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div-3 divider with 50 percent duty cycle?

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Member level 2
Sep 24, 2005
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hi guys,do u have any suggestion to me?
operating freqency:3GHZ;differential signal;50% duty cycle;
SCL is impossible to get this.
Any advice will be welcome.

Do you mean you need the frequcny of 1GHz with 50% duty cycle?

can you double the operating frequency to 6GHz and divided by 3 and then divided by 2.
That will get 50% duty cycle.

Or you can use the Low pass filter to filte spectrem higher than 1GHz.

It is a possible approach, but not very power efficient!
It will take for sure an higher current to go up and down in freq.
Other (low power) solutions?

The background of this question is that we need a differential clock ranging from 100Mhz to 750Mhz with low jiiter(rms jitter is less than 1ps).The ducy cycle is 50%.The ring VCO is easy to cover this range,but the jiitter is too high.So the LC VCO is selected for this application.As you know,the large freq range is a big challenge,but I can try.I think the VCO can oscillate at 2Ghz~3Ghz and then we get the clock by dividing the freq to a low value.
From the data file from FAB,I find the Q of inductors is a bit higher in 2~3Ghz than in other freq range.

In this way,I can get what I want:
VCO freq: 2GHZ---3GHZ;
1/2 freq: 1GHZ-----1.5GHZ
(1/2)*(1/2) freq:0.5GHZ----0.75GHZ
(1/2)*(1/3) freq:0.333GHZ----0.5GHZ
(1/2)*(1/4) freq:0.25GHZ----0.375GHZ
100MHZ~250MHZ is not a problem.

As I know, the div-by-3 and div-by-5 ckts in SCL cannot output a signal with 50% duty cycle.
Is there a better choice for me?
Thanks a lot.

bill_sun said:
hi guys,do u have any suggestion to me?
operating freqency:3GHZ;differential signal;50% duty cycle;
SCL is impossible to get this.
Any advice will be welcome.

see the provided link

Divide by 3 with 50% duty cycle (Not valid for 3GHz)

I think analysis of dividers is OK. But are you taking into account the difficulties to make a 2-3GHz LC VCO?
Most probably you have to divide the whole band in sub-bands, assure that you will be able to cover it considering process spread.

Thx for yr help.yes,it's really a challenge for me.I would design a wideband lcvco with a calibration module to adjust it.

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