Archive] - Physics Forums

The last link which is of a forum clearely explains the principle behind. The person claiming to be the inventor is just touching one terninal seen in the video. We can too see some pileup of capacitors and coils on his setup which may be just for a "show" which is actually not required if he is just using to filter the output.

Other way is to install a earth leakage sensor which senses the amount of current passing through the body to the ground and then switches off the line through a realy.
Yes sir,I know the isolation .but there we will be shock with real ground ,but the the invention quoted above no shock
please specify.

In the above video is nothing specially saying I think ,we can understand details regarding it without audio .
sorry i cant translate because ,editing video is need more time sir please

Yes sir,I know the isolation .but there we will be shock with real ground

What do you mean?
The output of the transformer is isolated from the ground (secondary ends are floating), the only way to get an electric shock is if you touch both ends of the output coil at the same time.


Yes..i do agree with "alexan_e". While isolation transformer is used, you'll never get a shock even if you are on the ground with Phase carrying wire in hand. Touching both ends of the secondary coil will certainly deliver a "zap" . While you say "Yes sir,I know the isolation .but there we will be shock with real ground" i should say, you have never worked with a isolation transforner.

Regarding translation, i never expected you to edit the video. I know how difficult is it. On the other hand you may write translated words regarding what the so called " inventor" say about it.
thanks ,i did not worked isolation transformer ,please can you give the schematic for the isolation transformer .
how can i made it

The isolation transformer is just a simple transformer with a 1/1 ratio and big enough to be able to provide the needed current .
There is nothing special about it and to do it you need to have the equipment to make a transformer.

Isolation transformer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes it is seems to like a step up transformer ,in secondary which wire is connect to ground ?
i get shock from the secondary but i haven't connected the ground .

none of the secondary ends goes to gnd, if any of them is connected to the ground then then there is no point to use the isolation transformer and it doesn't protect you.
The only purpose of using the transformer is to isolate your circuit voltage from the ground.

but sir i get shock how it happens ?

What exactly have you connected?
When do you get a shock, by touching only one of the transformer outputs?
Are you sure that there is no ground connected anywhere at the secondary (and device)?
A simple way to test would be to use a voltmeter between the gnd and each of the transformer outputs, you should have 0v in both secondary ends

i have connected lights (incandescent lamp) only
but , i get shock when touch on phase of the secondary .
I didn't connect the ground anywhere .

Have you tried with a voltmeter, maybe there is a "leak" and the secondary is not floating as it should.
Also I don't know if the low resistance of the bulb is responsible because it is like touching both secondary ends through a resistor, when you touch one end it is like touching the other end too through the bulb resistance.


no i didn't checked i will , but sir i am sure i checked it more than one transformer ,i get shocked . is there any connection with ground in isolation transformer ( i have attached regarding it )?


  • 5361.pdf
    442.7 KB · Views: 156

You datasheet shows gnd connected to the autotransformer and separation transformer but not for the isolation transformer (end of page 2)

The isolation transformer is having identical winding on both sides. Mean it gets 220 volts on the primary whereas it gives out 220v on the secondary. But the difference is the secondary needs to be wound as per your expected load. May be a 100 watt lamp. No pins need to be grounded. Just connect the two wires of the secondary to the load. Thaz it. Note that auto transformer is totally different from Isolation trans.
but sir i get shock how it happens ?

After my first shock (with fireworks) that I had about 35 years ago, I made a 220/220 500W (actually the secondary has 3 terminals just in case I need more than 220Vac). Since then I didn't have the chance to live this wonderful experience again :wink:

halo kerimmf i didnt get you what you say pleas explain

It was a simple 50Hz transformer. It has two isolated coils. The primary is connected as usual; with the hot and neutral lines. The two terminals of the secondary are wired to a multi socket on my electronic workbench. So when by mistake I touch a wire connected to either of the two terminals, the wire becomes as an electrical ground (through my body).
Since I believe what you say, I just wonder how you get the shocks. My best explanation is that your body is much more sensitive than mine ;-)
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